Liang Zhongxian's eyes widened suddenly: "How do you know that there is a test?"

He scanned his whole body with aura, and sure enough, he found a magic array on his shoulder, remembering the scene where Meng Qing patted him on the shoulder before going out, he suddenly remembered, and couldn't help but be embarrassed:

"How can you do this?" This is snooping into my privacy!

Meng Qing didn't speak, but Liang Zhongxian was like a violent spirit beast, constantly walking around the room, constantly accusing the two of violating his freedom in this way.

It took a full moment for him to settle down, but he still sat on the side drinking tea.

"Relieved? If you don't have relief, you continue, and if you are relieved, we will talk about things between us. Meng Qing said calmly.

"There's nothing to say between us!" Liang Zhongxian was still angry.

Meng Qing nodded: "Well, you saved Chen Yu on my behalf in the ruins of Yuncheng, this counts as I owe you a favor, not to mention that the two of us were brought here by you, just those words that you said to Ling You, if they reach the lord of the city mansion, how many lives do you think you can die?"

Liang Zhongxian was suddenly stunned, and he said in a low voice: "I'm not joking, and that Ling You didn't give me a chance to explain..."

Meng Qing interrupted him: "Don't take ignorance as funny, and this joke is not funny at all, before I owed you favors, you can let me do something for you, and then we will go our separate ways."

Liang Zhongxian's eyes widened: "Why are you doing this?"

"We're going to a far away place, that's secondary, and the most critical point is that we're not all the way, don't go together if we're not all the way, it's not good for everyone." Meng Qing got up, he looked directly into Liang Zhongxian's eyes, and said seriously.

There was a knock outside the door, and the old man's voice sounded: "Is Liang Zhongxian there?" Lord you go and meet now. The

old man's words were calm and waveless, as if nothing had happened.

Meng Qing's heart was broken.

Liang Zhongxian went, Chen Yu got up, she also felt that something was wrong: "Then what do we do now?" "

Previously, the old man's title for Liang Zhongxian was a horse, even in the inn, he was called Liang Gongzi, but now he calls him by his name, and the problem in the middle is too big!

"Wait, there is a super large formation under this city lord's mansion, I'm afraid we are now under close surveillance, and it is impossible to escape." Meng Qing sighed.

Escaping now will only be worse, whether it is the formation of the City Lord's Mansion or those two Tai Void, it is far from what they can deal with!

Chen Yu nodded, and suddenly said with a bitter smile: "I hope Liang Zhongxian can be more reliable this time." About

half an hour later, the latter went and returned, looked at the two with a sad face, and did not speak for a while.

Meng Qing glanced at Chen Yu and signaled not to speak first.

There was one more person in the room, but the atmosphere was silent.

Liang Zhongxian couldn't bear the oppressive atmosphere, glanced at Meng Qing a little apologetically, and said, "

I asked Brother Meng to help me once this time, now I can only go to complete that test."

"I still owe you a favor, you don't have to ask me to tell me about that test." Meng Qingdao, this is his true thought.

"It was a secret realm, belonging to the era that existed before the establishment of the City Lord's Mansion. When this secret realm was first discovered, the first city lord of the city lord's mansion carried a jade seal into it, and half a month later he returned injured, claiming that if he made an agreement with the city in the future but wanted to break the contract, he needed to hold the jade seal. Liang Zhongxian explained in a low voice.

The corners of Meng Qing's mouth couldn't help twitching slightly after listening to it.

The devil knows where the jade seal was placed!

"If that's all you get, then we might as well rush out of here now, so the odds are a little bigger." Meng Qing seriously proposed.

"The lord of the mansion gave me two decrees, which are rumored to be left by the jade seal, and if the decree and the jade seal are close in distance, they will have an induction of each other." Liang Zhongxian took out two broken animal skins, and there seemed to be some words written on them that had long been blurred, and he couldn't perceive what it was.

Xiao Tai glanced at it and said, "This is not a text from the ancient period, looking at the degree of preservation, it should be something from the last ten thousand years."

"You and the lord of the mansion said that how many people are allowed to enter at the same time?" Meng Qing asked again.

"Two people." Liang Zhongxian said seriously, and at the same time asked curiously: "Is there any problem?"

Meng Qing said, "There is no problem, I expect that no one should do anything to you in this city lord's mansion." The

two did not tell Liang Zhongxian about the matter of the Blood Sword Domain.

Chen Yu said: "You two go quickly, I don't have to worry, I can take care of myself, even if someone wants to use force against me, even if it is too empty, don't think of getting benefits." Early

the next morning, Meng Qing left Xiaoqiang to take care of Chen Yu, and then followed Liang Zhongxian.

The old man did not know when he had arrived, and he stood watch in front with an expressionless face, and when he saw them, he just led the way in front without saying a word.

On the way, the guards next to them could almost form a reinforced battalion.

Their destination was in the northernmost part of the city lord's mansion, a secluded courtyard with nothing but a dry well.

"Where is the secret realm?" Liang Zhongxian asked.

The old man led the two to the front of the dry well, he took out an ancient mirror, gently swept it in front of him, and there was a sound of water in the dry well.

A gently swirling whirlpool emerged, this dry well has existed for an unknown number of years, but the water flow is very clear, but it is very piercing, and you can feel a cold breath a few feet from there.

"Go in, after getting the jade seal, the secret realm will form a passage, and the two of you will come out as long as you pass through that passage, good luck to the two." The old man is very formal.

Even he doesn't feel like he's blessing, but accomplishing a task.

The two looked at each other and stepped into the whirlpool one after another.

The stream of water was like a big mouth, slowly disappearing after swallowing the two figures, and even the water source in it disappeared.

The courtyard is calm again.

A soldier next to him suddenly asked, "What are we going to do with that woman?" The lord of the mansion once said that she may be carrying the accompanying innate rune on her, if the young lady can..."

Without waiting for him to finish, the old man suddenly interrupted him.

The man quickly knelt on one knee and pleaded guilty: "Please forgive the villain for being rude."

The old man flicked his sleeves and said, "If you say this nonsense next time, Hugh blames the old man for not being merciful!" The

soldier quickly nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice.

After a while, the old man suddenly said, "Whether it is the accompanying innate rune or that page of scripture, my Ling family will get a jump if they get it, but some people and things in these worlds can't move, even if he was once no more than a stone's throw away from you..."

Hey, it's life after all.

By the way, it's time to go and see the young lady, and I don't know what the little beast said, which made the young lady so sad.

Suddenly, a guard trotted over and whispered a few words in front of the old man.

The old man's face suddenly changed: "What did you say?!" "

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