After Ye Xuan left, Qi Bei said with interest: "It's really unlucky today, I encountered a piece of smelly shit when I went out, and my good mood was all gone!"

Meng Qing suggested, "It's better to go to the restaurant and rub it, I haven't eaten anything here."

"Good! You treat! Zibei clasped his hands to his chest and said this very smugly and affirmatively.

Meng Qing nodded and agreed, and Xiao Budian, who was originally held by him, suddenly raised his head, jumped lightly into Qi Bei's arms, and began to sell cute food again.

"You can be leisurely, although this little thing is small, it is a big stomach king, if you don't feed it modestly, sooner or later it will eat you." Meng Qingdao.

"I know this, don't say anything else, I have been here for so long, there may be nothing else, but the boundary breaking stone is definitely enough." Zibei Dao.

The two entered a restaurant, the boss who was originally lying on the wide recliner opened his eyes, and after seeing Qi Bei, he got up attentively, and said with a smile on his face: "Fang Cai, I am wondering why the small shop suddenly bursts bright, it turns out that Miss Qi is here, and recently the small shop has entered a batch of spiritual objects, can you two try it?"

Qi Bei said politely: "I haven't seen it for a while, the boss is more and more able to speak, your store has a good terrain, Pengxi has been shining for several years, the boss must not push the credit to the little woman, otherwise it will really bother me!"

"Miss Qi is really polite, come, two of you please come inside!" The boss welcomed the two inward and led straight into the most luxurious box.

Zibei took the menu very boldly and ticked two strokes casually.

The boss smiled and said, "Does this young master want to choose?"

"No need to choose, except for the two I just ticked, all the rest will be one!" Zibei Dao.

The boss smiled happily: "Okay, the two of you please take a seat first, and the good dishes will come in a while!" "

After a while, one by one, the waiters came with exquisite food, piling up the tables in the private room, and later, the dishes were even so many that they needed to be wrapped in layers in formation to barely put down.

When Meng Qing couldn't even drink water, nearly nine-tenths of those dishes had not moved.

Qi Bei held Erlang's legs, patted his round little belly without any image, and shouted: "It's so fucking cool!" I haven't eaten so openly for a long time!

Meng Qing said, "This can't work?" Come, keep eating, eat it all!

As soon as the words fell, a burst of warmth suddenly fell into his arms, and his neck was hooked by Zibe, who said very charmingly: "I can't eat it, unless you feed me, mouth-to-mouth kind." "


The door of the box was opened, Xiao Tai and the others walked in together, and Brother Chicken screamed: "Master, that place..."

Before he finished speaking, he stopped, and for a moment, there was a strange silence in the box.

When Fang Cai Meng Qing walked out of the City Lord's Mansion, he asked Xiao Tai and the others to scatter around the city to find out if there was a place like a martial arts hall that could allow him to retreat, and now, at the time when he should not have returned, they had returned!

Brother Chicken's eyes widened, but when he wanted to speak, he was covered by Xiao Taiyi and pulled away, the queen ant and others retreated in turn, and Xiaoqiang, who was in charge of the queen, closed the door for them very intimately, and said before leaving: "You guys continue."

Inside the box, Meng Qing picked up Qi Bei, lifted it gently, and then put it heavily on the chair on the side.

"Uh-huh, it hurts," Zibe groaned.

Meng Qing's face turned dark: "Can't you change your name?"

"But people really hurt, can't you tap lightly?" Zibei was not convinced.

Meng Qing chose to shut up, he walked outside the door, opened the door and was trying to find Xiaoqiang and the others to solve those dishes together, but the few people who were originally lying outside the door and wanted to eavesdrop poured in, almost throwing him to the ground!

Brother Chicken got up and said seriously: "Ah, it turns out that the master is finished... That's what, we're worried about someone doing something bad, so we're guarding outside the door! With

these words, Meng Qing's brain was almost covered with black lines.

Still Xiaotai pulled away from the topic, several beasts let go of their belly and ate it, while Fluttershy and Queen Ant were Sven, who wanted to eat a little bit the same, while watching Xiaoqiang and the others as if the condemned prisoners had never eaten food.

At the final checkout, Meng Qing took out all his elixirs, or this boss barely enough after discounting.

The two went home.

The next day, Meng Qing went out early in the morning and followed the place instructed by Xiao Tai and others.

It is a martial arts hall located in the south of the city, which recruits students for training and also provides rental of cultivation venues.

Before this, he went to a pawnshop and exchanged all the various spirit weapons that were not used in the mustard bracelet for elixirs.

A large part of this is trophies, and a meal last night almost bankrupted him, and now he is in desperate need of elixir, so he can only calculate like this.

Brother Chicken mocked mercilessly: "If you don't have money, don't pretend to be forced, you still eat the last meal but not the next meal, and start pretending to be generous and invite your little sister to eat?"

Meng Qing gave him a blank look: "Don't talk nonsense, this is to maintain a solid revolutionary friendship." Brother

Chicken laughed: "Hey, there is still a revolutionary friendship, at least for now, your friendship has some signs of deterioration, others say that lonely men and widows alone in the room will be dry firewood, but now it seems that you two are wet firewood meets simmering, thunder is loud, rain is small!"

Meng Qing was silent, and after paying the fee to rent a cultivation room, he immediately pulled Brother Chicken out of the cave: "Come, accompany me to practice well!" "

When one man and one beast were fighting, an uninvited guest was greeted under this martial arts hall.

The person in charge of the martial arts hall said very respectfully: "Back to Young Master Ye's words, Fang Cai's guest entered the cultivation room.

"Really? Then I'll go in too, help me get together with his cultivation room, and then start the battle state." Ye Xuan said softly.

The person in charge of the martial arts hall was embarrassed: "But this, I'm afraid it violates the rules of the martial arts hall, if that person comes out and sues us, then the reputation of my martial arts hall can be ruined!"

"Sue you? Don't worry, that's something that only living people can do, is it still difficult to take this? A hint of gloom appeared under Ye Xuan's eyes, and at the same time, a faint murderous aura appeared all over his body, and he threw it casually, and a heavy package entered the hands of the person in charge of the martial arts hall.

Among them, there was a crisp clanging sound, and at the same time, a burst of breath that belonged to the boundary breaking stone came out.

The person in charge of the martial arts hall took a deep breath and said quickly, "I'll do it now." Inside

the cultivation room, Meng Qing's battle intent was high, and the power of the Buddha Demon on his body became stronger and stronger, raising his aura to the peak.

Unlike him, Brother Chicken was beaten again and again and begged for mercy, and the halo around his body was very scattered, and he was actually shattered alive!

Meng Qing strode forward again: "Come, don't retreat, give full play to your Fangcai mouth cannon skills, and come and fight me to the end!" Brother

Chicken kept retreating, and said with a smile: "Isn't this right?" I'm just kidding.

Just as Meng Qing raised his hand, the cultivation room trembled, and a wall rose, and inside was a dark hole, and footsteps came from it.

Go for it!

The door of this cultivation room was locked and could not be opened from the inside.

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