"Ding, congratulations to the host. Sun Wukong, the ninth generation ancestor of the Immortal Sect, has killed many powerful demons and received a reward of one million trillion sect values, one hundred ultimate random summoning opportunities in the Fruition Emperor Realm, and one trillion luck. It’s worth it, two unlimited opportunities to summon the ancestor!”

"Because the host kills a powerful person in the God Refining Realm for the first time, he will receive an additional reward: the Pledge of Faith!"

"The Oath of Faith: A contract similar to the Oath of Heaven developed by the system. It is controlled by the system. Once the oath of faith is sworn, it cannot be betrayed for life. Otherwise, no matter how much cultivation it is, no matter where it is, it will be obliterated by the power of the system. !”

In this world like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​​​blood, the cold voice of the system sounded in Wang Feng's mind, making Wang Feng tremble all over. To reach his current height, no matter how much sect value he has, it will not matter to him. Say, it doesn’t mean much!

After all, sect values ​​can only be used to draw prizes and exchange for treasures in the system mall. Now, many elders of the Shenxian Sect have reached the upper limit of the system's cultivation level. No matter how much they draw, they cannot improve their cultivation level unless the system is upgraded or they break through on their own. .

As for the treasures in the system mall, and the huge wealth accumulated by the Shenxian Sect now, he does not need to exchange them for ordinary treasures. Even if they are exchanged for extraordinary treasures, with the cultivation level of many elders of the Shenxian Sect at this time, not many people can exchange them. It works!

Therefore, no matter how many sect points he got, it would only make him slightly surprised. However, the unlimited opportunity to summon the ancestors and the oath of faith made him quite happy.

The unlimited summoning of ancestors allows him to summon the ancestors without consuming his luck, and the oath of faith is even more awesome.

The oath of faith is directly controlled by the system. As long as it is taken, it is impossible to betray it. He was worried about how to conquer this group of powerful demons, and he really fell asleep and came to the pillow!

Without the oath of faith, under the threat of Sun Wukong's terrifying strength, perhaps these powerful demons would surrender, but who can guarantee how many of them would surrender loyally?

Once a stronger demon clan leader appears to deal with his Immortal Sect, this group of people will definitely betray him without hesitation.

Before, he only killed a high priest of the Demon Spirit Tribe. All the strong Demons in the Luoshen Mountains went crazy and even formed a team to attack and kill the intruders. It can be imagined that this Demon Clan is facing outsiders. What a unity there was.

What promotes this unity is that they all have the same belief, the so-called devil!

Under such circumstances, it would be very difficult for him to change the other person's belief, but with this oath of faith, he could do it easily. How could Wang Feng not be excited?

Once his faith increases, his ability to believe in gods will be stronger, and the power he can draw on will be stronger!

Thinking of this, Wang Feng glanced at the many dull demon warriors and winked at Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong nodded, and his whole body instantly rose into the air. He was dressed in golden armor, which was even more dazzling under the sunlight. The momentum all over his body burst out suddenly, filling the entire Shenxian Sect station!

At this moment, Sun Wukong was like an unparalleled war god coming to the dust. Just one glance made the souls of many powerful demons present tremble, and they were all terrified!

"Those who surrender will not be killed!"

The words that sounded like a bell came from Sun Wukong's mouth and resounded throughout the entire Shenxian Sect. They also resounded in the hearts of these powerful demon clan men, making their whole bodies tremble.

How much stimulation did it bring to them to see countless powerful people above the true gods of the Demon Race being swept away by Sun Wukong with just one stick? If you are not a person involved, you will never be able to experience the excitement of despair, as if the world is collapsing.

A full half time passed, and under Sun Wukong's sharp gaze, the strong men of the demon clan knelt down and bowed their heads one after another, their whole bodies trembling with fear.

In the face of beings like Sun Wukong, does resistance make sense? There is no meaning at all, they are just sending themselves to death. If someone leads them, they can die for the faith in their hearts without hesitation. But now, the two powerful demon king-level tribes have all fallen, and they are still wiped out so easily. What's the point of resisting?

Resistance that does not achieve the goal is in vain!

Of course, this has a lot to do with the excitement that Sun Wukong brought to them by wiping out many strong men above the true gods with one stick. Sun Wukong's stick not only killed those strong men who were true gods, but also broke the strong faith in their hearts. Barriers that make them doubt their beliefs.

Seeing many strong demons who had surrendered, Wang Feng's eyes flashed and he directly passed the oath of faith to Sun Wukong, allowing Sun Wukong to use his great supernatural power to directly instill it into the minds of these strong demons and force them to take the oath of faith. !

After receiving the information about the oath of faith, Sun Wukong's eyes lit up, he waved his hands, and directly used his great magical power to carve the oath of faith directly into the souls of many powerful demons present. Even if they wanted to forget it, they could not forget it!

"Sake this oath and you will live!"

"Otherwise, your fate will be worse than death!"

Sun Wukong's eyes flashed with a stern look, and a bone-chilling murderous intent burst out from his whole body, covering many powerful demons, and shouted in a deep voice.

Under the threat of Sun Wukong's terrifying murderous intention, these powerful demons, despite their unwillingness, discovered the oath of faith one by one!


As the deep and mysterious powerful sound resounded, the entire sky above the Shenxian Sect was filled with a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere. As the chanting of the incantation deepened, many powerful demons were in an unconscious state. They originally stood above The phantom belief in the devil in their minds collapsed under the influence of these mysterious spells.

Gradually, a new tall figure condensed in the minds of these demons. This new tall figure was clearly the shadow of Wang Feng.

This is the terror and tyranny of the oath of faith!

Directly destroy the original faith of the person who swore the oath of faith, and condense a new faith, a faith unique to Wang Feng.

Now these powerful demons are stimulated by Sun Wukong's terrifying strength, causing them to begin to doubt their own beliefs. In this state, the effect of the oath of faith will undoubtedly reach its most perfect level.

Looking at the many powerful demons who were reciting the oath of faith, Wang Feng suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, as if from now on, he would be in charge of the faith of this group of people. He could even see a series of The tiny rays of light, with him as the center, were like a network, linking these powerful demons.

At the same time, Li Tianding, which was in the center of the square where the World Ball Immortal Sect was stationed, also shook with a bang, and wisps of golden light gathered from all directions and poured into Li Tianding!

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