
The boundless sword energy and the shocking spear light covered the sky and the sun. At this moment, the whole world seemed to be destroyed. The terrible collision scene was so shocking that everyone who saw it trembled in fear.

In the eyes of Leng Lie and others, Ran Yi's sword fell like a galaxy, with endless sharpness and violence, and collided with the cold ghost slash erupted by the ghost. When the two collided, if the stars exploded, The heaven and earth are rioting, and the stormy waves are roaring!

Even across the long distance, Leng Lie and others could still feel the terrifying impact, and their bodies involuntarily stepped back. Many strong men from the Tianyong tribe were directly thrown away, and their blood flowed like fountains. gushing.


At that moment, above the shocking sword energy, the aura of desolation and annihilation erupted. In an instant, the spear light erupted from the smashing ghost, slashing towards the ghost like a bamboo, the speed was extremely fast!

As strong as a ghost, his mind and body were trembling. At the critical moment, his body twisted and barely escaped the sword. But even so, one of his arms was cut off by the sword, and the dark blood flowed from it. The broken arm spurted out, eroding the void.


This shocking scene made Leng Lie and Xuan Guan in the distance all have their pupils widened and gasp, their faces filled with disbelief, and their whole bodies trembling with extreme shock.

The majestic ruler of heaven, who was once the supreme being in all the heavens and worlds, had his arm cut off by Ran Yi, a younger generation, with a sword? If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed that this scene was real.

On the battlefield, the ghost looked at his broken arm, his pupils shrank, and his face was full of horror. He was even stunned, staring blankly at his broken arm.

Even in the dark war that swept through all the worlds, no one could cut off his arm. Now, a mere top genius in the God Realm has cut off his arm?

What a shame!

Ghost, have you ever been so humiliated?

After being stunned for a moment, an infinite anger spurted out from the bottom of his heart, straight into the sky, making the ghost's dark eyes turn red. Even from a distance, he could feel it coming from him. The anger!

"You deserve to die!"

"If I don't cut you into pieces, it's hard to eliminate the hatred in my heart!"

A hoarse and cold voice came from the ghost's mouth. His red eyes stared at Ran Yi. His cold murderous intent made the whole world become icy cold, making people feel like falling into an ice cave!

Wisps of dark Shura ghost energy spread out from his body, and in an instant, it enveloped the world around him, as if turning the world around him into a Shura ghost realm.

In this Shura ghost realm, the wind howls and ghosts cry, the scene is extremely horrifying.

With Gui's current cultivation level, a broken arm would not be a big injury to him, but the insult involved was unbearable for Gui. Even though he was injured in that dark battle, he was the majestic ruler of heaven. Heavier, but his arm was not broken, but now it was cut off by a mere younger generation. How could he not go crazy?

Not far away, Ran Yi, who was standing in the air, frowned. At this moment, he felt a fatal crisis from the ghost. Warnings kept appearing in his mind, telling him to escape from this place.

He once heard his wife tell several masters that the masters of the sky are mysterious and terrifying. Each one has lived for an unknown number of years. Their combat prowess and trump cards are far beyond what most people can imagine, especially when facing a crisis. , the energy they can burst out is even more terrifying.

Back then, in that dark war, although a lot of those who controlled the sky were killed, many more powerful people were killed or injured in all the worlds, almost at the cost of two or even three for one!


Thinking of this, Ran Yi's eyes flashed with light, and the power in his body spurted out crazily. The Tianhuang Divine Sword in his hand was trembling. The next moment, he slashed down with one sword. In an instant, wisps of sharp light burst out from the Tianhuang Divine Sword, and the sword energy was like a rainbow. , rushing out, sweeping towards the ghosts with the force of sweeping thousands of troops.

After slashing out this sword, Ran Yi dodged and left the battlefield. In an instant, he appeared in front of Leng Lie and Xuan Guan.

Looking at the heroic Ran Yi in front of them, Leng Lie and Xuan Guan were shocked. They subconsciously mobilized the power in their bodies, but before they could make any move, a terrifying coercion spurted out from Ran Yi's body, just like ancient times. Like a huge mountain, it directly suppressed Leng Lie and the two of them. The power they had unleashed actually shrank back under this pressure.

The bodies of both Leng Lie and Ran Yi were trembling uncontrollably. At this moment, Leng Lie felt the real gap between him and Ran Yi. This gap almost made him despair, and he was able to suppress it with just his momentum and pressure. He couldn't move, and he didn't even have the slightest strength to resist. How strong is this person?

Now he has reached the fifth level of divine ban. Looking at Ran Yi's cultivation, he has not entered the divine realm yet, but has such terrifying strength. Could it be that this person has entered the sixth level of divine ban, or even the seventh level of divine ban?


While Leng Lie was thinking wildly, a terrifying force swept over him, knocking both of them away. Scarlet blood spurted out from their mouths like blood arrows, and their entire faces turned pale as paper. .

Ran Yi ignored Leng Lie and the two, grabbed the unconscious Dao Yong, glanced back at the ghost, raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and disappeared directly in a flash. The moment he left, he sent a message to Dao Yong. talk!

"Damn it!"

"I have suffered such a great humiliation and you still want to escape?"

On the battlefield in the distance, the ghost was furious. Ran Yi's movements just now were so fast that he didn't even react, and Ran Yi had already escaped without a trace!

Before that, when Ran Yi slashed his sword, he thought that Ran Yi was going to confront him head-on. But who would have thought that Ran Yi, a drunkard, didn't care about drinking, and actually snatched away Dao Nu when he was about to use his trump card. Just disappear without a trace?


"If I don't kill this officer, I will be hard-pressed!"

Gui smashed the incoming sword light with his palm, and his red eyes flashed with cold murderous intent. In a flash, he grabbed Leng Lie and Xuan Guan and chased them in the direction where Ran Yi disappeared.

As a majestic master of the sky, he has never been so humiliated. Not only did he have an arm cut off, but his prey was also snatched away, and the opponent even escaped intact?

If this revenge is not avenged, his old face will be completely disgraced.

In an instant, the ghosts and others also disappeared in this world, leaving only the devastated battlefield and many strong men from the Tianyong tribe with blank faces!

"High Priest, what should we do?"

After a long time, the great elder of the Tianyong tribe asked Daoyong, who had finished recuperating.

"Return to the Tianyong tribe!"

Daoyong took a deep look at the direction Ran Yi was leaving, sighed, and said.

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