Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1063 The army presses the territory

"What does the sect leader plan to do?"

Hearing this, Sun Wukong's face changed and he asked aloud.

"When the Demon Tribe is out in full force, its base will be empty. At that time, if you want to sneak into it and search for the Yin-Yang Immortal Crystal, you will have a great chance!"

Wang Feng's eyes flashed with light and he said in a deep voice.

Once he destroys the two demon king-level tribes and the demon tribe is furious, the high priest at the peak of the soul will definitely take action personally. Even more than 80% of the demon elders of the demon tribe will be dispatched. Only some strong ones will stay behind. , it will undoubtedly be much more convenient to sneak into it!

"good idea!"

Sun Wukong's eyes lit up and he praised.

However, after a moment, his expression slightly condensed, and he said in a deep voice: "Even if its station is empty, the strong men left behind are still extraordinary. Moreover, as the strongest tribe of the Demon Clan, this Demon Tribe is still hiding strong men in the secret. It’s still unknown, and it’s not easy to sneak into it!”

"indeed so!"

"So, this time, I plan to sneak in alone, while you and many elders of the Immortal Sect stay to attract the attention of the Demon Tribe!"

Wang Feng nodded and said in a deep voice.

The strength of the Demon Tribe is unfathomable. Even many Demon Tribes do not know the specific strength of the Demon Tribe. Therefore, even if its lair is empty, it is still possible for most people to sneak into it.

Not only does it require strong concealment capabilities, but it also requires the strength to deal with all emergencies, and in the entire Shenxian Sect, apart from the Great Sage Ancestor, he is the only one!

His own strength may not be strong, but the advantage is that he can summon the ancestor. Looking at the entire world, whose trump card can be stronger than his?

"Don't worry, Sect Master, I, Old Sun, will protect the Immortal Sect well. Any invading enemies will not be able to harm a single hair of the Immortal Sect!"

Hearing this, Sun Wukong nodded and said solemnly.

He knows very well that in the entire Immortal Sect, only the sect leader is the most suitable to sneak into the Demon Tribe. Although many other elders have great fighting power, they are still far behind the strong ones in the Demon Tribe!

Nowadays, he is enough to be the top expert of the Shenxian Sect. What the Shenxian Sect lacks is a mainstay. As the enemies of the Shenxian Sect increase, although many of the elders of the Shenxian Sect have grown a lot, they are still a bit behind after all. Thinking of this, Sun Wukong couldn't help but sigh at the master Wang Feng's ability to cause trouble!

For an ordinary person, like the sect leader, the grass on the grave would be hundreds of meters high!

After the discussion, the entire hall fell into silence again. Wang Feng and Sun Wukong each closed their eyes and adjusted their breathing. However, the entire Shenxian Sect fell into intense preparations for war. Many elders of the Shenxian Sect and 30,000 Demon Legions were scattered around. The Shenxian Sect is stationed everywhere, and the entire Shenxian Sect is extremely well guarded!


At the same time, dense crowds of figures stood quietly in the Mozheng Tribe Square. These were just the strong men of the Mozheng Tribe. Their powerful aura gathered together, causing the entire sky to change. That terrifying aura made this square, They are all filled with a solemn and oppressive aura, like a quagmire. If you step into the ordinary divine realm, you will be crushed by this tyrannical aura in an instant!

It has to be said that the Mozheng tribe, as one of the five demon king-level tribes, is indeed terrifying. The many strong men standing in this square have at least the realm of holy gods. Looking at it, there are thousands of holy gods. Among the strong ones, there are many who are at the level of True God or even God of Nirvana, and the figures at the front have reached the terrifying realm of refining gods!

These are the elders of the Demon Zheng tribe. There are eight in total. These eight god-refining experts alone are enough to sweep many demon king-level tribes. It is enough to imagine the gap between each level tribe of the Demon tribe. How big!

Mo Yu, the Demon Emperor, the high priest of the Mo Zheng tribe, stands on a high platform in the square. Next to him, stand five equally powerful beings. These are the helpers he invited from the Demon Emperor-level tribe, the Mo Xiao tribe. They are the five elders of the Mo Xiao tribe, all of whom have reached the terrifying peak of god refining, and are the same level of powerhouses as Mo Yu!

If it were the other intruders, facing such a terrifying lineup, they would probably have no choice but to wait for death in despair!

"Everyone, we, the Demon Race, have suffered unprecedented humiliation recently. A mere invader dared to destroy the two major Demon King-level tribes of our Demon Race. In the face of such provocation, what should you do?"

Mo Yu stood on the high platform with his hands behind his back, glanced at the many strong men from the Mo Zheng tribe, and shouted loudly.


When Mo Yu finished speaking, the deafening shouts of killing resounded throughout the square in an instant. The rolling sound waves shook all directions. The terrifying and cold murderous intention swept across the entire world, causing the temperature of the world to drop to the extreme.

This cold murderous intention alone can make a true god-level powerhouse fall into an ice cave from a long distance away.


"Only blood can wash away this shame!"

"Set off!"

Mo Yu's eyes flashed with cold light, he nodded and shouted, then, with a wave of his hand, he rose into the air, and together with the elders of the Mo Xiao tribe, rushed out first!

In an instant, figures were running around one after another, and the sound of piercing the air exploded throughout the square. The originally dense square was instantly deserted, and only the slightly twisted void explained everything that had just happened.

At the same time, another Demon King-level tribe, the Mo Ni Tribe, also gathered the entire Mo Ni Tribe’s Holy God level and above powerhouses. Under the leadership of Mo Ang, the high priest of the Mo Ni Tribe, they headed towards the Shenxian Sect from the other side. The Luoshen Mountain Range where it was was galloping away.

If you look down from a high altitude, you will find that there are two huge groups of dark clouds, heading towards the Shenxian Sect's station in different directions. They are like two behemoths, with overwhelming momentum and pressure in all directions!

Such a movement naturally caused many surrounding tribes and intruders hiding in the dark to tremble. Some good people jumped into the sky and planned to go to the Luoshen Mountains to see the excitement. Even some intruders couldn't sit still!


"How powerful is the Immortal Sect? How dare they be so arrogant? They destroyed the two demon king-level tribes of the Demon Tribe. Not only did they not run away, but they openly built their base on the Luoshen Mountains!"

"Who knows? No matter what, I admire the spirit of the Immortal Sect!"

"Hey, what bullshit Immortal Sect? If this Immortal Sect hadn't been so arrogant, how could we be in such a predicament now? If it weren't for them, these powerful men of the Demon Clan wouldn't be so crazy!"

The many intruders hiding in the dark were talking about it, some were amazed, some were complaining, some were admiring, etc. It was extremely complicated. The only thing in common was that these invaders were all heading towards the Luoshen Mountains, intending to witness this unprecedented battle. , I also want to see with my own eyes how powerful the Immortal Sect is, and how dare they do what they dare not do?

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