In this regard, Liang Zhongxian smiled lightly and asked rhetorically: "If you were the one who placed the jade seal in the first place, where would you choose to put the jade seal?" Brother Meng don't say it first, let the descendants of that adult speak first.

Meng Qing nodded slightly, although Ling You was still disgusted with Liang Zhongxian, he also knew that now was not the time to continue to think about this, and seriously thought for a while: "It will probably be placed in the safest place, such as a place where few people can find it."

Liang Zhongxian snapped his fingers and asked with a smile: "Then I ask, where is the safest place in this splicing secret realm, and it is also the place with the fewest people who can go?" The

answer almost blurted out, and Meng Qing and Ling You said almost at the same time: "Is it the splicing place of two secret realms?"

"Yes, this is it." Liang Zhongxian nodded seriously.

"But where is that place?" Ling You asked curiously.

"Just under this slate under our feet!"

What the?!

Meng Qing looked down, he used the pupil technique, only to find that the pupil technique, which had always been able to see almost everything, had failed here!

The stone slab is like a barrier to everything, inside and outside are two worlds, and it is difficult for people on the outside to see clearly what is inside.

At the same time, Ling You muttered, "The god is mysterious, and the result is actually here, but then again, isn't this the very center of the entire secret realm?" It doesn't look like it. In

the cave, Xiao Tai's brows furrowed tightly, and he said his inference: "The most amazing thing about the splicing secret realm is that it has infinite possibilities, which means that there may be an infinite variety of things inside, such as the Xuan Nether Death Force.

Even some things that are difficult to explain with common sense are not surprising if they appear here, the most important thing is that some derivative space is likely to be generated inside, and some creatures living in this secret realm, or some things elsewhere, may be absorbed into the derivative space!

Meng Qing frowned, he didn't quite understand what this meant.

"Below this stone slab is likely to be a derivative space, and the jade seal is likely to be inside, but in the same way, in addition to the jade seal, there are probably some other things inside, such as living beings, which is difficult to deal with!" Xiaotai continued.

On the other hand, Liang Zhongxian also said his own inference, and he and Xiaotai had the same opinion.

Ling You hid behind Meng Qing and said softly, "Even if it is below the Dao Mountain Fire Sea, you have to go down, right?" That jade seal must be obtained, even if you don't go down, I will go down!"

But after speaking, she tightly tugged at the corners of Meng Qing's clothes.

In the cave, Brother Chicken laughed: "Master, I see that this little chick has fallen for you, or I will send a letter to Su Pu's mother, saying that you have taken a new concubine outside?" Calculate the time, if you have finished your business recently, when the time comes to see the main mother, your eldest son can just open his mouth to call the eldest mother... Hey, my grass..." As

soon as he finished speaking, Meng Qing slapped him over.

"Now people give you more face, next time dare to say that I must cut off your adulterous roots!" Don't think that everyone is just as indiscriminate as you! Brother

Chicken still wanted to say something, but Xiao Tai had already pressed his mouth first.

"Talk nonsense again, beware of the master beating you!"

"I'm not convinced, when will I be able to stand up? Will I live under his lustful power for the rest of my life? Hmph, when will the Si Chen Lie God Scourge clan stand up?! Brother Chicken huffed, opened Xiaotai's hand, and walked back and forth in the cave.

Xiao Wen, who was cultivating in the cave sky, said, "Hurry up and learn that technique you cultivate, and then enter the second-order Beast Venerable in advance!" That's pretty much fine. When

Brother Chicken heard this, he immediately rushed to the cave to retreat like a chicken with chicken blood.

Looking at the closed ninth cave sky, Xiao Tai looked at Xiao Wen suspiciously: "Is this feasible?"

"I don't know, but we can relax for a while, we don't care, but the master is now in the secret realm, and he can't always be distracted by the chicken brother." Xiaowen said helplessly, Brother Chicken really remembers to eat or not to fight, jumping in the minefield all year round, coupled with amazing resilience, so it is like Xiaoqiang who can't die.

And Meng Qing is now in the secret realm of splicing with unknown risks, and it is definitely not a time to be distracted.

And on the periphery, the three of them discussed for a while, already thinking of how to enter it.

Meng Qing cooperated with Liang Zhongxian to dig up the land on the stone slab like a tomb thief, and when they actually did it, they found that the place was much smaller than they thought.

The two dug a space along the stone slab, only to find that the stone slab was actually a cube of nearly three zhang.

There were many complicated patterns carved above, Meng Qing opened his pupils, but found that when there was spiritual energy swimming on it, those patterns seemed to come to life, revealing an inexplicable charm, as if there were creatures dancing above.

Ling You's brows furrowed, and she muttered in a voice that only she could hear,

"This pattern... It seems to have been seen somewhere. Liang

Zhongxian took out a codex and injected a jade jian with spiritual energy, and the light spread on the latter, like a printer scanning the cube, and when it was finally presented on the codex, it turned out to be a light and shadow that could change size freely.

"I think I know how to get in." Liang Zhongxian walked down excitedly, as if he had found a rare treasure, walked along the cube, and then suddenly looked at Ling You, but before he could say anything, Ling You threatened in a low voice: "If you dare to look at me again, I will kill you!"

These words seemed to have some special magic, Liang Zhongxian asked Meng Qing for help, and whispered a few words with him.

Meng Qing's face was strange, and he walked and said,

"It takes your blood to open this stone slab."

Ling You's eyes turned, and he suddenly said, "We exchange it at an equal price!"

"What do you want?" Meng Qing asked.

"Of course it's your blood, but not now, do you promise?" Ling You smiled.

Liang Zhongxian urged on the side: "Brother, hurry up, this splicing secret inner part is likely to give birth to your own consciousness, in case we find out later that we transfer the inner space."

In desperation, Meng Qing nodded in acquiescence.

Then, following Liang Zhongxian's instructions, he stained the index finger of his right hand with blood, moving forward along the cube, constantly pointing at several specific positions.

The aura reflected on it, and the dark liquid in the soil layer often decomposed by the Xuan Nether Death Force, and when it surged upward, those places that had been pointed by the blood point actually lit up one after another.

At first, it was only a vague and dim luster, but later, the brilliant points of light turned out to be as brilliant as the sun.

The four surfaces he could touch were all stained with blood, and later, those points of light were connected to each other and condensed into a formation.

It was a six-pointed star formation shining with dazzling colors and releasing vast coercion!

The three of them were shocked, this cube was like a torch, the point of light rose upwards, connected with the sky, the clouds scattered, and a formation appeared above.

Ling You looked at this scene intently and muttered, "This is the Blood Sacrifice Array? Could it be that the mystery of the formation that no one in my clan has been able to cultivate successfully for so many years is actually here?! "


The formation in the sky collapsed, the runes above fell along the previous beam, and the cube also melted like iron and stone hitting high temperature, and a portal formed in front of the three people.

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