Hundreds of thousands of miles away from the Luoshen Mountains in the void, a tall figure is walking in the air. With each step, the surrounding scenes fly past like a fashion gap. It seems to be walking slowly, but in fact it is very fast. Extreme.

This person is none other than the most talented person in the God Realm, the ancient king Gu Chengxiao!

Suddenly, as if he sensed something, he stopped suddenly, his eyes flashing, looking towards the void not far away, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he whispered softly: "Looking at the direction of your Excellency, could it be that you are also heading to the Luoshen Mountains to watch the excitement? "

As he finished speaking, a burly figure slowly emerged from the void. When he saw the face of this figure, a strange color flashed in Gu Chengxiao's eyes. Without him, the person coming was too strange!

The person who came was nine feet long, tall and burly, with a beard two feet long. His face was as heavy as jujube, and his lips were as greased. He had a pair of red and phoenix eyes, which flashed a soul-stirring light from time to time. His appearance was dignified and majestic. Just one glance was enough to make people laugh. I feel an unparalleled domineering force coming towards me!

If Wang Feng were here, he would be extremely surprised. Isn't this Guan Yu, one of the missing powerful men of his Shenxian Sect?

"Watching the fun?"

"Do you want to see the Shenxian Sect's jokes?"

Guan Yu's red phoenix eyes flashed with cold light. He stared at Gu Chengxiao with a menacing look and asked.

"That's not true!"

"I'm just curious, what kind of power is this? Such courage!"

Hearing this, Gu Chengxiao smiled slightly, not caring about Guan Yu's threatening eyes, and replied.

"Your Excellency is so concerned, if it has nothing to do with the Immortal Sect?"

Before Guan Yu could speak, Gu Chengxiao asked again.

However, Guan Yu did not respond to Gu Chengxiao. He just glanced at Gu Chengxiao lightly, then turned into a stream of light and galloped towards the Luoshen Mountain Range.


"This person's cultivation level is only at the peak of the True God, but he vaguely makes me feel heart palpitations."

"If he comes from the God Realm, he is definitely not an unknown person, but I have never heard of him. Could it be that he is a powerful person from other realms?"

Looking at Guan Yu's leaving back, Gu Chengxiao's eyes flickered, and he murmured with a half-smile. After the words fell, he shook his head, and without thinking too much, he galloped towards the Luoshen Mountains. For this trip, He was looking forward to it more and more.

You must know that now he has reached the eighth level of divine ban. In terms of pure cultivation, he is stronger than the average true god peak. After all, even the seventh level divine ban can directly reach the true god peak after breaking through the divine realm.

What's more, his combat power is far beyond that of ordinary true gods at the peak level. He can even compete with the powerful Nirvana God. By surprise, he can even kill the weaker Nirvana God master. But Guan Yu, however, made him feel a strong crisis, which was enough to show the terrifying strength of Guan Yu!

According to his intuition, this mysterious strong man is probably closely related to the Immortal Sect. Otherwise, he would not be unkind to him with just one word!

Not long after Gu Chengxiao and Guan Yu left, a huge group of dark clouds came over, and the whole sky dimmed instantly. What followed was a terrifying and heavy momentum. In the place shrouded by dark clouds, the void was visible to the naked eye. The visible posture is distorted. At first glance, it looks like the world is being destroyed, and the scene is extremely horrifying!

Vaguely, it was possible to see figures running through the dark clouds at extremely fast speeds, covering tens of thousands of miles in just a blink of an eye.

In the Shenxian Sect's station, many Shenxian Sect elders and even the 30,000 demon legions are ready. Even though the powerful men from the two demon emperor-level tribes have not yet arrived, they can still feel the pressure, crushing them from all directions. Come, this is a kind of divine consciousness after experiencing countless battles.

The powerful fatal crisis made their entire minds tremble involuntarily, but no one escaped. They still stood firmly on the Shenxian Sect's station, quietly waiting for the powerful enemy to come!

"call out!"

At this moment, a sound broke through the air, and Guan Yu's figure appeared above the Shenxian Sect's station. Looking at the familiar figures standing in the distance, Guan Yu's whole body trembled, and a pair of red phoenix eyes couldn't help but He was filled with excitement.

After many days, he finally returned to the Shenxian Sect. If the sect leader hadn't made such a big noise, he didn't know when he would be able to return to the Shenxian Sect!

"Guan Yu?!"

At the same time, Song Que and others, who were waiting in formation, also saw Guan Yu, and their faces showed surprise. Many elders of the Immortal Sect flashed their bodies and rushed towards Guan Yu.

"Guan Yu, where have you been during this time? The sect leader is very worried!"

Song Que patted Guan Yu's shoulder and couldn't help but say.

"It's hard to describe in words!"

"I will go to see the sect master first, and I will catch up with you later!"

Guan Yu shook his head and smiled bitterly, cupped his hands, and said loudly. After the words fell, he galloped directly towards the glorious and tall main hall in the center!

"Have you ever felt that Guan Yu's strength is even more terrifying?"

Looking at Guan Yu's leaving figure, Song Que's eyes flickered and he murmured softly.


"Just one glance made us feel heart palpitations!"

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult and other elders nodded one after another and said in a solemn voice.

"Guan Yu's cultivation has reached the peak of the True God, and his combat power is probably comparable to that of the God of Nirvana!"

"He has already surpassed us!"

Guo Jing on the side had a solemn look on his face and said in a deep voice.

As soon as he said these words, Song Que and many other elders of the Immortal Sect froze their expressions, and they all felt a pressure. Now, they have not yet broken through to the divine realm, but Guan Yu has already reached the peak of the true god. Even Guo Jing, Not long ago, they also broke through to the True God. All in all, among the elders of the Immortal Sect, their cultivation level is undoubtedly the weakest.

Although their combat power is extraordinary, Guan Yu's combat power is weak? Almost all the elders of the entire Shenxian Sect have extraordinary qualifications, and no one dares to say they are better than anyone else.

"It seems that this time I will try my best to understand the great mystery between life and death and strive for a breakthrough. I can't hold back the Immortal Sect!"

Song Que's eyes flashed with a fierce look, and he said in a deep voice.


"We cannot live up to the expectations of the sect master!"

Hearing this, the other elders also nodded one after another, with determination on their faces. They may be comparing themselves to each other, but they will never be jealous. They will only pursue it with all their might.

"Guan Yu asks to see you!"

When many elders were firming up their minds, Guan Yu also came outside the main hall. He took a deep breath, cupped his hands towards the main hall, and said in a deep voice.

"Guan Yu?"

Wang Feng and Sun Wukong in the hall opened their eyes at the same time. A flash of surprise flashed on Wang Feng's face. He stretched out his hand and opened the door. Under the eyes of him and Sun Wukong, Guan Yu's tall figure slowly appeared.

"Guan Yu, I have met the sect master and the great sage ancestor!"

"Just come back, just come back!"

Wang Feng flashed, pulled up Guan Yu who was bowing, patted his shoulder, and chuckled.

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