Standing next to Wang Feng, Sun Wukong stared at the god of faith who had succeeded in seizing the body. His face was full of solemnity. Even he felt a strong crisis from him. This crisis could even be fatal.

Before, even when this god of faith reached Star God, he had never felt any crisis. Now, just by taking away the body of this corpse, he felt such a strong fatal crisis. His strength not only increased dozens of times?

Once the god of faith completely controls the body of this heavenly corpse, its strength may skyrocket again. Sun Wukong guessed that even the world gods may not be this guy's opponent. If the power of faith is condensed and the cultivation level is improved in the future, this guy will I'm afraid his strength will be even more terrifying!

Wang Feng lifted the God of Faith up, looked at the God of Faith, and felt the majestic power in his body. Wang Feng was extremely satisfied, patted the God of Faith on the shoulder, and asked: "How do you feel?"


The God of Faith did not speak, but Wang Feng could clearly feel his excitement, and these childish words appeared in his mind. Due to the low wisdom of the God of Faith, even if he took away the body of the Heavenly Corpse, he still could not speak. Only Wang Feng could communicate with him without any barriers.

Wang Feng nodded and looked at the God of Faith with a look of expectation in his eyes. He was looking forward to what achievements he could achieve in the future. This is the first god of faith to have a physical body in all the worlds, and it is also a terrifying corpse body. It is no exaggeration to say that even if the ancient gods take action, they may not be able to kill him.

First of all, the body of the Heavenly Corpse is extremely strong. Even if it is seven steps into Hedao, it may not be able to destroy it. Secondly, the belief in gods has no soul. Even if it is destroyed, as long as there is enough power of faith, he can destroy it. Instant concentration.

It can be said that as long as there is enough power of faith, even if it is destroyed tens of thousands of times, he will not die unless his roots are exterminated in an instant. But is this possible?

The source of belief in gods is Li Tianding. He placed him in the World Ball. If he wanted to destroy Li Tianding in an instant, even if he killed him, he would not be able to do it. Once he died, the World Ball would inevitably turn into a secret realm without an owner, and would be destroyed by all the heavens. Wandering in the world, protected by the power of the system, even the ultimate divine realm may not be found at will.

"From now on, you will be called Li Tian, ​​and you are tentatively designated as the spirit of the Shenxian Sect (who believes in gods), with a status second only to me and many ancestors!"

After pondering for a moment, Wang Feng looked at the God of Faith and said solemnly.

The belief in the gods is based on the belief of Li Tianding and the Shenxian Sect. The name Li Tian is suitable, mainly because Wang Feng is too lazy to think of other names.

Originally, Wang Feng's idea was to develop the belief in the gods into the entire Shenxian Sect's belief in the gods, and become the foundation for the Shenxian Sect to lay the foundation for eternity. Now, the belief in the gods unexpectedly has the body of a heavenly corpse, coupled with its characteristics of immortality, The future potential is unlimited, and he will definitely become the Shenxian Sect's biggest trump card in the future.

Even if this time is extremely long, it can still become the greatest foundation of the Shenxian Sect. Even if the heaven and earth decay, he can still be immortal!

When Wang Feng finished his words, he believed in the gods, oh no, it was Li Tian whose eyes burst out with bright light, and his majestic face flashed with excitement. He bowed his head and bowed again, and an excited and trembling voice sounded in Wang Feng's mind.

"Thank you, Sect Master, for the name!"

Li Tian was extremely happy. Having his own name made him happier than seizing the body of this heavenly corpse. Although the name was nothing, he could even choose one by himself, but the name Wang Feng gave him was very important to him. It's of great significance.

If it weren't for Wang Feng, if it weren't for the Immortal Sect, he wouldn't have been born.

Wang Feng smiled, pulled Li Tian up, and without saying anything, let Li Tian enter the world ball, on top of Li Tianding, to hone the body of the heavenly corpse, and even practice physical combat methods and physical magical powers.

For the first time in his physical body, he believed in gods and didn't know how to fight at all. He was afraid that he would only be able to fight with fists and kicks. If he didn't hone his fighting skills, it would undoubtedly be a waste of this terrifying corpse body.

Wang Feng even planned to wait until he returned and let many star god warriors from the Celestial and Demon clans fight with Li Tian every day. This would not only hone Li Tian's physical fighting skills, but also sharpen the star god warriors of the two clans. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

In the final battle six months later, his Immortal Sect will definitely win!

A ray of light flashed in Wang Feng's eyes, and endless confidence emerged from all over his body.

"Let's go back to the Phantom Tribe!"

Wang Feng waved his hand, and together with Sun Wukong, they galloped towards the ghost tribe.


At the same time, on a deserted island in Biluo Sea, an embarrassed figure fell from the void, rolled on the ground several times, and then stood up staggeringly.

This person is Leng Lie who escaped from Wang Feng.

"Wang Feng, you deserve to die!"

"Shenxian Sect, if I don't take revenge for this, I coldly swear that I will not be a human being!"

A low roar came from Leng Lie's mouth, his eyes were red, and murderous intent swept through his body.

This moment of indifference, almost madness, all his self-confidence and all his dignity were completely destroyed by Wang Feng in this battle.

He originally thought that he had reached the peak of the eighth level of the Divine Forbidden Realm, and that he would be a great genius in all the worlds. However, Wang Feng crushed his pride easily. The realm he had worked so hard to reach was like an ant in the eyes of the other party. .

This is the most uncomfortable thing about Leng Lie.

His qualifications may not be outstanding, but he has received the inheritance of the Master of Heaven, and is taught by the Master of Heaven beside him. Looking at all the worlds, how many geniuses can be treated like him?

But he still failed, completely defeated.

"Master, I want revenge!"

Cold eyes were red, and he said through gritted teeth.


When Leng Lie finished his words, a long sigh resounded in Leng Lie's mind.

"You were able to escape because you forcibly broke through the blockade for the master and carved the teleportation array with your own strength."

"Now that my master has suffered a backlash and the power he has worked so hard to condense over countless years is completely gone, it won't be long before my master is likely to fall into a deep sleep!"

"My teacher is telling you a few words, you must remember them!"

Hearing Yuan's words, Leng Lie's expression changed drastically, and he said in a trembling voice: "Master, you...?"

At this moment, Leng Lie felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart. He did not expect that in order for him to escape, his master would pay such a high price. The family affection that he did not feel from Emperor Zhidir, was completely felt by Master Yuan. Feel it.

Ever since I was young, I have never had anyone as kind to me as my master. If it weren’t for my master, I would have died long ago, and I wouldn’t be able to achieve what I have achieved today. In the previous battle, if it hadn’t been for my master’s great sacrifice, The price was to create the teleportation array, and he himself died.

He saved himself twice in succession and tried his best to teach himself. Now that he heard that his master was put to sleep by him, Leng Lie felt extremely heartbroken.

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