Wang Feng can clearly feel that the power of faith in Li Tianding is slowly increasing, and even the speed of this increase is not slow. The liquid of faith gathered in the cauldron increases in a visible arc with the naked eye.

The faith of six to seven thousand powerful men in the divine realm. How huge is this faith? No one can even imagine it! The concentration of this power of faith is second only to the faith gained from killing the Blood Crow in the Imperial Realm. It is even greater than the faith gathered by many powerful men of his Immortal Sect!

Wang Feng is somewhat looking forward to it. When the faith god fully accepts this power of faith, to what extent can it transform? Moreover, after possessing the faith of such a large number of powerful demons, the time he can borrow the power of faith in gods will become longer and longer in the future!

A full quarter of an hour passed before the chanting of many powerful demon clan members stopped. They slowly opened their eyes. At this moment, Wang Feng and others could clearly feel that their eyes had changed!

Before, their eyes were full of shock and anger when they looked at Wang Feng, but now, they only had endless reverence. This kind of reverence was even enough to die for Wang Feng!

At this moment, even Wang Feng kept lamenting the horror of the system. This oath of faith can be so domineering. It is the so-called oath of heaven, but it is nothing more than that, right?

Wang Feng really couldn't stand the scorching eyes of these powerful demons, so he ordered Song Que to handle the battlefield and settle many powerful demons, and then returned to the main hall with Sun Wukong.

Wang Feng sat on the main seat, looked at Sun Wukong, and murmured softly: "Great Sage, please go to the Demon Scorpion Tribe and the Demon Sulfur Tribe and bring back all the remaining strong men from these two demon king-level tribes. At the same time, let them take a vow of faith!”


Hearing this, Sun Wukong nodded, and disappeared directly into the hall in a flash.

Looking at the direction in which Sun Wukong left, Wang Feng's eyes flickered. This time, although the two demon king-level tribes were out in full force, there must be strong people left behind and those tribesmen who had not reached the divine realm. The faith of these people was What matters most to him!

The belief of the strong men in the divine realm is indeed stronger than that of ordinary people, but after all, the number is too small. To be able to subdue these six or seven thousand strong men in the divine realm is already as high as the sky. Even if there are two demon king-level tribes left behind, the divine realm among them There will definitely not be many, but there will be many who are not in the realm of gods!

How many people are there in the entire Luoshen Mountain Range? More than millions! Such a huge number is enough to make up for the lack of cultivation. Once they all believe in themselves, how terrifying will the faith that can be collected in Li Tianding reach?

It’s simply unimaginable!

While waiting for Sun Wukong to return, Wang Feng was also observing the changes in Li Tianding. He discovered that as the faith of many strong demons gathered, the entire liquid of faith in Li Tianding turned into dark gold, and even the faith The gods also turned into dark gold, and Wang Feng could even feel a faint spirituality born in the belief in the gods.

At first, it was just because he was the leader of Li Tianding and it was because he broke his karma that he could condense the belief in the god. Therefore, he could barely communicate with the belief in the god, but the spiritual wisdom of the belief in the god had not yet been fully born. , only a vague consciousness!

But now, as the power of faith increases, the vague consciousness of belief in gods gradually becomes clearer, and the spiritual wisdom gradually increases!

Wang Feng could feel that with the faith of six or seven thousand powerful demon clansmen, the cultivation level of belief in gods had directly broken through from the original realm of true gods to the peak of nirvana, and was only one step away from reaching the level of god refining.

At this moment, Wang Feng was extremely looking forward to the return of Sun Wukong with the two powerful demon king-level tribes. With the huge base of the demon tribe, perhaps, those who believe in gods can directly reach the realm of refining gods!

After a full hour passed, Wang Feng's eyes lit up and he stared at Li Tianding. At this moment, the entire Li Tianding was shaking violently. Wisps of golden light gathered from all directions and poured into Li Tianding. .

These golden rays may not be as strong as those contributed by the previous powerful gods of the Demon Race, but they are more numerous and densely packed, almost gathering in the entire Shenxian Sect's resident square, making it dazzling!

Some Shenxian Sect disciples who stayed in the World Sphere and had not practiced in depth were surprised when they saw such a strange sight. They stopped to watch in the distance and did not dare to step forward.


Under the trembling eyes of many Shenxian Sect disciples, a huge golden light pillar shot up from the Li Tianding, piercing the sky. Under this golden light pillar, many Shenxian Sect disciples felt a sacred aura, and their whole bodies couldn't help but became solemn!

It was at this time that Sun Wukong came back, bringing back two strong men from the Demon Tribe!

Wang Feng temporarily withdrew his consciousness from the world ball and glanced at the two powerful demons. He could clearly feel that the eyes of these two powerful demons looking at him were full of reverence.

Obviously, Sun Wukong succeeded!

However, what surprised Wang Feng was that the cultivation level of these two powerful demon men had reached the peak of Nirvana?

"Sect Master, these two, one is Mo Yun, the strongest person from the Demon Scorpion Tribe, and the other is Mo Fang, the strongest person from the Demon Sulfur Tribe!"

"See my lord!"

After Sun Wukong's introduction, Mo Yun and Mo Fang did not dare to neglect, and bowed to Wang Feng respectfully.

Wang Feng nodded, his eyes flashing with brilliance. This should be the strongest existence among the powerful demons he has conquered so far. However, these two people can manage many powerful demons.

"From now on, the two of you will be in charge of the many powerful demons of our Immortal Sect!"

"Yes, thank you sir!"

After hearing Wang Feng's words, Mo Yun and Mo Fang were both excited and bowed deeply to Wang Feng and said respectfully.

At this moment, they who had sworn the oath of faith had already regarded Wang Feng as their own faith. It was an honor for them to be personally received by Wang Feng, let alone to be reused by Wang Feng?

"Sir, there is a treasure in the Demon Tribe. If you can obtain it, it will be easier for you to conquer the strong men of the Demon Tribe!"

"The faith in the hearts of the demons has long been ingrained after many years of accumulation. If you want to break it, unless you let the ancestors take action again, crush them one by one, stimulate them, and make them swear an oath of faith. !”

"But if you can get such a treasure from the Demon Tribe, maybe many tribes will directly choose to turn against you!"

Mo Yun's eyes flickered with light and he spoke to Wang Feng.

The oath of faith is so terrifying. Once it is taken, it will directly change its original belief. Now, whether it is Mo Yun or other powerful demons who have sworn the oath of faith, they all have Wang Feng as the center. If anyone dares to slander Wang Maple, they must be crazy.

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