Wang Bing, this is a spirit weapon that only King Wu can have, and this is a space spirit weapon, which is extremely valuable!

Meng Qing turned around and walked out from here.

His brows frowned slightly, his palm waved, and the hall was constantly shrinking, and finally turned into a slap-sized token!

Seemingly random points in one direction, causing Brother Chicken to spit out flames, and as a result, it melts directly there, and a small pit appears on the ground.

Inside the pit lay a bone that I don't know what age it had been buried there, and although it had been eroded by the violent aura here for a long time, the latter was still smooth as jade, and the texture was excellent.

According to the will of this huge stone, this bone is probably the most precious treasure here.

The divine soul was injected into it, and a stream of information suddenly emerged, and for a long time, Meng Qing slowly opened his eyes and said with a smile:

"This should really be a pillow when you are sleepy!"

"Three-Yuan Soul Ding, scope of application: Condensing Spirit and above, when cultivating to a small level, you can turn the divine soul into a big Ding, and kill strong enemies in the air!"

Meng Qing looked at the introduction above and only felt that he was in a good mood.

He sat on the spot and sent Brother Chicken and the others back to the cave sky, and without any protection of the Dharma, he began to cultivate.

To be honest, now he is the owner of this boulder, although the means of control are still a little rusty, but here, he is a god, and no one can hurt him!

A quarter of an hour later, Meng Qing's hands were floating, his eyebrows were glowing, and from the outside, he could vaguely see a villain condensing in his hands, as if he was building something.

A small ding took shape, and at first glance, this small ding was very crystalline, and it was all built by the purest soul power.

If you feel it carefully, you will find that there is an explosive soul power condensed above, which is shocking!

Meng Qing walked out of there and controlled Xiao Ding to bombard forward.

A muffled boom came out, and the ground was actually blown out of a deep pit, so lethal, even the three spirit beasts in the cave sky were shocked.

Brother Chicken said seriously: "

If Master Fangcai cultivates this trick, with just one move, he can make that fox king die no more!"

Xiaoqiang and the queen nodded one after another.

Meng Qing was in a good mood, it cost him less than one percent of his soul power to cast this Xiaoding, if he went all out, he might be able to instantly kill the Divine Soul Martial Artist of Condensing Spirit Dacheng!

Looking around, he chose a random direction and at the same time released a signal to show everyone the way out.

Although there were some treasures in this secret realm, from what he knew, most of them were obtained by Xi Lang, Xu Chen and others, and Meng Qing was too lazy to take them.

After all, they have become stronger in the secret realm, or the stronger the strength shown by the outside world, then he can ask for more valuable chips from the family of those people!

When he arrived in front of a large stone that emitted fluorescence, there were already more than a dozen people here, and the Snow Clan boy and the compass girl also arrived, and when they saw Meng Qinglai, they were all a little guarded.

Under Meng Qing's deliberate guidance, all the people scattered everywhere arrived within an hour.

Just as he was about to open the door to send these people out, a confident voice interrupted his thoughts:

"Meng Qing, you wait."

The person who spoke was an ordinary looking teenager who was not tall but deliberately held his hands to look at people, giving a bad first impression.

Without waiting for him to speak, the young man said, "

I am Xilang's cousin, my name is Dongjun, and I am here to formally challenge you!"

Meng Qing glanced at the young man a few times, and when he saw the young man carrying a long stick with a golden yellow fragrance, he was first stunned, and then he understood the young man's dependence, and said with a strange face:

"Do you want to... How to challenge?

"It's simple, I'm here to fight you, and if I win, release all the people who were suppressed by you!" Dongjoon is full of confidence.

"And what if you lose?" Meng Qing asked, he remembered that the owner where Dongjun was located seemed to be a big family, and both of them belonged to a certain big clan!

"I can't lose!" Dongjun was very conceited, with a posture of not looking at him in the eyes, and waved the stick in his hand a few times after speaking.

In an instant, the smell was everywhere, and there were several shadows around Dongjun, which was very magical.

Someone was surprised:

"What kind of treasure is that?" Could it be that Dongjun got the treasure in this secret realm? "

The smell of such a fragrant smell is the breath of the legendary spirit badger?" If this stick is related to that family, it is amazing!

Meng Qing's face was strange, as if he was trying to hold back a smile, and when he saw Dongjun pointing the stick at him, he suddenly took a few steps back.

Seeing this, Dongjun stepped forward and said proudly: "Are you afraid? Saying

that, he also gently stroked the stick with his hand, if it weren't for the large number of people here, it is estimated that he would have the idea of going up and kissing both!

Meng Qing waved his hand: "I promise you, but if you lose, your family must be ready for a ransom, otherwise they will be your example!" "

Rampant!" Dongjun roared lowly, but did not mobilize the aura, but released all of his divine souls!

He injected his soul power into the long stick in his hand, roared lowly, and swung towards Meng Qing, and for a while, a violent ferocious beast rushed forward, wanting to kill him!

At the same time, the coercion that belonged exclusively to the Condensing Spirit Level Divine Soul was completely released.

"Condensing Spirit? Did this Dongjun really get a chance here? "

Oh my God, among the entire Yunxiao Sect disciple freshmen, there are probably no more than five who can cultivate the Divine Soul to the Condensing Spirit level at this time, right?"

"Be bold, no more than three!"

At this moment, even the compass girl, who had never said a word, looked over with solemn eyes.

Meng Qing didn't even bother to perform the Divine Soul Martial Technique, and directly slapped it!


Under the power of the incomparably condensed divine soul, it turned into a big slap, as if the mountain moved forward and directly shattered that slap print!

The remnants of the divine soul power continued to move forward, and all of them bombarded Dongjun!

I saw that a figure flew out, rubbed a long mark on the ground, brought up a large piece of smoke, and when it finally stabilized, there was a pile of small earth mountains in front of the figure!

There was silence.

The person who spoke looked at Meng Qing, and his heart was only shocked.

You know, there are definitely no more than three people in the field who can reach the Spirit Condensation level, but Meng Qing can actually slap one of them away, so what level is his true strength?

The compass girl's expression was unprecedentedly solemn, and she could detect that Meng Qing was definitely a strong enemy!

Under everyone's gaze, Meng Qing slowly walked to Dongjun's side and gently grabbed his Qiankun bag away.

The latter wanted to block it, but his body seemed to be broken in two, and it hurt his heart!

In the blink of an eye, there was a stick lying on the right, which was the artifact he got by chance!

He fumbled, then held it in his hand.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you something, the stick you hold in your hand is not owned by a spirit badger, but by a spirit beast called pear blossom marten, and a very important feature of this spirit beast is that the excrement is fragrant, so your stick, not surprisingly, should be used by a powerful pear marten to wipe its butt." Meng Qing pondered for a long time, and finally said this.

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