Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1270 In the name of Emperor Yan, order all fires

"You live your whole life and seize the day!"

"The disciple is not sure, but the disciple will not retreat!"

"As a member of the Immortal Sect, except for the sect master, no one can take away the disciple's life, not even the sky!"

Xiao Yunfeng shouted loudly without turning his head. The sound was like thunder, resounding throughout the world. He did not dare to respond to Netherworld Liuhuo, let alone look at her. He was afraid that if he looked at her, he would no longer have the courage to survive the disaster.

Wang Feng was very happy, but also very painful. His whole person was extremely complicated.

He was gratified that Xiao Yunfeng had such courage and courage; what was painful was that this courage would probably harm him and make him disappear completely.

But if it were him, his choice would be the same as Xiao Yunfeng's.

Wang Feng once thought that it would be extremely difficult to make everyone in the Shenxian Sect become like a dragon, but now it seems that he may have planted a seed in the hearts of many Shenxian Sect disciples unknowingly.

Many Shenxian Sect disciples, such as Li Qing, were shocked when they heard Xiao Yunfeng's words. I don't know how many Shenxian Sect disciples had no trace of worry in their eyes, but endless confidence and admiration.

They believe in Senior Brother Xiao Yunfeng!

As Brother Xiao Yunfeng said, as disciples of the Shenxian Sect, no one can take away their lives except the sect master. Even if they die, their will is still alive and they will still protect the Shenxian Sect!

It is more about will than destiny. Looking at the entire world, except for the sect leader who can disintegrate their will, no one can do it, not even the sky!

For a time, the entire Shenxian Sect disciples truly gathered their faith because of Xiao Yunfeng's words.

No one knows that at this moment, the Immortal Sect has completely condensed its sect soul, the soul of a sect.

The so-called sect soul, to put it in layman's terms, is that the entire Shenxian Sect is like one person, working hard in one place, uniting and helping each other, and no one can break their will.

At the moment when the soul of the sect was condensed, the sea of ​​faith in Li Tianding completely transformed, from the original dark gold color to dark purple, and even exuded an indescribable aura, along with the aura condensed from the sea of ​​faith. Belief in the god Li Tian has undergone tremendous changes.

This change is not that his cultivation has skyrocketed, but that the level of power in his body has become more pure. In addition, it also contains some indescribable aura. This is a qualitative change!

However, many people from the Immortal Sect present, even Wang Feng, were attracted by Xiao Yunfeng and did not notice the changes in the Sea of ​​Faith and Li Tian!


Thunder exploded in the heaven and earth, and the ninth level of thunder tribulation was completely formed.


Looking at the thunder tribulation in the sky, many people from the Immortal Sect took a breath of cold air. Nether Liuhuo collapsed directly to the ground, his face pale and full of despair. Even Wang Feng and other senior officials had gloomy faces.

I saw ferocious dragon heads protruding from the dark red calamity cloud. After counting, there were actually ninety-nine dark red thunder dragons, and each dark red thunder dragon was heavier than the eighth. is much more terrifying.

This is simply driving Xiao Yunfeng to death!

But what is shocking is that this ninth level of thunder tribulation, which is enough to make anyone despair, does not make Xiao Yunfeng despair. He still looks like an ancient well without waves, with a tall and straight body, straight and fearless. Looking at the sky, his will is earth-shattering.

This scene made countless female disciples of the Immortal Sect cry.

Xiao Yunfeng's tall and straight back is deeply engraved in their minds. I'm afraid they will never forget it in this life. No matter what hardships they face in the future, when they think of today and Xiao Yunfeng's back that still stands upright in desperate situations, I'm afraid they will never forget it. There will no longer be any decadence.

Xiao Yunfeng held up a banner for the many disciples of the Immortal Sect, a banner that even the sky could not interrupt.


"Senior Brother Yunfeng, what are you doing?"

"Is it possible that he still wants to take the initiative?"

When many female disciples couldn't bear to look directly, there were waves of exclamations in their ears, which made them unable to help but open their eyes and look up. At this glance, they were all stunned.

At this moment, Xiao Yunfeng was seen stepping up into the air step by step, with his hands behind his back, strolling leisurely under the dragon heads in the sky.

Putting everything aside, Xiao Yunfeng's heroic appearance at this moment is enough to make anyone feel ashamed.

"Brother, after this thunder tribulation is over, my younger brother must go and learn from Senior Brother Yunfeng!"

Among the crowd, Gu Chou clenched his fists and spoke firmly.

Gu Geng looked sadly at the female disciples of the Immortal Sect who were crying and crying, and agreed: "Let's go together!"

Among the people present, apart from elite disciples such as Li Qing, the only ones who can firmly believe that Xiao Yunfeng can survive the thunder tribulation like the two Gu Chou brothers are Wang Feng, Sun Wukong and many other senior officials of the Immortal Sect!

Over the Shenxian Sect Square, Xiao Yunfeng stood in the air, looking at the ninety-nine ferocious dragon heads in the sky, his eyes were calm, without a trace of ripples. At this moment, he did not even show any momentum or power. Fluctuation, it seems as if he is desperate and is planning to wait for death.


Demon Xiao and many other powerful men from the three major races who had lost their battle realms all sighed. In their hearts, Xiao Yunfeng was almost certain to die, but they did not dare to speak out, and they could not speak out.

There is 100% no chance of survival from such a terrifying thunder catastrophe. Xiao Yunfeng's talent is terrible. If it were them, they would probably die long ago. For example, Fa Tianqiong, the high priest of the Tianren Tribe, and Demon Xiao, the high priest of the Demon Tribe, all survived that year. The thunder tribulation is nothing more than three or seven thunder tribulations.


At this moment, thunderous sounds exploded one after another, causing the eardrums of many people from the Immortal Sect present to hurt, and their whole heads to buzz, but no one paid attention, and everyone stared at the field.


The roaring sound fell, and the ninety-nine dark red thunder dragons above the calamity cloud swooped down in an instant, and the scene was extremely impactful.

Looking around, there are densely packed dragon shadows. The huge dragon body covers the entire sky. The rolling thunder flashes. It looks like a terrifying thunder mountain condensed by the thunder dragon, crushing down towards Xiao Yunfeng.

What shocked Wang Feng and many people from the Immortal Sect was that when these thunder dragons swooped down, Xiao Yunfeng still didn't make any move? There wasn't even a slight fluctuation of power coming out of his body.

What on earth does he want to do?

Wang Feng wanted to speak out, but he held it back in the end. He saw that Xiao Yunfeng was in a strange state at the moment, but he couldn't tell what was strange, it was just an intuition.

When the thunder dragon in the sky was only ten feet away from Xiao Yunfeng, a loud voice spread throughout the world.

"In the name of my Emperor Yan, I command the heaven and earth to be filled with fire, burning thunder and destroying the calamity!"

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