After sending off the father and son, Meng Qing went to the local intelligence agency.

What entertained him was a magic array, and there were lights and shadows inside, like Terran creatures.

This is forbidden.

In layman's terms, these beings are creatures who owe a large amount of money to casinos or some institutions but cannot pay off their debts.

Their bodies are slaughtered, their spirits are removed, and they are sold to many institutions or organizations that require labor.

Some compassionate organizations will repay the corresponding money and return these spirits to freedom, but more often they will imprison them for eternity and eternity while maintaining the minimum wage until the spirits naturally disintegrate.

When Meng Qing first learned about this situation, he was still sighing, no matter what era, capitalists are blood-sucking evil spirits.

He paid ten demigod pills to inquire about the Supreme Academy.

But when the Dharma Array responded, Meng Qing only felt his scalp numb.

"Half a month ago, the enrollment of the Supreme Academy was completed, and it gathered the top geniuses of tens of thousands of forces in the upper realm, and all kinds of strong people gathered together, and the heroes chased the deer!"

His hand holding the Dharma Formation was even trembling slightly.

Half a month has passed?

He remembered that he was only in a coma for a while, but how could it have been half a month?

When he was still in the northern region, he had his heart set out to participate in the Supreme Academy, but he was only one step away from becoming a disciple in it and meeting Su Pu, and there was such a mistake?

His hands were even shaking.

Xiao Tai shouted in the cave: "Master, cheer up!" Don't you still have a supreme personal letter? As long as we can leave this realm and go to the Supreme Academy, we can enter!"

This voice was deafening, making Meng Qing wake up instantly.

He took a deep breath, looked at the Dharma Formation in front of him, and consulted the way to the Supreme Academy.

When he saw the results, Meng Qing frowned slightly.

The upper part showed that this place was far from the location of the Supreme Academy, and although this was still in the Ancestor Stone Realm he had seen before, it was a hundred thousand li away from the original place.

"Let's get out of this mine first." Meng Qing had already made up his mind, and at this stage, his goal was to go to the Supreme Academy, just to save the country.

Turning around and walking out of the intelligence agency, he was heading in the direction of the mine.

When several beasts knew the reason, they were a little worried that there was fraud in this.

Meng Qing said calmly, "Whether there is fraud or not, I have to go and see it, don't I?" If it's really an innate rune, it will be a great help for me! "

Many beasts knew that once Meng Qing made a decision, he would not change it easily, so he simply did not dissuade him.

In the cave day, looking at Meng Qing, who was striding a meteor, Xiao Tai pulled several beasts together: "You must remember to pay attention to the master's every move, and report it immediately if you find that it is not right!" Several

beasts nodded deeply, including the halberd.

He entered the mine by path, again unimpeded.

He increased his speed, and when he reached the intersection he had noticed before, the movement came again, and this time the change was even more violent than the last time, as if there was a special magic force over there, attracting him there!

He walked a few steps along the passage, and the abnormal beating of the four ancestral talismans stopped, but the agitation from the new rune became more and more obvious.

Meng Qing didn't understand this, and he guessed, "Could it be that the runes over there are incomplete?" And Fang Cai's restlessness is just a natural phenomenon caused by the ancestral rune encountering the same rune? "

It's like the reaction of the Terrans when they suddenly meet the old man in a foreign country, and after getting along with each other, they find that the two are not in the same class.

And Xiao Ji and the others were also uncertain, they also did not know much about the ancestral talisman before.

Meng Qing followed the guidance of the new rune forward.

The more inside, the more obvious the agitation became, and even the agitation from the new rune almost rushed out of his body!

Ahead is a swamp.

It is covered with mud, and there are often points of light floating around it, and pieces of runes surround the center like stars holding the moon, and the visual shock is full.

"What's that? Could it really be an innate rune? Xiao Tai and others also saw this scene and were shocked.

He suppressed the impulse in his heart, and the four ancestral talismans in the Divine Soul Space were still calm, but the new runes were restless, and they were moving vigorously.

Brother Chicken said with a smile: "Rush, don't miss the opportunity and don't come again!"

Meng Qing nodded and rushed into the swamp, but within ten zhang of stepping into that realm, the abnormality occurred.

The ground below seemed to be rolling in waves, and there were waves, and all the spiritual substances that had been swimming in it before surged in, as if they wanted to chase and block him!

Meng Qing quickened his steps, but his feet suddenly emptied, and most of his legs were stuck in the mud.

Those spiritual substances all swirled around, layers of restraints, as if they were forcibly pulling him out of the large outer space.

"My grass, it's really an ambush, master..." When

Xiao Tai was about to say something in the cave sky, Meng Qing only felt that the lower half of his body turned dark gray, and even the cave sky was blocked.

The connection between him and the beast was blocked.

The dark ash continued to spread, over his chest all the way up.

He used his remaining aura to pull the connection with the trident, and just as he was about to strike, even his fingertips were covered in dark ash.

The speed of this dark gray spread was too fast, and he couldn't even condense the formed aura and divine soul power to resist!

A stream of esoteric forces guarded all around, stripping him from the large space outside and unable to call for help.

He was like a statue brought by outsiders, his left hand clenched into a fist, his right hand wanted to touch his eyebrow, but he was still close.

Meng Qing wanted to save himself, but now he was in a blocked state except for his eyes, both his soul and aura.

It wasn't long before footsteps came.

Several strong people who were cultivating at the True God level arrived, and one of them saw Meng Qing and was surprised:

"Isn't this the adult who just came in?" How did you get here? Can't get lost, right? Someone

next to him scolded: "Lost? Hmph, that's what you think, it must be a rebel thief who wants to come here to hunt for treasure! Take this man to pit one. Meng

Qing was mentioned by the two true gods and moved to the other side.

On the way, they muttered: "Do you say that these people have bad brains, if it is really a place where heavy treasures are stored, we will not send strong people to guard them?"

"Who knows, they all think that they are heavenly wizards, with invincible luck, hehe, we are also a joy."

"In other words, has anyone ever found any treasures in Pit No. 1? Mysteriously, that was the last untapped pit, right?

"Yes, I heard that there are very evil doors inside, and no one who went down to investigate before has come out, and there have been supreme powerhouses who have gone down, but they all disappeared without a trace, and finally there was a manager who pulled a sheep and put it down, and guess what?" The rope is stained with diluted Styx water!

"I did hear about this, the mystery of the pit is complicated, it seems that the managers are looking for warriors who can withstand the mystery of riots, but they have never found a suitable candidate."

"Yes! It looks like this kid is going to be gone forever. "

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