Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1062 Wang Feng’s Thoughts

Although he was a little panicked, Mo Yun was not afraid. He had been sworn with a faith oath, and the only faith in his heart was the Shenxian Sect and Wang Feng. Unless Wang Feng asked him to retreat, he would not retreat even if he died. , no matter how powerful the enemy is, he will fight to the death!

"Tsk, it's not that stupid!"

After hearing Mo Yun's words, Wang Feng sneered repeatedly and said contemptuously.

If it were other intruders, the Mozheng Tribe could indeed sweep through everything if they assembled such a terrifying lineup. Intruders who could only reach the peak of the Holy God simply could not stop such a terrifying lineup, even the eighth or even ninth level of the Divine Forbidden Realm. , faced with this kind of lineup, they have to end up in despair.

It's a pity that the Demon Zheng tribe is facing his Immortal Sect!

In this world, everything that seems impossible to others is possible in his Immortal Sect. Everything that seems miraculous to others is ordinary in his Immortal Sect!

Unless the entire demon clan comes out, Sun Wukong alone is enough to sweep everything, not to mention that he can also summon stronger ancestors. Let me ask, those so-called demon emperor-level tribes and even demon emperor-level tribes, What are you using to fight against his Immortal Sect?

If he didn't want to sharpen the many elders of the Immortal Sect, he would have asked Sun Wukong to push him sideways. At the worst, he would have summoned a few more ancestors to push them sideways together!

However, sometimes, as the leader of a sect, what he considers is not the temporary mood, but the growth of the entire Shenxian Sect. These strong men of the Demon Clan are undoubtedly the best stepping stones for the many elders of the Shenxian Sect.

It is true that as long as he improves the system level, he can continue to strengthen his cultivation and improve the cultivation of many elders of the Immortal Sect. However, if he has not experienced battles and has no cultivation, he is just a flower in the moon mirror. Facing the real For a strong person, even the slightest mistake may become a fatal crisis!

Only constant fighting, supplemented by systematic cultivation blessings, can a truly strong man be created and his Immortal Sect become the strongest sect in all the worlds!

"If these two demon king-level tribes are wiped out, it should attract the attention of the strongest demon tribe, right?"

Suddenly, Wang Feng seemed to remember something, and said with a half-smile.

Hearing this, Mo Yun's pupils shrank and he glanced at Wang Feng in shock. Thinking of Sun Wukong's terror, he couldn't help but tremble. Perhaps, the two demon king-level tribes really offended the wrong person this time!

"If we can destroy the Demon Emperor tribe, it will definitely attract the attention of the Demon tribe, and even make it and even the entire Demon tribe angry!"

"At that time, what our Immortal Sect needs to face may not be a single tribe, but the entire Demon Clan!"

After a moment of shock, Mo Yun quickly spoke out. As a former demon king-level tribal elder, he knew very well that although the Demon Tribe was aloof, once its bottom line was touched, the Demon Tribe would definitely be angry!

In fact, the destruction of the two demon king-level tribes has already attracted the attention of the demon tribe. However, it should be that the demon Zheng tribe was afraid of being punished by the demon tribe, so it suppressed the matter and planned to kill the gods first. If the sect is destroyed, go to the Demon Tribe to plead guilty!

Once the Shenxian Sect really destroys the two Demon King-level tribes, the Demon tribe will definitely be furious, and the entire Demon clan will also be furious. By then, the name of the Shenxian Sect will probably be enough to resound throughout the four realms of the Lost Realm!

The Demon King-level tribe is definitely the mainstay of the entire Demon Clan, and it is the Demon Clan’s card. Losing one of them is a huge loss to the entire Demon Clan!

"So good!"

Wang Feng nodded, with a meaningful smile on his face, and murmured softly.

After hearing this, Mo Yun was stunned for a moment and felt a little incredulous. What did the sect master mean by this? Is it possible that the sect leader still hopes that the Demon Tribe will mobilize in full force to deal with his Immortal Sect?

That is the strongest Demon Tribe in the Demon Clan. Once the Demon Tribe moves, it will not only be the Demon Tribe, but the entire Demon Clan. Is it possible that the sect leader intends to fight against the entire Demon Clan with the power of one sect?

Not only Mo Yun, but also Song Que and many other elders of the Immortal Sect were a little confused and couldn't figure out what the sect master planned to do?

However, Wang Feng had no intention of explaining to them. He glanced at the people in the hall and said loudly: "Everyone, go down and prepare. For this battle, I will let the Great Sage Ancestor raid the formation, but you still need to Try your best!”

"Leave the top experts to the Great Sage Ancestor, and the rest is up to you!"

Wang Feng did not want many people from the Shenxian Sect to become dependent on the ancestors of the Shenxian Sect. Facing powerful enemies, they all planned to hand it over to the ancestors of the Shenxian Sect, and did not have the slightest intention to resist or even fight back. .

The so-called battle is not just a matter of you moving against me, but through fighting, you can detect your own shortcomings and improve them until they are perfect. In each battle, you can find your true self and your own way.

This is the true meaning of battle, and it is also Wang Feng’s intention to temper many elders of the Immortal Sect!

"Yes, Sect Master!"

Hearing this, Mo Yun and many elders of the Immortal Sect immediately bowed their hands and responded loudly. A strong fighting spirit surged from everyone's body, without a trace of fear.

It is a great honor for them to fight side by side with the Great Sage Ancestor!

As soon as the words fell, everyone left one after another and began to prepare for the upcoming war!

Looking at the people's leaving figures, Wang Feng's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and then disappeared into the hall.

In the main hall where Sun Wukong was, Wang Feng's figure suddenly appeared. Sun Wukong, who was practicing quietly, suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Wang Feng, and said with a smile: "Sect master is here, but you have something to do with me, old grandson?"


Wang Feng nodded, and then informed Sun Wukong of the news that the two demon king-level tribes and several demon king-level tribes were attacking together.

"Oh? These demon tribes are really not afraid of death!"

"That's fine, my old Sun is feeling a little itchy."

"I hope they can be stronger this time and not be like last time, unable to withstand even a stick from me!"

After hearing the news brought by Wang Feng, Sun Wukong grinned, and a cold and sinister light flashed in his eyes.

Hearing this, Wang Feng couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. If it were other intruders, they would have been trembling with fear when they heard the two demon king-level tribes attacking hand in hand, and fled in a hurry. How could they care about each other like Sun Wukong? Is it strong enough?

"Great Sage, I now have an idea!"

"After the destruction of these two demon king-level tribes, the strongest demon tribe will definitely be furious and will definitely come out in full force to deal with our Immortal Sect. At that time, this will be my best chance!"

Immediately afterwards, Wang Feng's eyes flashed, he looked at Sun Wukong and said in a deep voice.

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