Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1370 Overbearing to break the tribulation

Except for Wang Feng, no one can imagine the horror of six levels of world-destroying lightning catastrophes superimposed together.

At this moment, the entire star field was almost completely enveloped by the thunder of the World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation. Within hundreds of millions of miles where Wang Feng was, there was not even a drop of air. Everything was densely packed with terrifying thunder. The violent and destructive aura was enough to destroy anything. The psychology of the strong.

Although Wang Feng was well prepared, after being bombarded by this terrifying thunder, he was spitting out blood, his face was pale, his whole body was shaking uncontrollably, and a sense of paralysis invaded, making Wang Feng feel that his body was not his own.

If he hadn't possessed the Dao Root Bone and the Other Side Body, he would have been annihilated by this terrifying thunder.

He used the power within his body crazily to resist the bombardment of this terrifying thunder, and even mobilized the power of the Kingdom of God within his body.

This thunder bombardment lasted for ten days and ten nights before it dissipated.

By this time, Wang Feng's hair was disheveled, his clothes were in pieces, and he looked extremely miserable. However, Wang Feng's eyes were still bright, staring at the thunder clouds in the sky.

There is only one last level left, and this last level is also the most terrifying!

He experienced the bombardment of thunder tribulation for ten days and ten nights, and the last level of the world-destroying thunder tribulation also took ten days and ten nights to condense. With such a long time of condensation, it is impossible to imagine how terrifying this last level would be.

Wang Feng guessed that this last level would be even more terrifying when superimposed on the previous six levels of thunder tribulation.


There was a thunderous explosion, and the thunderclouds in the sky suddenly swept to both sides. Immediately afterwards, a huge light and shadow filled with terrifying power stepped out from the center of the thunderclouds, looking down at Wang Feng, as if watching something. An ant.

This light and shadow is a sky-high giant holding a thunder spear. Just standing there gives people an unrivaled feeling. Under this giant, Wang Feng is really as inconspicuous as an ant.

As soon as this sky-reaching giant appeared, Wang Feng felt heart palpitations, his whole soul trembled uncontrollably, and a powerful crisis hit his heart!


In an instant, the sky-reaching giant swooped down with a thunder spear, and the thunder spear in his hand pierced straight out, intertwined with rolling thunder, as if to pierce Wang Feng.

The tip of the thunder spear was larger than Wang Feng's whole body. It looked like a mountain with endless edge, crushing towards Wang Feng. The terrifying pressure poured down, making Wang Feng's whole body... The body became tense.

"Thousands of monuments!"

A low roaring sound exploded. Wang Feng waved his hands repeatedly, and the power in his body surged out like a spring. Faced with such a terrifying offensive, he had no choice but to display the magical power inherited from the World-Suppressing Monument that he had just obtained.


In an instant, the World-Suppressing Divine Monument in Wang Feng's mind glowed with dots of light, and wisps of avenue lines fell off from the World-Suppressing Divine Monument, condensing into the shadows of the monument, and appearing around Wang Feng.

In just an instant, dense steles appeared all around Wang Feng.

As soon as these monumental shadows appeared, they burst out with bright light, forcing all the thunder that was enveloping them to retreat. This thunder was enough to crush any Star God realm, but in front of this monumental shadow, it was like paper. generally.

Then, these monuments formed a straight line and suddenly charged towards the thunder spear thrust down from the sky.


In an instant, the first stele shadow collided with the thunder spear, and an extremely terrifying sound wave erupted. The sound waves visible to the naked eye swept in all directions, shattering countless thunders. Even Wang Feng, who was guarded by the stele shadow, was here. Under the sound waves, I felt as if my soul was about to be shattered, and my whole body was in horror.


While the first stele shadow and the thunder spear were still in a stalemate, thousands of stele shadows behind the stele shadow had collided again. Under such impact, the thunder spear cracked and turned into dots. The thunder shadow dissipated in the thunder that filled the sky.

After smashing the thunder spear, the shadow of the monument continued to hit the sky-reaching giant above the sky without losing its momentum.


The giant looked up to the sky and roared, stretched out his hand to grab it, and endless thunder gathered together, forming a thunder spear again, which was thrown out. After throwing it, he did not stop, but continued to condense the spear.

One after another, the spears were thrown out by the giant and hit the shadow of the monument.


Deafening roars exploded one after another. Although the thousands of monuments were just shadows, they showed unparalleled power. No matter how terrifying the spears were, they could not destroy the monuments at all.

One after another, the shadows of the monuments were as fierce as the stars, destroying all the thunder spears and heading straight towards the sky-reaching giant.


There was a loud roar, and under the impact of thousands of monuments, the sky-reaching giant fell instantly. His huge body suddenly exploded and turned into rolling thunder, sweeping across the sky and shaking the entire sea of ​​clouds.


After destroying the giant, the shadow of the monument did not stop, but hit the calamity cloud in the sky. Did he actually want to directly destroy this world-destroying thunder calamity?


The World-Destroying Thunder Tribulation seemed to be aware of the crisis, and let out a shocking roar. The surrounding thunder suddenly gathered and bombarded towards the shadow of the monument like a pouring from the Milky Way.

Looking around, the thunder is endless, and the scene is extremely shocking!

But this stele shadow is blessed by the Taoist patterns of the World-Suppressing Divine Monument, a great Dao artifact. How can a mere thunderbolt hurt it in the slightest? The endless shadow of the monument shattered all the thunder with the force of breaking bamboo, and struck hard towards the calamity cloud above the sky.


There was an astonishing roar, and the calamity cloud that originally covered the entire sky was directly knocked out of a huge hole by thousands of stele shadows. Immediately afterwards, the stele shadows that were originally connected in a straight line dispersed directly towards the surrounding calamity clouds. Crash away.

There were bursts of roaring sounds, but in a short period of time, the tribulation clouds that represented the world-destroying thunder catastrophe were bombarded completely. The entire sky became clear again, and the raging thunder in the star field also dissipated. go.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yao in the distance showed a smile, took a deep look at Wang Feng, and then disappeared without a trace in a flash.

The tenth brother has survived the thunderstorm safely, and the future will be smooth. It is time for him to leave.

In fact, he really wanted to talk to Brother Ten, but he was afraid that after doing so, he would be reluctant to leave, so it was better to leave directly.

Wang Feng, who was immersed in the joy of surviving the thunderstorm, seemed to be aware of it. He looked towards the empty place and sighed softly. He had endless questions in his heart and wanted to seek answers from Xiao Yao.

But he also knew that even if he asked, Xiao Yao might not tell him.

After all, he still has to find the answer himself!

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