Meng Qing only felt as if he had traveled through time, and in an instant he traveled from the present to the ancient times.

When the soles of his feet touched the physical object, there was even an aura of dust so thick that he almost suffocated.

"Hey, you're hurting me." There was a disgruntled complaint next to it.

Meng Qing quickly looked, but found that Chen Yu was looking at him angrily.

In order for them not to disperse, he specially took Chen Yu's hand when entering the cave, Xu Yifang didn't pay attention, and her hand turned red.

"I'm so sorry, I'll pay attention next time." Meng Qing said seriously.


There was a roar in the sky, caves appeared one after another, and one figure after another was rapidly pouring in towards this side.

Meng Qing saw that the realm they were in turned out to be a plain!

"Go ahead." Liang Zhongxian took out a compass, slightly surveyed the direction and ran forward, his steps seemed not fast, but he moved forward by dozens of zhang in between steps.

Meng Qing took Chen Yu and hurriedly followed.

Light and shadow appeared in the distance, it was the first few powerful youths who entered here, they seemed to have broken out a conflict, fighting as they advanced.

One after another colliding auras fell from above, seemingly light, but like meteorites smashed into the ground, leaving one large pit after another.

In some places, cracks even appeared like cobwebs, unknown liquids gushed out along the cracks, and even more seemed to be dust that had accumulated for tens of thousands of years was raised, weaving the front into a gray patch.

"This dust is wrong, pay attention to protection." Liang Zhongxian suddenly reminded.

Meng Qing urged the divine soul and wrapped himself in a true soul, Liang Zhongxian turned around and looked at him in surprise, but did not say more.

To be on the safe side, he also urged the qi and blood oven to buckle the two upside down in it.

Liang Zhongxian was more and more shocked, he had never seen Meng Qing make a move before, only as a true god with good strength, but now he was a true soul and a qi and blood oven, these two points could already press him to the ground and rub!

The three of them walked through the area, dust scattered, and the fine particles attached to it frantically devoured that aura like demons to grow themselves when they came into contact with it.

But that force failed to penetrate the qi and blood oven.

But the later people were not so lucky, and a few of the Extreme True Martial Arts were extremely fast, but they screamed when they rushed into the gray mist.

Someone was wearing demigod-level armor, but this was like a paper paste in front of those dust, and it was disintegrated in an instant.

The mysteries in many true martial arts bodies were covered by dust before they even erupted, causing the place to quickly fall silent.

This frightened many in the rear, who decisively chose to take a detour.

But when they bypassed the dusty realm, not to mention those big forces, even Meng Qing and the three had already disappeared ahead.

Thousands of miles away, the three followed the trail of several people in front of them.

In his spare time, Meng Qing also looked at this piece of heaven and earth by the way.

Through that ancient pupil technique, he could see that this realm was a small world made entirely of runes, in which the rules and order were complete, and due to tens of thousands of years of operation, some places had even evolved their own consciousness.

"This place is not simple, and I don't know what level of power the strong man who built here in the first place is, it is not an exaggeration to say that even if you remove all these runes now, this small world can operate autonomously." Xiao Tai sighed with emotion.

He specializes in divine souls and is particularly sensitive to runes and true souls.

The queen ant said: "This is not just as simple as autonomous operation, maybe in some places, this world has given birth to its own rule system, or even its own creatures!"

Meng Qing nodded in recognition that he could form his own system, which was a symbol of the perfection of the law, and being able to be born into his own creature was truly an independent world.

For half a day, they traveled extremely smoothly, occasionally encountering traps set by the master who created this world, and they would be easily blasted away by a few people marching ahead.

"We're coming." Liang Zhongxian said seriously.

Meng Qing raised his head, and a series of black shadows appeared on the horizon.

It was a mountain range that stretched upwards.

Half an hour later, Meng Qing and the three finally arrived at the foot of the mountain.

It's not so much a mountain as a small world that stretches upwards.

"What the hell is this place? At the foot of the mountain or the plain, how come it is a forest less than a hundred zhang up the mountain? And spirit beasts! Liang Zhongxian said in shock.

Meng Qing opened his pupils, but found that this mountain seemed to suddenly appear here, and the place where he stepped on this mountain range was also different from the surroundings, as if he had been moved here with great force.

Liang Zhongxian fiddled with the compass in his hand and said seriously: "Don't worry, wait until I calculate it."

Chen Yu's eyes were ethereal for a moment, and she said, "There is a complete life system on this mountain, and the breath here tells me that there are many beings that need to be worshiped sleeping above here. Hearing

this, Liang Zhongxian's face, which had just taken shape, suddenly became a little complicated, he looked at the compass in his hand, and then at Chen Yu, and couldn't help but feel in his heart that the difference between people is really big!

Xiao Budian, who was lying on Meng Qing's shoulder, suddenly moved his ears: "I seem to hear someone calling my name."

"Calling your name? Are you sure? Except for us and the few who just went in, no one has been there for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years, haven't you just been born less than a year? Liang Zhongxian expressed doubt.

Xiao Bu glanced at him with disgust: "You don't understand, this is the call between the beast god and the beast god, and you are not qualified to touch these." The

former suddenly said nothing, although this is cruel, but it is indeed this truth.

Meng Qing looked upwards: "Let's go up and take a look, looking at it below for ten years will not get any answers." The

three of them went up, and after passing through a forest, the temperature around them actually plummeted, and even the iconic land boundary and vegetation changed.

The corpses of spirit beasts began to appear on the ground, which were all done by the previous few people, many spirit beasts were not yet dead, fell to the ground and wailed, and flocks of crows descended from the sky, and they all stepped forward to peck at the flesh and blood of the spirit beast.

Chen Yu turned around, as if he didn't want to take a closer look at this scene.

The three of them crossed the realm, and two forks appeared ahead.

In the distance are two very different realms, and even the places that eventually lead to this mountain range are on the east and west sides of the mountain range.

"Let's go our separate ways, since we are on this mountain, we will definitely see each other at the end in the end." Liang Zhongxian said seriously.

Meng Qing chose a path to the right, and Chen Yu followed behind him.

Not long after the two went up, a figure stood at the end of the path, seemingly waiting for them.

It was actually the young man of the Yun Clan.

"You just came, come quickly, this is the right place to use you." Yun Su smiled kindly at the two.

Meng Qing's eyes flashed a gray light, and he suddenly stopped a few steps forward:

"Let's just stand here, you continue to move forward, we will definitely not disturb you."

Yun Su's face immediately changed.

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