In less than half an hour, three major forces came again, all of them were powerful clans with the upper name in the upper realm.

This made more and more people begin to speculate, could it be that this spirit beast lair really involved something incredible?

Even Liang Zhongxian was a little hesitant.

Although the more people who come, the better to fish in troubled waters, but if the people who come are all top powerhouses, it is not a good thing for them.


There was a roar in the sky again, it was a chariot, there was no spirit beast pulling in front, only part of the carriage, but it was made of bronze throughout, the surface was very mottled, and there were holes in many places, as if it had gone through a hundred battles.

The most shocking thing is that although this chariot is broken, it is an artifact!

The Jia tribe and the Yun tribe powerhouses who had arrived here before frowned when they saw this car.

They looked at each other, and there was jealousy and shock in their eyes.

Liang Zhongxian was surprised: "I go, the power of using the artifact as a mount?" This is the big guy in the supreme, these big people are here, what is this spirit beast lair?

Meng Qing couldn't hide his shock: "No matter what it is, it's not simple anyway!"

Chen Yu's eyes gradually became ethereal, but after only a moment, she frowned: "That chariot seems to be poured with the qi and blood of some powerful being, and my runes make it difficult to see who is sitting in it."

Meng Qing frowned, and he interrupted Chen Yu: "The most time above is too empty, you still want to spy on them at this level?" Don't set yourself on fire.

Chen Yu was obviously a little frightened when she saw Meng Qing's gesture, but she knew the stakes, so she didn't refute anything.

At the same time, in the carriage above, a warrior wearing golden armor said to the middle-aged man sitting on the side:

"I didn't expect that this small relic actually involved some interesting things, I feel that someone below has an accompanying innate rune."

The man did not look up: "Since you know, take it back, it can be regarded as an unexpected joy of this trip, now that the Supreme Academy will open, you need to do your best to pile up your own advantages, you know?" The

young man quickly stood up and said seriously: "Thank you for the teachings of the righteous father, I know." At

this time, there were several top powerhouses in the field alone.

They each occupied a corner above, each exuding a strong aura, and the crushing people were breathless.

Half an hour later, the barrier that covered that realm was finally removed.

Yang Men said solemnly:

"Slow down, at the moment this lair is only stable enough to accommodate people to pass through, whether there is danger in it is still unknown, please do your best."

But no one listened to him, especially those standing in front, who were only thinking about rushing forward, and within a few breaths, a large number of people squeezed to the edge of the big pit.

A terrifying coercion overflowed from it, and even broken runes surged outward, like throwing knives, overflowing from the edge of the big pit or the root of the wall, and suddenly accelerated when they came into contact with the air.

The two seemed to have been prepared, and whenever a rune moved forward, a corresponding formation appeared to resist, canceling each other out the terrifying force carried on the rune.

Meng Qing and the three of them also approached the big pit, but there was still some distance from the front.

Liang Zhongxian glanced at the people standing around the big pit, and suddenly said:

"Something is wrong, don't go in first, there must be uncontrollable factors here, and no one from these two forces has entered."

Meng Qing looked up and saw Zhao Ying only at the first glance.

The latter was dressed in a uniform and focused on the big pit.

In addition to her, there was another person with similar clothes to her, who also stood on the side.

On the other side, there were two young men on Yangmen's side, both half-step too empty, and they also looked at the big pit.

There were unsuspecting people jumping below, and for the sake of safety, they urged the spiritual energy in their bodies, forming one protective barrier after another around them, and some people wore demigod weapons!

The rune that overflowed from the gap touched a person, and it quickly expanded and decomposed, and the energy that burst out in an instant directly overwhelmed that person!

And that scattered chaotic aura also seemed to have a chain reaction, and when it touched the next runes, they all detonated!

There were no less than forty people who had already jumped into the big pit, and many of them were too weak for half a step, but in front of that energy, they were involved without even having room to resist.

The golden light was released one after another, and the beasts of those warriors rushed out one after another, but some even poked out only one claw and were forcibly dragged down.

Finally, when the aura in the pit subsided, there was nothing left there.

Those who were still on the shore couldn't help but be afraid for a while.

Some people are glad that they resisted the desire in their hearts and did not get into it on impulse.

Some people looked at the Yang Men and the Zhao family above, and one of them was too vain but said first:

"This is not to blame us, as we said just now, this nest is still unstable, please do what you can."

The audience was quiet, and the Fang Cai family did say this, but few people took this seriously.


It was as if something had cracked, and the inside of the big pit seemed to collapse, and it suddenly fell downward!

The earth and rock around the pit cracked partially, and a large dark hole emerged.

Some of the fast ones have already drilled towards that side.


Above suddenly, a pure gold light poured downward, and a burly figure descended from the sky, and the whole body emitted Buddha light, like a righteous Buddha.

This is the strong of the Ka tribe.

With a wave of his palm, everyone below immediately seemed to be fixed, and it was difficult to move!

Before this strong man of the Jia tribe approached the big pit, an afterimage arrived at the big pit first and drilled inward.

A layer of light curtain lit up, so that the pit was suddenly shrouded in ethereal white clouds, seemingly light, but it gave people the feeling of a labyrinth, as long as you walked in, you would get lost.

This is the Yun Clan powerhouse.

Several people from the Yang clan and the Tian Imperial Dynasty also moved one after another.

They each exerted their magical powers, and they all wanted to be the first to enter the big pit.

The aura was intertwined in it, and the stirring aura was like a sharp blade, cutting the holes around the big pit, and those warriors who were slightly inferior in cultivation stopped one after another.

Liang Zhongxian frowned: "This group of earth turtles, what are you fighting here?" Have the ability to go into the life and death battle, watch me bombard them all!

Meng Qing was surprised, could it be that Liang Zhongxian's strength was still above them?

Liang Zhongxian made a move, his hands floated, a swastika pattern emerged, he continuously injected spiritual energy into it, and finally pushed with a bang.

The young man of the Yang clan glanced at him and slapped his hand with disdain, but in the next second, his face suddenly changed greatly.


The moment the pattern touched the aura, it disintegrated, and that space disintegrated, like a mirror shattered, and everything was disintegrating rapidly.

Seeing this, several people who were restraining each other in front of the big front stopped their moves one after another and rushed towards the cave in unison.

After they entered, the disintegrating space was repaired in a very short time, and the spatial cracks healed as if nothing had happened.

Just when Meng Qing was surprised, Liang Zhongxian slapped him: "Go in?" What to do stunned? Meng

Qing woke up like a dream, and took Chen Yu into the cave with the former.

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