Liang Zhongxian had forgotten how he came out of the inn.

When he slowed down, he found that Meng Qing was hooking his neck with an intimate enthusiasm that made his scalp tingle, and was taking Chen Yu to talk with the old man.

And the old man also seemed to like the two very much, and responded enthusiastically.

Liang Zhongxian was not good, wasn't he sold?

They were now in a beast cart, and the space was quite spacious, and after a while, the old man said:

"You young people talk first, the old man goes out first, and sits patiently here, and in a few moments will arrive at the city lord's mansion, and it is just right for me to wait for the friendship of the landlord."

As soon as the old man went out, Liang Zhongxian reached out and pinched Meng Qing's neck: "You girl, aren't you safe?" When did I say I was going to be this colt? Lao Tzu is not rare!

Meng Qing opened the hand and said gently, "Yo, do you regret it now?" Wasn't you quite happy just now? The current situation is not up to you, you defeated the young lord of the people's house in public, which is equivalent to announcing to the whole city that you have become a colt, but now you regret it? Aren't you playing tricks? Are you sure you have endured the wrath of the City Lord's Mansion?

Chen Yu also answered: "If I encounter someone like you and this kind of behavior, I will definitely want to die with you, it is too insulting."

"If it's just with me personally, in fact, I don't care much, even if you follow me, it will inevitably not become their target." When Liang Zhongxian said this, he suddenly smiled slyly.

Next, there was silence in the carriage until they reached the city lord's mansion.

At the moment before dismounting, Liang Zhongxian suddenly showed weakness: "We are good brothers, right?" Help me! Count me as I owe you a favor. "

The City Lord's Mansion is much bigger than they thought.

If you look at it from a distance, this city lord's mansion is like an inner city, full of carved beams and paintings, towering gates and city walls, etc., and the lowest guards are also martial kings, and there is often a true god aura scanning them, and the source shows that it is not simple here.

Meng Qing released his divine soul, but found that there were two powerful auras in the city lord's mansion, both of which were too empty!

"It's not easy to escape from here, I think this place is at least the site of a large sect in ancient times, there are at least five or more true souls among the people who built here, whether it is the buildings here or the trees, they all follow an ancient formation, I forgot the name of this formation, but it is very powerful." Xiaotai explained.

The old man led the way for them in front, and everyone who passed by would pay them a salute.

Liang Zhongxian's chest was straight, his head was straight ahead, and everyone who saluted would get a nod from him.

Brother Chicken complained in the cave: "This grandson can really pretend!" Did he know he was in trouble? The

old man led the group to a well-guarded side hall and said politely:

"In the future, this is your residence, and the colt will be here for a moment, and as for the two, wait until the marriage between the colt and the young lady is decided."

Meng Qing tentatively asked, "Dare to ask when the marriage between the two of them was?" The

old man responded with a smile: "Tonight the young lady will meet with the colt, if the two have no opinion, they can get married in three days, and if everything goes well, the two can leave on the wedding night."

The three nodded with a smile and bid farewell to the old man.

They could all feel that after the old man left, there were obviously many more guards in this vicinity, and there was even a half-step too empty aura floating nearby!

Liang Zhongxian made a bitter face: "What can I do now?" Am I going to marry here? This is bad!

Meng Qing's expression moved, and he asked curiously: "You have a marriage contract?"

The former shook his head: "Of course not, what do you ask this for?" "

The other party is a young mansion, her own strength will not be bad, although you haven't seen her appearance, but I heard that her mother was also a rare beauty when she was young, no matter how I look at it, I think that if she is married to you, it belongs to the next marriage." Meng Qing analyzed seriously.

Liang Zhongxian wondered, "How can you think like that? What kind of person am I? Feelings cannot be forced! Strong twisted melon is not sweet!

"You're outrageous, what is a twisted melon?" People voluntarily submit to the strong, and you took the initiative to enter the ring, and now you want to rake backwards with such a good thing? What about your conscience? Chen Yu couldn't help it, he had known Liang Zhongxian for a long time, only to find that this person's whole body revealed the word outrageous!

It's really off-the-beaten!

Under the persuasion of the two in turn, Liang Zhongxian finally decided to meet tonight.

Before he left, Meng Qing's eyebrows moved, and he gently patted his shoulder, signaling him to behave well and say more praise.

Liang Zhongxian went full of fighting spirit.

When he arrived at his destination, Meng Qing took out a spar, and a blurry light and shadow appeared above.

This is what Xiao Tai did, and she can see everything in front of Liang Zhongxian's body in real time.

It was a beautiful garden.

It was late at night outside, a full moon hung in the sky, and a tall figure turned its back to him.

Meng Qing took the initiative to hand the spar to Chen Yu, turned around, and just listened to the conversation between the two.

Liang Zhongxian spoke first: "You... Did you have dinner? Meng

Qing, who was sitting next to him, looked strange, this feeling, not very good!

The other side whispered: "Eat."

"What to eat?"

"Rice and spirit meat."

"Chopsticks or spoons?"


"What material?"

"Xuan Tie."

"Does it taste good?"


"Eat sitting or standing?"


Qing, who was sitting on the side, only felt uncomfortable, and his shoes were almost buttoned out of the three-room hall by his toes!

Is this really the day that people can talk about?

But Liang Zhongxian enjoyed it and continued happily, and later, he even inquired about some personal questions, such as how big shoes to wear, the size of clothes, and so on.

Ling You asked coldly: "If you can't chat, you can completely shut your mouth, no one forces you to say something to me."

Liang Zhongxian finally said seriously: "Let me see you."

After a period of silence, Liang Zhongxian once again said in a surprising voice: "Not very good, your appearance is not quite in line with my expectations, I'm afraid we can't get married."

As soon as these words came out, let alone Meng Qing, it was Chen Yu, and he couldn't help but open his mouth wide.

Is this something a person can say?

Meng Qing only felt a headache, he felt that it was better to stay away from this person in the future, otherwise he would have to be killed sooner or later!

But Ling You did not jump like thunder as expected, but calmly said with a little trill:

"Okay, you can."

According to the rules here, those who want to break the covenant only need to pass the test, and as for what the test is, someone will tell you later. Without

waiting for Liang Zhongxian to explain anything, footsteps left from here.

After a while, Liang Zhongxian came back full of energy, came in and said, "It's done, we can leave here!"

After that, he said how the two met under the moon and how Ling You was beautiful, and how he refused.

Chen Yu looked at him steadily, and said softly, "I'm afraid Ling You will hate you for the rest of his life, are you ready to accept that test?" "

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