"Who said I was going to compare Reiki with you? I'm very interested in your Divine Soul martial arts, don't be ignorant of lifting, come, despite the move! Meng Qing said lightly.

The Fox King was almost messy on the spot, and when he realized that Meng Qing was actually speaking lightly to her, his face suddenly turned like frost:

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you!"


An aura that also belonged to Condensing Ling Xiaocheng emanated, and it was extremely vast.

With a wave of the fox king's palm, there was a strange fragrance in the air again.

Meng Qing finally found the problem: "It's really interesting, can this fragrance pass through the flesh body and directly let the divine soul perceive?" It's really interesting! He

strode forward, the golden villain treasure was solemn, and directly attacked!

"Find death!" The fox king roared, and with another move of his palm, the majestic divine soul power suddenly took shape, turning into a stream of soul fire and floating forward!

Meng Qing's face changed instantly, he had a hunch that if he was hit by this soul fire, he would be hit hard!

He staggered his body, and the golden villain shone, bursting out one soul power after another.

Compared to the soul power background, Meng Qing was even higher than the Fox King, but he had never systematically cultivated the Divine Soul before, so he could only rely solely on the use of soul power against the enemy.

The blasted soul power actively dissolved the moment it touched the soul fire, and was even devoured by the latter, making it a little stronger!

Meng Qing was shocked, jumped up, and dodged the bombardment of a soul fire.

A big pit appeared on the ground, which was actually burned out after the soul fire melted!

"What a terrible lethality!" Meng Qing was shocked.

The fox king smiled, the five tails behind her stood up, walked slowly, looked at Meng Qing contemptuously, and said coldly:

"I thought that your soul power attainment is amazing, it turned out to be only general, if you are killed, then the three beast kings will die, with their blood, this final treasure will open, thank you so much!"

As if realizing that Meng Qing was in danger, Brother Chicken and the others made crazy moves, wanting to end the battle quickly.

But opposite them are also Martial Kings, living in the fight for a long time, their combat skills are even more skilled, although their aura is more low-key, they are still dragging the battle.

"Five Fox Tianyan!" The fox king lightly pointed forward, and one after another flames appeared like raindrops, blooming in the sky like lotus flowers, and then flew towards Meng Qing in unison, like a rain of bullets!

The three spirit beasts such as Brother Chicken and Queen Ant seemed to have fallen into madness, and they shot at any cost, finally defeated their opponents, and rushed forward.

But it's too late, they can't catch up!

Meng Qing's face was indifferent, such a dense soul fire, he couldn't dodge it at all.

But this does not mean that he is dead, he has one last way, although he has never tried it!

Facing the overwhelming soul fire, Meng Qing raised his hand, and the divine soul villain suddenly opened his eyes.

He waved his hands in front of him, his fingertips were like paintbrushes, and his soul power was like paint, sensing and tracing the moves of the Fox King!


Meng Qing smacked lightly, and the trick took shape, and he suddenly pushed it out.


The momentum in the venue suddenly changed, and the soul power remaining in the air was connected to each other, and it turned into a ripple, from which soul fire flew out!

Whether it was quantity or momentum, it was obviously Meng Qing's soul fire that was superior.

The fox king's face instantly turned pale, but the soul fire that flew towards her was like a broken bamboo, not only blasted away her martial arts, but also attached all of them to her.

She was immediately traumatized, her soul was dim, and she entered a state of suspended animation, if Fang Cai Meng Qing made a move a little more ruthless, she could directly annihilate the fox king's divine soul.

Brother Chicken and others came running, full of apologies and shame

: "I'm sorry, master, because my mistake almost put you in danger, and I ask the master to punish!"

Fang Cai's scene really scared them, the three of them are now in a contractual relationship, if something happens to Meng Qing, they must not have good fruit to eat!

Meng Qing wiped the sweat on his forehead:

"I don't blame you for this, if you want to blame, blame me for not being home yet!"

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the beaten Rhinoceros King and the others lying dying on the ground, and gave the order very simply:

"Slaughter them all, put blood in that groove, I am curious, what treasure is in it."

Brother Chicken immediately went to do it.

The turtle king begged for mercy, and even shrunk his head into the turtle shell, the chicken brother directly burned with flames, and when the turtle king couldn't stand the high temperature and poked out his head, the cold light flashed, directly killed, the blood rushed, and not a drop was wasted left in the groove.

When Brother Chicken killed the Ox King and the Rhinoceros King, Meng Qing asked the queen ant: "Can you search the soul of the fox king?" I was interested in her martial arts and wanted to learn about it.

The ant queen stepped forward to investigate, and then shook her head slightly:

"No, she almost died in a moment, and now once I inject soul power, the originally fragile divine soul will disintegrate immediately!"

Meng Qing couldn't help but feel a little lost: "This way." Instead

, Xiao Qiang got to the point:

"The master doesn't need to be discouraged, most of the tricks performed by the fox king are ancestral treasures engraved in its bloodline, and even if they get it, they can't be cultivated."

Meng Qing felt better, and at the same time, he also made up his mind that when he returned to the sect, he must perfect the Divine Soul Martial Arts.

The fox king's blood eventually flowed into the groove.

The door of the hall slowly opened, a rich smell of dust permeated outward, and the crystals on the ground lit up in large areas, like a picture scroll under the reflection of the aura, the beauty was intoxicating!

Meng Qing walked into the gate, he couldn't help but be stunned, there was only one futon in it.

"This is ... Central?! Could it be that this hub can control this hall? The queen ant said in disbelief, apparently, it knew something.

Meng Qing asked curiously, but the answer he got shocked him.

"This is likely to be the control center of a space horcrux!" Queen Ant guesses.

He stepped forward, his soul power scanning without the slightest danger.

In the end, Meng Qing sat up.


For a moment, he only felt that his body was ethereal, and his divine soul seemed to be countless times taller in an instant, supporting a piece of heaven and earth!

Meng Qing stared, his divine soul at this time seemed to condense into a whole, like a space, and if you looked closely, it turned out to be the internal space of this boulder!

He saw the disciples of the Yunxiao Sect who were exploring all over the inside of the boulder.

He thought casually, and instantly located the place where the young man of the Snow Clan and the girl holding the compass were.

There were two dense forests, located on the east and west sides of the entire secret realm, surrounded by mountains and rampant spirit beasts, as if treasures were buried.

At the moment of controlling this hub, everything about this secret realm was all known by Meng Qing, and the place where the two were exploring had no treasures, on the contrary, there were many traps!

Meng Qing collected his heart slightly, and soon, he dispersed his mind to the greatest extent possible, carefully screening those who entered the secret realm.

At this time, there were at least two hundred people inside this boulder, but this was not difficult for Meng Qing.

Soon, he frowned slightly, he did not find traces of Xuan Shu and the others here.

"Didn't they notice the movement of this boulder? Didn't get into here? He couldn't help but be a little worried.

"Forget it, this secret realm is so big, maybe they found another opportunity." Soon, he comforted himself.

The moment he opened his eyes, the three spirit beasts all breathed a sigh of relief.

The queen tentatively asked, "Master, did you succeed?" What grade is this spatial spirit weapon?

"Succeeded, but your estimation is conservative, this space spirit weapon is not this hall, but a whole boulder!" As for his grade, I can't accurately evaluate it, because the surface is seriously worn, but in its heyday, it is at least Wang Bing! Meng Qing said truthfully, with ecstasy in his eyes.

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