Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1260 Changes in the Ancient Emperor

As if feeling the cold emotion, the Heaven Master in the black box was extremely happy and said: "Disciple, don't worry, I am the master of the Heaven Master. It's just a disaster. It's nothing. If you have the intention , become stronger as soon as possible and rescue the teacher, which is the greatest reward for the teacher!"

"Master, don't worry, my disciple will try his best to rescue the master!"

Leng Lie calmed down his mood, and then said loudly.

Feeling the cold determination, Heaven Master Yuan smiled, then his face darkened, and he solemnly said: "Disciple, you must remember these few words from my master!"

"My teacher once watched. Although the old ghost took away the corpse, the ancestor of the Shenxian Sect is not weak. It is not bad, but it is very likely that he will be severely injured. In a short time, I will not be able to help you. , then you are the only one left."

"Don't think about revenge, find a secluded place to live!"

"When the Lost War Realm is over, leave immediately, concentrate on practicing, and wait for recovery."

"If nothing happens to your Uncle Ghost Master, he has a way to find you. All you have to do is wait. Then you can follow your Uncle Ghost Master to find some opportunities to enhance your strength. If something happens to your Uncle Ghost Master, what will happen to you? Don’t think about it, don’t go out, just stay here!”

"Remember, the clan of Heaven Masters is your greatest opportunity. Everything else can be discarded!"

"The forbearance now is for future success. A moment of arrogance will not solve anything. It is normal to be bullied if you are weak. When you are strong, you can just find your place!"

"Everything is alive."

"Don't live up to your teacher's sacrifice this time!"

The solemn words of Yuan, the Master of Heaven, echoed in Leng Lie's mind one after another, and his aura gradually disappeared. Feeling the disappearance of Yuan's aura, Leng Lie trembled all over, with tears in his eyes.

Before the master fell asleep, he was still thinking about himself and still worried about his own safety. How could he repay such kindness to his master?

Cold and painful, my heart feels like angina. I not only hate my own incompetence, but also hate the Shenxian Sect. If it weren't for the Shenxian Sect, how could I be like this? How could Master be like this?

Everything is due to my lack of strength. If I had enough strength, the Immortal Sect and the seal would be destroyed with one hand!

After a long time, Leng Lie finally calmed down. He figured out that it was impossible for him to compete with the Immortal Sect now. In this Lost War Realm, the Immortal Sect dominated the world. Once he showed up, he would definitely die.

When you are alive, you have the capital to make a comeback; when you die, you lose everything!

"Master, don't worry, my disciple will be alive no matter what!"

He murmured through gritted teeth, looked at the entire deserted island coldly, then found a mountain peak, opened a cave, and hid it directly here. He made up his mind to stay here and leave after the Lost War Realm is over.

Master is right, his greatest reliance is the Heaven Controller clan, so he doesn’t want to miss this opportunity of losing the battle realm!


In the secret realm of Kraken's Pilgrimage, the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor is hovering in the sky, his whole body blooming with brilliant light, illuminating the entire secret realm of Kraken's Pilgrimage. On the stone pillars below, many of the ancestors of the Kraken clan are looking at each other with surprises on their faces. Looking at the ancient demon dragon emperor in the sky.


"Okay! Okay!"

"This is an unprecedented change for our Siren Clan in the ages. From now on, our Siren Clan has nothing to fear!"

Many of the Siren Clan's ancestors murmured excitedly, each and every one of them extremely excited.

In the center, the demon god who was chained was already sluggish. Demonic power was constantly being extracted from him, pouring into the body of the demon dragon emperor above like a tide, and was completely absorbed and refined by the demon dragon emperor.

"Damn it!"

"You bunch of traitors and traitors deserve to die!"

"Without this god, how could you break through the Star God, and now you dare to devour the Lord?"

The demon god roared angrily, but his voice was weak and his whole person looked extremely weak.

"Lord Devourer? Do you deserve it?"

A hot-tempered Siren clan ancestor roared angrily, looking at the demon god with eyes full of anger and murderous intent.

"We believe in you wholeheartedly, but in the end, you want to take away the leader of my Siren Clan?"

"Also, don't think that we don't know that you want to use the blood of the entire sea monster clan as the root and this sea monster monument as the base to smelt your body and do those heaven-defying things!"

"If it were just the leader of the Seizing Clan, maybe we would have to endure it for the sake of the Siren Clan, but you should never pay attention to the entire Siren Clan!"

"Although we believe in you, we are not stupid."

Immediately afterwards, the ancestor continued to roar. Although the other ancestors did not make a sound, they also stared at the demon god coldly, with murderous intent flashing in their eyes.

After these roars fell, the demon god suddenly fell silent. He never expected that his plan would be known to these guys? No wonder he dared to imprison himself in the first place!

But what these ants don't know is that he not only wants to sacrifice the entire Siren Clan, but also the entire Lost War Realm's creatures. With the entire Lost War Realm's creatures as the root, and based on the four sacred monuments, he will condense his own unique faith. The physical body of a god.

Unfortunately, after preparing for a long time, I still fell short.

If there hadn't been an accident when he took over the body, why would this have happened?

One wrong step, every wrong step.

When the ancestor saw that the demon god was silent, he snorted coldly and did not continue to speak. Instead, he looked at the ancient demon dragon emperor in the sky.

They had made a lot of preparations in order to imprison the demon god. Now, in the entire Siren clan, not many people secretly believe in the demon god. Otherwise, with the demon god's strength, even if they use the Siren God Monument, they would not be able to imprison him for such a long time.

Of course, the demon gods are still very powerful, which means they have to sit here all year round to maintain the entire formation without slacking off at all.


But at this moment, there was a roar and the light blooming around the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor suddenly exploded. Many rays of light seemed to turn into stars all over the sky, surrounding the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor. At this moment, the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor was like the center of the universe. Surrounded by stars and filled with Tao Yun, it is like a supreme divine king, filled with endless majesty.


Wisps of mystery spread out from the body of the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor. These mysteries, like elves, flew around the body of the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor. With a bang, the upper body of the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor's robe exploded instantly, and these strands of mystery suddenly swarmed out. Go, mark it on the back of the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor, and a strange picture instantly appears on the back of the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor.

The catalog showed a ferocious dragon pattern, but around the dragon pattern, the sun, moon and stars appeared.


When the imprint of this picture was completed, an increasingly terrifying suction force spread out from the Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor. The Demon God imprisoned below felt that the power in his body was passing away at an extremely terrifying speed. The most important thing was Yes, he couldn't suppress it yet and could only watch his power being swallowed up by the Demonic Dragon Ancient Emperor!

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