Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1271 The true first god realm


The majestic voice resounded over the entire Shenxian Sect Square. In an instant, the heaven and earth shook. An endless heat wave emerged out of thin air and swept across all directions. Even from a distance, one could feel this throbbing heat wave.

Wisps of purple-gold flames emerged out of thin air. They were extremely small, but endless. They were densely packed and gathered into waves of fire, gathering around Xiao Yunfeng.

At this moment, Xiao Yunfeng stepped on the dark purple fire lotus, with the netherworld god's fire crown on his head. He looked like an unrivaled Flame Emperor, exuding a terrifying majesty that made people surrender. Even the pressure of heaven and earth was overshadowed by the power that permeated Xiao Yunfeng's body. It's past.

He pinched his hands quickly, purple-gold flames jumped at his fingertips, and layers of marks spread out from his hands. In an instant, the purple-gold flames gathered around him, condensed into fire lotuses, and let The sky above this square, filled with the aura of destruction, presented an extremely dreamy scene.

All the people in the Shenxian Sect were stunned, staring at this scene in a daze, their minds going blank.

Can one word command all fire?

What kind of power is this?

No one could have imagined that Xiao Yunfeng actually had such a trump card, even Wang Feng. They were all surprised at this time. This kid actually had a hidden card?

"Fire Emperor!"

"This is Emperor Yan!"

Nether Fire Lord and many Nether Fire Tribe strongmen were so excited that they couldn't control themselves. They stared at the mighty Xiao Yunfeng and exclaimed involuntarily, with endless awe in their eyes.

At this moment, the power in their bodies boiled with Xiao Yunfeng's words, and their whole bodies seemed to be pulled by an inexplicable force, becoming a member of the fire lotus around Xiao Yunfeng.

Follow your words!

This kind of terrifying state can generally only be achieved by reaching the realm of higher gods, that is, above the Tao God and below the Tao God. Maybe someone can mobilize the law with just one word, but it is not a real word that follows the law. What it mobilizes is only It's under your own control.

The true follow-up of words is that with a word of command, all relevant principles in the surrounding world will move and be used by it.

At this moment, Xiao Yunfeng is using the true words and techniques.

Therefore, many powerful people in the Star God Realm were shocked beyond measure. This was a real act of magic. Xiao Yunfeng had not yet broken into the God Realm, but he had already mastered such terrifying magical powers?


When everyone was horrified and shocked, the ninth level of thunder tribulation struck down without exception. A total of ninety-nine dark red thunderbolts, like broken bamboos, rolled down like a giant thunder mountain. The entire void was covered by this thunder mountain. It collapsed under the weight and fell into pieces.

That terrifying pressure even caused the entire Shenxian Sect Square to tremble. Cracks spread out in all directions with Xiao Yunfeng as the center. The entire Shenxian Sect Square was instantly reduced to rubble.


At the same time, Xiao Yunfeng held up his hands, showing the force of holding up the sky. The fire lotuses floating around him instantly gathered on his hands, condensing into a huge purple-gold fire lotus, with purple-gold brilliance. The hot breath that illuminated the entire heaven and earth, as if it could burn the sky, swept away unscrupulously.


A huge roar exploded, and the purple-gold fire lotus and the dark red thunder dragon collided together. What was shocking was that at the moment of impact, the purple-gold fire lotus bloomed in an instant, and then ninety-nine dark red thunder dragons exploded. The dragon was wrapped in it in one fell swoop, blooming with brilliance.

Immediately afterwards, the entire fire lotus exploded in an instant, along with the ninety-nine dark red thunder dragons. The violent thunder mixed with scorching flames swept in all directions, and everything in its path was destroyed. Even the protective formation on the square began to tremble violently, with cracks like spider webs all over the entire formation.

This terrifying thunder calamity, which is enough to destroy any strong soul, was easily destroyed by Xiao Yunfeng?

Everyone present widened their eyes and looked at this scene in disbelief. Although they hoped that Xiao Yunfeng could survive the thunder tribulation, they were still shocked beyond measure when they saw Xiao Yunfeng destroying the thunder tribulation so easily.


When everyone was shocked, Xiao Yunfeng spurted out a mouthful of blood. His whole face instantly turned pale, and his body began to tremble violently. Then, he could no longer bear it and fell straight from the void with a loud bang and rolling sound. Smoke and dust mixed with gravel swept across, and a large crater was created on the ground by Xiao Yunfeng.

"Don't go, the thunder tribulation has passed. As long as you don't die, no matter how serious the injury is, God's reward can fully recover you!"

"The suffering is gone, it's time for him to enjoy the reward!"

Wang Feng stopped Netherworld Liuhuo who wanted to rush over and said in a deep voice.

Although Xiao Yunfeng had almost only one breath left at the moment, he did not panic, but was very happy because Xiao Yunfeng had survived the Hongmeng Divine Tribulation. The next heavenly reward would not only allow Xiao Yunfeng to enter the divine realm, but also repair everything on him. Injury.

This can be regarded as a reward given by Heaven to those beings who can withstand His difficulties.

After blocking the Netherworld Fire, Wang Feng looked at the calamity clouds gradually dissipating above the sky, with a smile on his face.

His Immortal Sect, the first truly powerful person in the divine realm, was born!

The most important thing is that Xiao Yunfeng never received his help from entering the forbidden realm to entering the divine realm. Everything was obtained by Xiao Yunfeng's own opportunities and hard training.

This means that many elite disciples of his Immortal Sect have gradually grown up and have the ability and strength to stand alone!


When everyone in the Shenxian Sect was shocked and surprised, wisps of bright golden light bloomed from the sky, converging into a huge beam of light, falling straight from the sky, and in an instant, Xiao Yunfeng was enveloped in it.

Xiao Yunfeng, who was almost unconscious, was lifted up by this force. Endless golden light poured into Xiao Yunfeng's body along his pores, repairing all his injuries and helping him to attack the energy in his body. Cultivation bottleneck.

There is another part of the golden light that pours into the divine kingdom condensed in Xiao Yunfeng's body, helping it expand and even improve the entire divine kingdom.


The tyrannical aura of cultivation burst out from Xiao Yunfeng's body, and a scene that shocked everyone present appeared.

I saw that Xiao Yunfeng's cultivation aura surged at an incredible speed.

The realm of spiritual gods…

The realm of gods…

The Realm of True God…

Almost every realm spans no more than half a quarter of an hour. It takes ordinary people hundreds of thousands or even millions of years to break through the realm. Xiao Yunfeng can easily break through it in less than half a quarter of an hour.

This scene made Demon Xiao and many other powerful men from the three major races who had lost the battlefield speechless, looking at Xiao Yunfeng as if they were looking at monsters.

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