
There was a roar in Meng Qing's ears, as if thousands of heavenly thunder sounded in his ears, almost making him deaf!

He seemed to be crossing a heavenly domain, and later, the thunder of that great work even made him have to block his ears with spiritual energy.

He forgot how long he had been there, and when he finally stopped, what awaited him was free fall, as if he had been thrown vertically from the atmosphere.

He stretched out his wings and flapped them in reverse to counteract the force.

Later, the aura around him even turned red, looking like a raging flame from a distance.

There was another muffled boom, and when he finally landed, the soles of his feet hurt, as if he had been hit by a boulder traveling at high speed.

He looked around and couldn't help but be startled.

The earth was a dull iron color, and even if it fell from above, it could not bend the ground where it landed even a little.

It's terrifying.

He crouched down and pinched a grain of sand on the ground, but found that the latter was as hard as Xuan Tie, and the gentle squeeze even made his hands extremely sore.

Meng Qing was surprised: "What the hell is this place?" Why is the earth and rock so hard? This is absolutely unscientific!

He looked around, this space was dark and terrifying, the air was turbid, and the aura was weak, as if the chaotic world before the spiritual intelligence was uncivilized.

He flew into the air, and the surroundings were very flat, and the radius was still flat except for the flat ground.

I didn't find Liang Zhongxian's figure.

He took out the jade Jane again and tried to contact the latter, but this time there was a reaction.

Meng Qing walked thousands of zhang towards the place where the arrow was pointing, but the distance indicated on the jade Jian did not shorten in the slightest.

"This thing should only indicate the direction, maybe one of you is in the far north and one is in the southernmost right now." Xiaotai said seriously.

The corner of Meng Qing's mouth twitched, if this was the case, it would be really bad.

"According to the consistent level of designing the creatures of the secret realm, the so-called jade seal should be in the middle of the entire secret realm, and that is also the way." Xiaotai complained softly.

He walked in the direction indicated by the token, often taking out the decree to check, but there was no reaction at the place where the seal was dropped.

After walking for a day, the plain seemed to have no bounds, and no matter what, there was no end.

Just when Meng Qing was a little tired, he made a discovery.

It was a ravine, long and wide, and in some places there were deep pits, staggered, and judging by the freshness, the formation time was not long.

"Are there still creatures here?" Meng Qing was puzzled.


A strange sound came out, as if thousands of spirit beasts were chirping and roaring, and there was also a roar, but this was obviously not the same source as that humming sound.

Meng Qing quickly went to check, and when he saw the source of those two voices, he couldn't help but be shocked.

It was a white wave, constantly surging, as if a giant was heating milk in a depression.

When he was less than a thousand feet away, Meng Qing finally saw the true face of that wave.

It was so dense that it was almost a patch of white skeletons!

And below them was lying a huge skeleton, it was a hundred feet long, and the two rows of huge bone spurs on its body were the same as those craters seen in the ground before!

Meng Qing opened his pupils, only to find that there was an obscure special power in those white bones, Xuan Iron, like a moth, hollowed out the center of those bones, occupying it like a master.

Although there were no aura fluctuations emanating from the bodies of these two opposing sides, the aura that broke out during the battle was even more terrifying than the half-step too void!

"This is Xuanxian Death Force?!" In the cave, Xiao Tai observed for a long time, a little uncertain.

"Wouldn't you? How can there be Xuan Nether Death Force here? Are you mistaken? The queen was surprised.

Just as the two were constantly discussing, there was a crackling sound in front of them, it turned out that the massive white skeleton worm gnawed the huge skeleton, and the special power originally contained in it all emerged!

This time, the two taming beasts were extremely sure that this thing was the Xuanxian Death Force!

"My grass, what the hell is this place, how can there be such a rich Xuanxian death power remaining? Run, run, drag it on and you won't be able to run away! Xiao Tai said in a panic.

Although there were still hundreds of zhang away from that side, Meng Qing still felt his scalp numb, as if he was wrapped in an incomparably rich sense of death, and that breath made him fearful.

He did not use his aura, but sprinted quickly against the ground.

After running wildly for nearly half an hour, he completely got rid of the influence area of the Xuanxian Death Force.

"Master, patrol the whole body with the qi of origin!" Xiao Tai said suddenly.

Meng Qing did so.

When the dark gray aura lingered all over his body, he was shocked to find that there was a layer of mesh attached to the surface of his body!

It was a very dim Xuanxian death force that had been diluted many times.

He observed with his pupil technique, and couldn't help but find that these nets were actually eroding his body, and this was only half an hour ago, and the place covered by the nets was obviously different from the other parts.

"What the hell is this power? It's terrible! Meng Qing said to herself.

"Xuan Nether Death Force, this is the mysterious meaning created by the strong man who once ruled the underworld, usually this can only be formed in places that have been abandoned and dilapidated for many years, once this mysterious meaning appears, it mostly means that the area will be transformed into a dead land, and there is no force that can assimilate or devour it." Xiaotai said seriously.

Meng Qing was curious: "Could it be that the origin is not good?"

Xiao Tai said again: "No one has tried, after all, there are only two people who know the origin of cultivation, whether it is you or the original one, they are far from the era of the Lord of the Underworld.

"He started running, and when the gray aura covered the mesh, the latter gradually rioted, savagely rushing around, trying to break out of the area.

"It works!" Meng Qing nodded, his finger moved forward, and the Origin Qi immediately rushed forward like a hungry tiger, surrounded the net, and then devoured it.

He noticed that this power had actually been decomposed after being devoured by the Origin Qi, and a unique power was integrated into the Origin Mysteries, making it more perfect.

"Is it the mystery of death? No, this kind of mysteries I obviously devoured when I was cultivating the origin. Meng Qing said to himself, he remembered the scene when he was seeking the Dao on the Styx Lake, when many mysteries had been devoured by him, and later in the riotous land, his mysteries were perfected again, and the perfection that should be supplemented was it.

"There are three thousand mysteries in this world, in addition to the normal mysteries, there are also mutated mysteries, and the Lord of the Underworld also had many adventures at that time, and it is not unusual for us to cultivate mysteries if we have not seen them." Queen Ant said.

Meng Qing nodded, and he accepted this statement.

But at the same time, he also questioned, if the generation of Xuan Nether Death Force symbolizes that there is no hope in this world, will there be a derived monster ahead?

He could think that the road to finding the jade seal this time would not be smooth sailing.

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