Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1051 Be confident and fearless


"What should I do about Shan'er? Is it possible to let Shan'er fall into danger?"

As soon as Daoyong finished speaking, several Tianyong tribe elders suddenly shrank their pupils and spoke out one after another. Not to mention that Daoran possessed the supreme divine body. They had watched Daoran grow up since they were young. Although she was not like their daughter, she was better than them. Their daughter, they couldn't just watch Daoruan suffer!

"Nuan'er will be fine. Although I have no choice but to trust him at the moment!"

Hearing this, Daoyong shook his head and sighed. His fists were clenched tightly, and blood even leaked out due to excessive force. If he hadn't been strong enough, how could his daughter have suffered such a disaster?

A strong desire for strength emerged in Daoyong's heart. He had stood as the high priest for so long and held such a high position in the Tiandang Mountains that he became somewhat lax in cultivating his own strength.

"Huh? Him?"

"High Priest, what did the mysterious man say to you?"

Hearing this, many elders of the Tianyong tribe looked surprised, and the great elder quickly asked.


"Before the mysterious man left, he sent a message to me. He said that Dao Nuan would be fine and that he would not harm Dao Nuan!"

"He also said that Dao Wen has been exposed now. Even if she continues to stay in the Tianyong tribe, she will bring disaster to herself and the Tianyong tribe. But if she follows him, although she will not be able to enjoy a peaceful life, she will be able to avoid others. He will do everything he can to protect Dao Nu!"

Daoyong's eyes flashed with inexplicable light and he sighed softly.

"Hmph, you're talking so grandly, aren't you coveting Dao's divine body?"

"Yes, High Priest! This person appeared suddenly and his identity is unknown. I'm afraid he is also an intruder. How can we leave Dao's safety in his hands!"

"Is it possible that the high priest believed that outsider just for a brief moment?"

Many elders of the Tianyong tribe spoke out angrily.

" also one of the ten supreme divine bodies!"

When the high priest Daoyong said these words, many Tianyong tribe elders present fell silent immediately, and a flash of surprise flashed in their eyes. The supreme divine body is mysterious and mysterious. If you want to delve into it thoroughly, you will spend a lifetime. In this way With his existence, how could he covet other supreme divine bodies?

The most important thing is that each supreme divine body has different abilities and terrifying power. One person, one body, cannot have two supreme divine bodies at the same time. If he does it forcefully, he will only explode and die.

"Go back!"

Looking at the many silent elders, Daoyong waved his hand and sighed. At this moment, he seemed to have aged a lot. Anyone who watched his daughter in trouble and was unable to save her would probably not be able to calm down.


"Damn guy!"

On the other side, somewhere in the Tiandang Mountains, a ghost stood in the sky, furious and roaring towards the sky. The terrifying Shura ghost energy burst out from his body, shaking the surrounding sky and distorting it in a visible manner. The coldness and xuanguan behind him couldn't help but tense up and tremble.

At this moment, the ghost's severed arm had been reattached, but what made him angry was that no matter how he searched, he could not find any trace of Ran Yi. He even used the secret method of the Heaven Master, but still could not find it. There was no trace of Ran Yi, as if he had disappeared out of thin air, and could not be found at all.

The anger has nowhere to vent, which makes Gui almost go crazy. When did he, the majestic ruler of heaven, get deceived into this?

"Don't let me find you, otherwise you won't be able to survive or die!"

The ghost's eyes were red, and he roared fiercely. The cold roar echoed in the forest, startling countless birds and beasts.

After quite a while, the ghost regained its fluctuating mood, gradually calmed down, and regained its previously enigmatic attitude.

"Master Ghost, what exactly was the Human Dao Yun Divine Body that day?"

It was only at this moment that Leng Lie and Xuan Guan relaxed their tense bodies. After thinking about it, Leng Lie bowed his hands and asked respectfully.

"The Divine Body of Heaven and Human Dao Yun is one of the ten supreme divine bodies in all the worlds. It possesses unfathomable mysterious power and can easily make people enter the state of enlightenment of the unity of heaven and man. It is the best physique for practicing Taoism!"

"That damn guy is the Heavenly Destruction Divine Body, one of the ten supreme divine bodies!"

The ghost's face was cold and he said angrily. Originally, the Human Dao Yun Divine Body belonged to him that day, but Ran Yi got in the way and made him suffer such humiliation. It was really abominable!

"The most important thing is that the Divine Body of Human Dao Yun has another function. If someone can combine with it, they can use the mystery of the Divine Body of Human Dao Yun to enter the state of enlightenment of the unity of heaven and man. Whether it is to restore cultivation, It also has great effects on understanding the state of mind!"

"It's just that few people in the world know about this ability. Sometimes, even those who possess the divine body of the Dao Yun of Heaven and Humanity don't know its effect!"

Before Leng Lie and the two could ask, Gui explained again that the anger that had subsided had resurfaced uncontrollably. If it weren't for Ran Yi, he would have used the Human Dao Yun Divine Body that day to restore his own cultivation to a stronger state.

Hearing Gui's explanation, Leng Lie and Xuan Guan looked at each other and took a breath of cold air. They knew very well that the state of unity between heaven and man mentioned by Gui was definitely not the one described by ordinary monks. Oneness.

The state of unity between heaven and man in the ghost's mouth is to unite with heaven and Tao, to integrate oneself into the way of heaven, to use the way of heaven to understand the vastness and truth of heaven and earth, and to deduce one's own way.

This state of unity between heaven and man is not something that even a strong person who has reached the ultimate level of divine realm can step into if he wants to. However, the owner of the divine body of the Tao Yun of Heaven and Man can step into it at any time. From this, it is enough to see that heaven The horror of human nature and divine body!

It is indeed one of the ten supreme divine bodies in the universe!

What makes Leng Lie a little unwilling is that Ran Yi actually has the top ten supreme divine bodies in the world. So, if he wants to catch up with Ran Yi or even trample on him, isn't it a long way to go?

"Although the ten supreme divine bodies are powerful, they are not invincible. Only by having faith and being fearless can you achieve the great truth!"

The ghost seemed to be aware of Leng Lie's mentality, glanced at Leng Lie, and shouted in a deep voice.

These words, like thunder, exploded in Leng Lie's ears, pulling him back from his daze. He suppressed the throbbing in his heart, bowed deeply to the ghost, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Master Ghost, for your guidance." , Leng Lie, I will definitely live up to the expectations of the ghost master, have faith in my heart, be fearless and fearless, and prove the great way!"

The ghost nodded and said: "Whether it is me, the devil or Yuan, they all have high hopes for you. Don't let us down. Being dominant for a while is nothing. Being able to dominate all the time is a true hero!"

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