Meng Qing looked around, but did not feel the latter's breath.

He jumped, almost stepped into the clouds, and looked down, but he didn't feel the latter's breath anyway.

He opened his pupils again, and for a moment, he felt that the latter was basically going to coincide with him!

But as far as the eye can see, there is still nothing.

"Is there a twisted space here?" Meng Qing was skeptical.

He took out his fist holster and charged a punch in front of him.

The space was distorted, and at the same time he seemed to hear an exclamation.

Ling You frowned, "Although that slut breath makes me very uncomfortable, but that breath is nearby, but I can't see it, why is that?"

"My previous guess was correct, there is distortion space near here, what's going on?" Could it be that this grassland is the product of the intersection of various spaces? I just heard an exclamation. "


Meng Qing moved again, he used all his strength to strike, the spiritual energy on the fist converged, and the qi and blood oven was roaring, which further pushed his aura to the peak!

Ling You was frightened by the sudden eruption of momentum, and retreated one after another.

The fist blasted out, and the space in front of him was like fragile glass, shattered by his blast!

Click, click, click!

One after another cracks spread outward like a spider's web, and in a moment the work shrouded the front, which was a space with a hundred square meters.

It shattered like a mirror, and the fragments disintegrated and scattered all over the place.

Liang Zhongxian appeared in front of the two, he was lying on the ground, there was a cloth pocket in front of him, as if he was digging something, his expression was focused and serious.

When he saw the two, his first reaction was to put away all the things on the cloth pocket in a panic.

Ling You clenched his fists and forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart: "

Look how I beat you!"

Ling You's whole body was surrounded by aura, like a Valkyrie, her whole body was covered with a layer of armor, and a fine light appeared above, which reflected the large runes around her, making her greatly improve her speed and strength!

Liang Zhongxian quickly retreated and asked puzzled:

"Hey, you man, what do you want to do?!"

Ling You was silent, and his fists burst out one after another, setting off a large sonic boom in front of Liang Zhongxian's body, and the force contained above was fierce and terrifying, and the slightest mistake would be severely damaged!

After giving in more than a dozen punches, Liang Zhongxian said later: "No, why are you here?!" How did you get in?

Ling You gritted his teeth and said, "I'm here to kill you!"

Liang Zhongxian looked at Meng Qing with confirmation, and the latter nodded slightly.

It was this gap that Ling You found an opportunity and blasted out several punches in succession, hitting the former's chest and flying him straight out, and the strong impact even made a long mark on the ground before stopping.

"What a terrible power! I feel that this lady didn't exert her full strength before! Brother Chicken complained in the cave.

"Will you expose your true strength anytime and anywhere? Or do you still have reservations about the people you desperately want to kill and don't give your all? Xiaotai asked rhetorically.

Brother Chicken was stunned.

On the other side, Ling You closed his fists and said hatefully: "This time, for Meng Qing's sake, leave you a dog's life!"

Liang Zhongxian stumbled to get up, and he asked puzzled: "Why did you enter here?" Is it because of what was said before? Ling

You retreated to Meng Qing's side, turned his head very arrogantly, and did not intend to answer.

Meng Qing came out to the circle: "Let's put this topic aside, have you found anything?" Have you ever felt a very strange force along the way?

The two talked about it, Meng Qing's previous guess was true, Liang Zhongxian's first landing place was in the ocean, and after crossing the desert to this grassland, he had encountered water people and sand people, and it took a lot of effort to solve them.

"I have an impression of these forces, which are called Xuanxian Death Force, but it is really strange that that force appears in such an area that has only been formed in the last ten thousand years." Liang Zhongxian said seriously.

"No, you neglected a little, this secret realm was discovered ten thousand years ago, it was discovered by the city lord at that time when the city was built, but the specific age is not clear, a volcano I have been to, I saw an afterimage below, that is the place of the Fuyang King's transformation!" Meng Qing said seriously.

"What? How is this possible?! But this grassland, this grassland..." Liang Zhongxian suddenly stopped when he said this, and refused to say any more despite Meng Qing's inquiry.

Suddenly, he walked quickly towards the place where Fang Cai had dug, using Spiritual Qi to dig, and a large area of soil was dug up.

Ling You retreated in disgust and hid behind Meng Qing.

Meng Qing keenly discovered that the further down he went, the more terrifying the Xuan Nether Death Power contained in the soil became.

Later, the soil even overflowed with pitch-black liquid, like oil formed by the death of living beings for tens of thousands of years.


A loud noise came out, and Liang Zhongxian stopped moving.

It was a stone as white as jade, and even if it was soaked in the dark liquid and hidden under the soil for many years, it could be lifted with a little force, and the place where the liquid had faded was still brand new.

"What is it?" Meng Qing asked.

Liang Zhongxian didn't give him an answer, just took out a small book from the mustard bracelet, with many symbols and patterns written on it, he carefully compared it, and finally shouted wildly:

"I understand, I know what this secret realm is!"

Meng Qing and Ling You looked at each other, both saw the guard in each other's eyes, and Xiao Tai also said, "Why is this person not quite right?" Master, you must be careful.

He kept his distance from the front, waiting for Liang Zhongxian to turn around.

When the latter finally turned around, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, and then said apologetically:

"I'm sorry, I was so excited just now."

"What the hell is going on here? What did you find? Meng Qing asked.

Liang Zhongxian squatted down, he gently tapped the stone slab with his fingers, looked at the two again, and then said word by word: "What I said next may challenge your cognition, but every sentence is true!"

This is actually a secret place of splicing!

"Stitching the Secret Realm? What is that thing? Meng Qing asked again.

"The realm you came to along the way is a primordial secret realm, like an organism constantly improving, but because of the passage of time, the creatures in it are extinct and decaying, but just when the secret realm collapsed, another secret realm that also collapsed in half flew in, and the two were connected to each other, and finally formed a splicing secret realm!

This is also why this place obviously gives people a sense of vitality, but there is a large number of Xuanxian Death Force, and similarly, it is also why you feel that it has not existed for a long time, but the place of Fuyang King Hua Dao is here! Liang Zhongxian explained.

Meng Qing was completely shocked, this was information he had never heard before.

He asked the beasts in the cave, and their answer was that it really existed, but the probability was very small!

Ling You asked, "If that's the case, then where is the jade seal you're looking for?" "

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