Meng Qing's brows furrowed slightly, and looking in the direction where the footsteps came from, a familiar face emerged, it was Ye Xuan.

"I said, it's better not to go out, otherwise you will definitely regret it." He was very conceited.

"Regret? It seems that you are very confident in your own strength, but in my opinion, you are not called self-confidence, it is called conceit! Meng Qing said.

"Forget it, tell you, this place has been set up by me, only one person can go out, and the people who stay in it will be crushed and broken, and there will be no trace left, are you happy?" Ye Xuan smiled very brightly, as if he had directly sentenced Meng Qing to death.

"Really? Then it seems that you have already figured out how to deal with it, good, really good. Meng Qing first looked strange, and then said, to be honest, he was still very grateful to this kind of clear opponent who arranged himself in advance.

Anyway, omitting the time he packed up wasn't.

"Sharp-toothed boy, originally I was going to give you a pain, but I thought about it, there is really no need to waste any time on you, as long as you can kneel down and apologize, saying that you pestered Zibei is just a toad who wants to eat swan meat, I will still do this." Ye Xuan continued.

"You don't deserve it, since you think you can arrange me, then let me see, you really don't deserve me to waste my tongue, it's quite boring." Meng Qing shook his head, he was afraid that talking to this kind of person for a long time would lower his level.

"Okay, complete you!" Ye Xuan was furious, he was very dissatisfied with Meng Qing's arrogant posture, in comparison, the words he had just said were like an accusation made by a subordinate to a superior!

Ye Xuan stepped out in one step, condensing a large amount of spiritual energy on his fist, but when he reached Meng Qing's side, he took a step back, and the figure disappeared directly.

Meng Qing closed his eyes, in the face of such an attack, he didn't even dodge, just ran the aura, and then calmly waited.


On his left and right sides, a figure appeared, all of them were Ye Xuan, both in breath and appearance, they were exactly the same, each of them threw a punch, striking at Meng Qing in the middle!


A muffled sonic boom sounded, as if two high-speed moving weights collided with each other but were blocked separately.

Ye Xuan was stunned, his punch that could collapse the mountain was now blocked when he was only a few inches away from Meng Qing's body, and he couldn't get any closer!

It's terrifying.

"You... What a son! Meng Qing glanced at him and pouted gently.

Ye Xuan retracted his fist and blasted out again, but the latter still didn't move.

Meng Qing moved, and his aura shook slightly, and he actually retreated the two Ye Xuan back seven or eight zhang before stopping.

He threw a punch, and there seemed to be thunder and explosions around the fist surging, and the terrifying sound echoed throughout the sky.

Ye Xuan looked at the condensed fist mark flying towards him, his eyes widened, especially the heavy aura carried above almost suffocated him!

"How is this possible?" He roared low, took out a shield, and when he injected spiritual energy, the latter expanded rapidly, like a barrier to protect it.

As if he didn't feel enough, Ye Xuan even opened his mouth to spit out a rune, and when the rune touched the surrounding air, it turned into a phantom holding a sword and shield, standing like a guard in front of him.

The fist seal arrived, the barrier held on for a few breaths and then disintegrated, the guard drew his sword and held the shield, silently roaring, the long sword split vertically, and the shield moved horizontally!

The power of the fist seal and the phantom reached their peak almost at the same time, and they disintegrated with a bang in front of them.

Ye Xuan looked for Meng Qing, but a strong force passed to his waist, and he suddenly blasted it away and smashed it on the wall on the other side.

"I have to say, you are really inferior." Meng Qing said lightly, he fell in the air and stepped on the place where Ye Xu was lying, and there was a roar on the ground, but the latter escaped first.

A spear blasted from the rear, Meng Qing ran the Origin Qi, and the spear that was originally advancing very fiercely seemed to be stuck in a quagmire here!

Meng Qing pushed backhanded, and the spear went in the opposite direction, locking Ye Xuan, almost grazing his shoulder and slamming into the wall, and most of the spear pierced into it.

Ye Xuan, who had already hid to the side, broke out in a cold sweat, if Fang Cai was hit, then he would at least be seriously injured!

"Good, you forced me, next, I will defeat you where you are most proud!" Ye Xuan said fiercely, he seemed to be mad, and when he roared, he was like a beast.

Meng Qing waved his hand, and the chicken brother who was just about to rest was taken out of the cave by him:

"Give you a chance to vent, this little role is handed over to you."

Brother Chicken muttered, just pressed to the ground by Meng Qing and rubbed, but now he wants to open, and the small emotions on his face are at a glance.

He was very unconvinced.

On the other side, Ye Xuan said coldly: "You are very arrogant, and one day, you will die of this arrogance!" My opponent is you, not this golden retriever pheasant! Meng

Qing's face was delighted, very good, perfect thunder!

Brother Chicken had a dark face and turned around, "What did you just say?" Have the ability to say it again!

He walked forward, gradually releasing his breath.

"I said, my opponent is your master, not you golden retriever pheasant!" Ye Xuan repeated, as soon as his words fell, he seemed to have discovered something terrifying, his eyes widened and he lost his voice:

"Too empty... Too Void Realm Beast? This, this, this... How is this possible?! Brother

Chicken spread his wings and roared lowly: "Dare to insult me? I want you to die!

Si Chen burns the sun wheel! "


Ye Xuan hurriedly threw away the object in his hand and hurriedly retreated, while using all the defensive spirit weapons he could use.

But this still didn't help, Brother Chicken went all out, and the surrounding halo was like a corona, spreading for more than a dozen zhang, and the entire room was filled with such terrifying force and high temperature.

The chicken brother roared, and for a moment, Meng Qing, who was located behind, seemed to see a bird of prey bathed in the blazing sun flapping its wings, it jumped up from below, jumped up to the ninth sky, and with just one breath, it could lower a flame that was more terrifying than magma.

"I think that's the ancestor of the Si Chenlie God Clan, right? It seems that Brother Chicken is really okay and has already come into contact with the level of atavism. Meng Qing said.

The more living beings, especially those with strong bloodlines in their ancestors, the more so, when their cultivation is strong to a certain extent, under the washing of strong aura and qi and blood, the bloodlines in the body will gradually awaken.

If it can be fully awakened, it is called atavism.

In other words, when the awakening is completed, that creature will even be the new ancestor!

On the other side, Ye Xuan used all his strength, but he couldn't break through the restraints no matter what.

In the end, in a terrifying high temperature that made the entire cultivation room turn red, Ye Xuan was bombarded!

His entire robe was burned to ashes, his hair disappeared, and his body was like dry firewood, looking hideous.

His cave sky collapsed, and what the beast in it looked like, Meng Qing turned into a pool of blood before he even saw it clearly.

"It's a half-step too empty, just so unbearable? It's really waste firewood. Xiaotai commented.

Brother Chicken was angry enough and had to go back to the cave to sleep after a roar.

Meng Qing put away his mustard bracelet and another thing that had fallen on the ground, and glanced at the mustard bracelet, only to find that there was nothing else inside except nearly three hundred demigod medicines.

"Okay, at least there is a little more in terms of resources." He said casually, pouring out the elixir inside, throwing the mustard bracelet casually, and his eyes were attracted by the small thing that Fang Cai Ye Xuan discarded.

It was a white jade lion the size of a palm.

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