Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1325 The heavens are shaken

At this moment, all over the world, countless old monsters woke up from their slumber and exclaimed in disbelief.

"The manifestation of heaven?"

" is it possible?!"

They pinched their fingers and calculated, trying to deduce why the Heavenly Dao suddenly appeared that day, but the next moment, there was a pop, and a spring of blood spurted out from their mouths. Their faces were as pale as paper, and they could not deduce the slightest bit. Instead, they suffered the backlash of the Heavenly Dao. .

"What...what exactly happened?"

Countless old monsters stood up in shock, with horrified expressions on their faces.

In the mysterious star field, two stalwart figures sit cross-legged, surrounded by stars, and their dao patterns appear, as if they are the supreme gods who control the stars in the sky. With every move, thousands of stars shake.

Of these two people, one is the master of heaven, Wu, and the other is the master of heaven, Han.

The two of them sat here and talked.

However, at this moment, Master Wu suddenly stood up, his eyes bursting with horror, and he exclaimed: "The way of heaven is manifested?"

" is it possible?"

Beside him, Zhang Tianzhe Han also had a horrified look on his face.

"Brother Wu, what happened? How could Heaven manifest itself today?"

Han, the one holding the sky, was terrified and asked in surprise.

Even though they, a group of heaven masters, are so awesome that they make all the heavens and worlds breathless, they still have to kneel before the way of heaven? They are powerful and terrifying, but they only claim to be servants of heaven, carrying out orders on behalf of heaven and hunting sentient beings!

From this alone, one can feel the terror of Heavenly Dao. Even those who are stronger than them only dare to call themselves servants of Heavenly Dao and dare not go beyond the slightest. No one knows how terrifying Heavenly Dao is.

Now, the way of heaven has manifested inexplicably. As servants of the way of heaven, they, the masters of heaven, have not had any news. How can they not be surprised?

"The secret is so chaotic that there is no way to deduce it. Something big must have happened!"

Wu, the master of the sky, had a solemn face. He didn't even dare to deduce. When it came to the way of heaven, even he, who was known as the originator of the way of heaven, didn't dare to deduce easily.

"What is happening to all the heavens and worlds now? First, enlightened beings appeared one after another, and now the way of heaven is manifesting?"

The Heaven Master was confused and confused. He really couldn't understand the world today.

"Perhaps the great age is coming, and this is also my opportunity to control the sky!"

"Whether I can stand out in this great wave depends on my ability!"

The master of the sky flashed in his eyes and spoke solemnly.

"It won't take long for the Heavenly Dao to manifest this time. Something big will happen. Be prepared. If something does happen, take action according to the situation. Leave those people to Brother Wei and other tribesmen!"

Immediately afterwards, Heaven Palmist Wu looked at Heaven Palmist Han and solemnly gave instructions.


The Heaven Master Han nodded and responded solemnly.

At the same time, in a mysterious place in the God Realm, Ye Muqing, who was standing on the top of a mountain, also had a drastic change in her pretty face, and her exquisite and graceful body could not stop trembling. She had always been calm and calm. , this moment also caused a shocking wave.

"The manifestation of heaven?"

Ye Muqing murmured softly, without even thinking about the deduction, her beautiful eyes bloomed with brilliance, her face became extremely solemn, and she continued to transmit sounds.

"Sen Long, gather everyone and get ready. The way of heaven will appear and something big will happen!"

"The one who controls the sky will definitely take action!"

"Diqin, leave it to me to handle the Heavenly Master. You should give your full attention. Wherever something big happens, take action!"


There were responses from various mysterious places in the God Realm. Even Di Qin did not complain about Ye Muqing's orders at this moment. She would never give Ye Muqing a stumbling block at such a critical moment.


When many of the strongest people were nervous, outside the Lost Battle Territory, the Heavenly Bird Supreme's scalp was numb. Without him, the indifferent and ruthless eyes of Tiandao were falling on him.

Someone as strong as him was like falling into an ice cave. He was so flustered and trembling that he didn't even dare to move.

Fortunately, Tianmu only glanced at it, then looked away, and then disappeared completely. Except for the endless whirlpool and the pattern of Heavenly Dao on the sky that were still manifesting, the shadow of Heavenly Dao had disappeared!


Until this moment, Supreme Heavenly Bird was breathing heavily, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

It’s so scary!

He originally thought that although his cultivation at this time could not be called the strongest in all realms, he could still look down on all directions. But in this look, he realized that he could not even be called an ant in front of the way of heaven.

"What exactly is this treasure? Even the Dao of Heaven appears today and worships it?"

After the shock, the Heavenly Bird Supreme was so excited that he couldn't help himself. He stared at the shadow of the monument manifested on the lost battlefield, his eyes filled with heat!

Before, although he knew that this was a treasure, he didn't know what level it was. Now that even the way of heaven has manifested itself, and he even worshiped this treasure, any fool knows that this is definitely a world-shattering treasure.

This is the way of heaven!

What is the concept of even manifesting the way of heaven and worshiping it? Tianque Supreme couldn't even think about it.

"I'm done! I'm completely done!"

"I didn't expect that I, the Supreme Heavenly Bird, could have such luck?"

Tianque Supreme was so excited that he could not speak coherently, and he danced as if he was crazy.

At the same time, Yuan Ling Supreme and others who were coming here were equally horrified and trembling. They also sensed the aura of the manifestation of Heaven's Dao in the Lost Battle Realm, but they never saw the scene of Heaven's Dao worshiping.

However, even if it is just the manifestation of heaven, it is enough to move them.

Looking at the entire history of all heavens and worlds, the number of times that the way of heaven has manifested can be counted on one's fingers.

The closest one to this era was the dark war that swept through the entire world. It is said that a supreme being fell. Even the heavens were sad for it and specially manifested it to bury him!

Of course, this was only what they had heard and had not seen with their own eyes, so they always thought it was an exaggerated and false legend.

And now that the Heavenly Dao is manifesting, although they have never seen it with their own eyes, they can clearly perceive it. There is no way it can be fake. What kind of treasure is it that can trigger the Heavenly Dao to manifest?

For a time, Yuan Ling Supreme and others were full of energy and rushed towards the Lost Battle Realm frantically, not wanting to let the Sky Bird Supreme get to the water first.


In the Lost Battle Realm, a bright beam of light came out from the forbidden land of the Blue Sea and shot straight into the sky. In just a moment, it broke through the mainland barrier of the Lost Battle Realm and appeared in the outer space star field. It even appeared in the sky. It continues to extend, as if it wants to pierce the entire sky of the universe!

Standing outside the Lost Battle Realm, Supreme Sky Bird looked at the beam of light rising into the sky, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter, and the power in his body surged quietly, always ready.

When this light pillar soared into the sky, layers of halo spread out from the light pillar and spread to the entire Lost War Realm. The creatures swept by the halo fell into coma in an instant. The only one who was still awake was... Ah Qing, Sun Wukong, Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor and others are in the forbidden area!

It's not that they can resist the layers of halo that spilled out of the light pillar, but that the halo avoided them and never made them faint.

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