Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1324 Pilgrimage to Heaven

At this moment, outside the Lost Battle Realm, Supreme Sky Bird stood with his hands behind his back, looking a little surprised, his deep eyes staring at the shadow of the monument above the Lost Battle Realm, blooming with scorching brilliance!

If this treasure had not come from the Lost War Realm, he would have been unable to resist snatching it away. Even those who were stronger than him would not dare to step into the Lost War Realm easily.

But even if he is very afraid of this lost battlefield, he will definitely get this treasure!

A treasure that could break through the rules of the Lost Battle Realm and erupt such a movement, even he couldn't imagine what level of treasure it was that could do it? Just the aura emanating from it was so strong that it made his heart palpitate.

You don’t need to think about it to know that this is definitely a shocking treasure!

Since he was destined to encounter such an important treasure, he had to take it no matter what!


Thinking of this, the Supreme Sky Bird moved his hands, and the terrifying power shook the star field in all directions, and wisps of mysterious formations emerged, like elves, flying in the dim star field.

In an instant, the entire star field was filled with mysterious formations, which was extremely dreamy. The formations shone with a faint light, like thousands of stars, covering the entire Lost War Realm continent.

Not long after, these mysterious formations trembled together, and then suddenly connected together to form a giant formation, covering the entire Lost War Realm Continent. When this formation was formed, the aura emanating from the World-Suppressing Divine Monument was was suppressed.

Wang Feng was afraid that he would not have expected that not only the rules of the Lost Battle Realm would help him suppress the aura of the World-Suppressing Monument, but also the mysterious Sky Bird Supreme would help him suppress the aura of the World-Suppressing Monument.

The Sky Bird Supreme thought very simply, fearing that this aura would spread out and be discovered by others, who would then come to fight for it.

Although he was very confident in his own strength, there were too many strong men in all the worlds. Once such a mysterious and terrifying treasure was leaked, he knew with his toes that it would attract countless old monsters. Scramble.

In front of these old monsters, he may not necessarily have an advantage, and he may even become a spectator, watching helplessly as the valuable treasure is taken away from him.

This is absolutely intolerable to Supreme Heavenly Bird!

After arranging the formation, Supreme Sky Bird did not stop, and moved his hands again. Array patterns appeared from his hands, and a new formation took shape, covering the entire lost battlefield!

This formation was used by him to block the geniuses coming out of the Lost Battle Realm.

He did not dare to enter the Lost Battle Realm, so he could only stay here and wait for the genius who got the treasure to come out and snatch it from his hands.

He knew that the people who entered the Lost War Realm this time were the geniuses of the entire world, including the geniuses of the great powers in the God Realm. But in order to obtain this treasure, he would not hesitate to sin against the great powers of the God Realm.

If he could get such an important treasure and find a place to concentrate on it, his strength would definitely skyrocket. Even if he offended the great forces of the God Realm, so what? Do you really think that Tianque Supreme is a vegetarian?

However, what Tianque Supreme did not expect was that he was not the only one to discover the aura of the World-Suppressing Monument.

Far away in the unknown star field, a majestic figure stood with his hands behind his back, wearing a golden Taoist robe. The sun, moon and stars disappeared under his feet, and his whole body was filled with Tao Yun, as if his entire body was Tao.

He raised his eyes and looked towards the Lost Battle Realm. The light in his eyes was flowing, like the twinkling of thousands of stars. It was deep and dreamy, and he said: "Interesting, what kind of treasure is such a mysterious aura?"

"I didn't expect that the guy from Tianque would find out first?"

"How can such a treasure be without me, the Supreme Yuanling?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the stalwart figure took a step forward, and the surrounding stars quickly disappeared. In just a moment, he had crossed a star field, and his speed was so fast that it was impossible to see his figure clearly.

When this majestic figure set off, people from several other directions also made sounds of surprise, and then stepped forward. In addition to the Supreme Sky Bird, including the self-proclaimed Yuanling Supreme, there were four supreme beings. Take a step towards the Lost Battle Realm.

In the Forbidden Land of the Lost Battle Realm, Biluohai, Wang Feng was immersed in the supreme mystery of the World-Suppressing Monument, like a sponge, greedily absorbing the mystery of the avenue.

At this time, Wang Feng was sitting cross-legged, his skin was as crystal clear as jade, his eyebrows were like swords, his bones were transparent and flawless, and the vast Taoist charm was flowing around him, and it was no longer clear whether he was a human or a Taoist.

The Tao Yun flowing in his body is more terrifying and mysterious than that of the Yuanling Supreme.

But in fact, Wang Feng didn't even realize a trace of the mysteries of the great avenues circulating on the World-Suppressing Divine Monument at this time, but he unknowingly imprinted the mysteries of the great avenues on the World-Suppressing Divine Monument on his body.

Comprehension and imprinting are two completely different ways.

Comprehension means being able to fully control and mobilize the enemy; but branding only engraves this mystery on oneself, and one cannot control it at all. Wang Feng does not even know that he has imprinted the mystery on the World-Suppressing Monument.

When Wang Feng poured out all his insights, the World-Suppressing Monument completely transformed. The entire monument was round and unified, and the endless avenues circulated mysteriously. In the entire Lost War Realm, visions of heaven and earth burst out. As far as the eye could see, they were densely packed with visions of heaven and earth.

There is the way of heaven and earth manifested in the world, worshiping the huge back floating above the blue sea; there are all the spirits in the world, kneeling and kowtow; there are also various ancient beasts that have died long ago, hanging in the sky, guarding the monument like loyal guards film.

The whole world suddenly trembled, as if some terrifying existence had been awakened. It was impossible to describe what happened?

All the creatures in the Lost War Realm felt as if they had glimpsed the evolution of the world. Endless awe rose in their hearts, and their souls were in an unconscious state. Apart from awe, they had no other emotions.


After the World-Suppressing Divine Monument was completely transformed into a great avenue artifact, the sky outside the Lost War suddenly trembled, and terrifying energy burst out. Endless whirlpools appeared in the originally pitch-black sky, and stars fell all over the sky. The pressure of light shrouded the entire location of the Lost Battle Realm!

Endless heavenly patterns appeared from the endless whirlpool. Vaguely, these heavenly patterns seemed to condense into a blurry figure, bowing to salute the shadow of the monument that appeared in the lost battle realm!

"Pilgrimage to Heaven???"

A sound of exclamation filled with fear exploded in the entire star field where the Lost Battle Realm was located. The Sky Bird Supreme looked at the blurry figure saluting. His whole scalp was numb and his body was shaking uncontrollably. He was shocked beyond measure. .

He hadn't been so shocked in an unknown amount of time, and his soul seemed to be scared out of his chest.

How could someone at his level not understand the Dao of Heaven? He knew at a glance that this vague figure was the manifestation of the Dao of Heaven that day, and the rich patterns of the Dao of Heaven were the ironclad proof!

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