When the two carried Meng Qing through the field in front, they were immediately saluted by the miners or large and small leaders working in it.

Then at this opportunity, Meng Qing observed the mine with a unilateral gaze.

The passages here are very wide, and the walls are extremely smooth, as if they have been caused by prolonged friction.

And the miners who came and went were all in decline and ragged, and when the cover that could only be described as a strip of cloth was shrouded in the body, it still looked very wide!

Some of them's eyes were bloodshot, their skin turned gray, and they staggered forward with wide backpacks at the urging of big and small bosses.

In addition to the knocking of ore and the sound of scolding, moaning seems to be the main theme of this.

Suddenly, there was a low cheer in the distance.

To say it was a cheer was more like an exclamation, but in such a dull and depressing place, this is one of the few other sounds.

Meng Qing tried to turn his gaze around, and only then did he see the situation over there.

There was a man lying on the ground over there, and a man who looked like a small leader was pouring water on him, and a large amount of dirt fell off the man.

Someone took out a brand new outfit, as if waiting to change it for him.

And the ground was like an offering with two or three saucers, some of which were low-level elixirs, and some miners who were guarding the edge rushed up and snatched those elixirs three or two times and swallowed them.

Those who devoured the elixir all looked satisfied, while those who failed to devour the elixir were remorseful, and many even beat their shriveled lower abdomen and roared like wild beasts.

Sometimes Meng Qing was really worried that these people's chests would be crushed by themselves.

He didn't want to look at it anymore, in a sense, these people were no different from the walking dead, and living might be a torture for them, and it was the only pleasure to see their former companions buried and take advantage of this death.

When he walked into an obviously decorated mining area, the surroundings were suddenly spacious, and the passage that Meng Qing had seen before could accommodate two people walking side by side, but the width here was nearly a square meter!

At intervals, the walls are evenly decorated with night pearls.

There are a lot fewer people here, and the people who occasionally appear are also management, and they all wear badges.

Soon, a wider area appeared, which was actually a dungeon, in which many large spirit beasts were held!

The paws of these spirit beasts are wide, their qi and blood are strong but their cultivation is low, like the most suitable existence for mining.

But Meng Qing could see at a glance that these spirit beasts were products that had been crossbred.

Soon, he arrived at his destination, it was a big pit, and there were many makeshift huts on the edge, which exuded a strong and arrogant aura, and the lowest strength here was too empty!

The two put him down and knocked respectfully on the door of one of the houses.

A Zhenwu walked out and asked impatiently, "What is the situation?"

One of them hurriedly said, "This man fell into a trap, and the commander let us send it to the mine."

Na Zhenwu waved his hand: "Got it, you guys go down."

After the two left, this Zhenwu first put a jade ring on Meng Qing's head, and then took out a porcelain bottle and poured a little on Meng Qing's hand.

A corrosive sound that made the scalp tingle came out.

The dark gray aura that covered Meng Qing's hand disappeared a little, but his skin was not damaged, and the remaining part of the liquid dripped to the ground through his palm.

A small pit emerged.

Na Zhenwu was first stunned, and then said in ecstasy: "Found it, found it, we found the antibody!" As

if he had discovered some peerless treasure, he knocked on the doors of those huts one by one, and the warriors who practiced in them went out one after another to check.

When they understood the reason for the matter, one by one, they seemed to have discovered peerless treasures, and surrounded Meng Qingli three circles outside the three circles.

An old man with white hair but a face full of age spots said, "Take the water of the Styx and remove the substance from this person." Someone

struggled to move a jade bottle that was one person tall, and the old man suggested:

"Even antibodies can't withstand large doses of Styx water, come, slowly."

Someone sprinkled the water of the Styx River evenly on Meng Qing's body, and the gray matter on his body was rapidly removed.

He regained his freedom, he looked around, and when he saw that there were many strong people of the first rank crowded in the crowd, he knew that he could not escape, and simply stood honestly.

"This kid is good, the one who knows the time is Junjie!" The old man laughed.

Meng Qing glanced at the badge on his chest, and a big loyalty was written on it.

"Elder Jiang Zhong, now that the antibodies have been found, let's let him go down and see what is in this pit?" It was proposed.

Jiang Zhong nodded and said at the same time, "Go and tell the Great Elder and explain this matter."

"Little friend don't have to be afraid, you run an errand for us, and when we succeed, we will promote you to be the manager of this mine, how about?" Another elder with a badge named Yi pinned to his chest smiled.

"It's not good, you can put me in this pit you said, but you can't come back to see how I'm feeling." Meng Qingdao.

"What a straightforward brat, tell you the truth, this thing on your head is called the Bundle God Ring! As long as you are still in the Upper Realm, we can cast spells remotely, allowing you to enjoy the feeling of your soul being strangled little by little! Jiang Zhong smiled.

On one side, Jiang also asked people to take a tube that was one person tall, and then said:

"Go, take out a little of the things under this pit, if it is brilliant, we will consider taking this divine ring off."

Without waiting for him to say more, several Extreme Figures approached forward, almost pushing him to the edge of the pit.

Meng Qing clenched his fists, he extremely hated the feeling of being driven to the shelves.

On one side came a group of leaders, each holding a rope, and in their hands they were either leading or dragging skinny miners.

"Bring some people down to cushion, good luck."

I don't know who said this, and then, those people's wrists flipped, and many miners fell into the pit below like dumplings.

Throughout the whole process, apart from the sound of bones breaking from below, there was no struggle, resistance or wailing.

"It's your turn." Jiang Zhong smiled very kindly, and there was even hope in his eyes.

Meng Qing walked to the edge of the pit, and he turned to look at the group of people from the Jiang family:

"Well, maybe, when I come up again, I will give you a big surprise!"

He jumped out of the pit.

When his body disappeared into the rolling black mist, some commanders couldn't help but ask, "Elder, can this kid really come up?"

Jiang Zhong asked rhetorically: "If he can't come up, will we lose anything?" When

many commanders heard this, they immediately came to their senses.

If Meng Qing can't come up, they won't lose anything, but if they come up, as long as the Shu Shen Ring is there, he is absolutely under control!

"Antibodies? I didn't expect that it really let us find it, this is indeed a good move, if the antibody does not come up, this matter ends here, if it comes up, it is not too late to inform the top level at that time, hehe, or you think thoughtfully. Jiang Ye also patted Jiang Zhong's horse butt very kindly, very numb, but the latter was very useful to this, looking fluttering.

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