Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1371 The 10 Domains of God Realm


After successfully surviving the thunder tribulation, endless radiance shone out, completely enveloping Wang Feng in it. The gentle and huge power repaired all the injuries in Wang Feng's body and consolidated Wang Feng's newly achieved breakthrough.

This is a reward from heaven.

Since the thunder catastrophe Wang Feng survived was a world-destroying thunder catastrophe, the rewards he received were beyond the reach of ordinary people. The huge power directly pushed Wang Feng's newly achieved cultivation level to the peak of the Star God.

The tyrannical power surged in Wang Feng's body, making Wang Feng feel refreshed and couldn't help but roar.

This time, I really gained a lot.

Although this trip to the Lost War Realm took a long time, the rewards far exceeded Wang Feng's previous opportunities. Among them, the great avenue artifact, the World-Suppressing Monument, was the most terrifying.

As long as Wang Feng can understand the world-suppressing monument, it will not be a dream to realize the great path in the future.

This award lasted for three days and three nights.

In the end, Wang Feng's cultivation was consolidated at the peak of the Star God, and all the injuries in his body were recovered. Not only that, the reward from heaven purified the power in his body a lot, and his combat power reached a higher level.

At this moment, Wang Feng's strength, if he uses all his means, he will be a strong man at the level of the Lord God. Wang Feng is also sure that he can beat him one or two. Even if he is not careful, the Lord God might fall into his hands.

After a short exploration, Wang Feng was alone, galloping above the starry sky towards the Qingyun Realm.

Fortunately, Wang Feng had previously learned from Gu Chengxiao about some information about the God Realm and where he would be transported to after the Lost War Realm is over. Otherwise, he would have been blinded at this moment!

When Wang Feng went to the Qingyun Realm, the entire Qingyun Realm was also bustling with the many geniuses from all realms who had been excluded from the Lost Battle Realm. Those with backgrounds in the God Realm only stayed in the Qingyun Realm for a while before returning to their respective forces.

The rest who have no background in the God Realm stay in the Qingyun Realm and become the guests of many forces in the Qingyun Realm.

Although the experience of the Lost Battle Realm was over, the storm it created was something no one had ever imagined, and this storm was destined not to calm down so easily.

The fall of Han, the Heaven Master, made many strong men of the Heaven Master clan furious, setting off a terrifying storm that swept all directions. However, their real purpose was to find out what happened to the Lost Battle Realm. Therefore, from the Lost The many geniuses who came out of the war realm have become the first choice of those who hold the heaven!

Those with a background of powerful forces in the God Realm were better off, and the strong men of the Heaven Master clan did not move, but those without a background suffered, and some people simply disappeared without anyone noticing.

With the return of many geniuses in the God Realm, the name of the Shenxian Sect and the leader of the Shenxian Sect, Wang Feng, has also come into the sight of many powerful forces in the God Realm for the first time!

Some forces don't take it seriously, but some forces take it seriously, such as the Gu family, the top family in the God Realm!

The entire Hongmeng God Realm is extremely vast and is divided into ten major divine realms.

Among them, the nine major divine realms are the main regions of the divine realm, namely Yunye, Luotian, Cangxuan, Liuli, Bianan, Shura, Wuling, Huanlang, and Guangming. Each divine realm is surrounded by a region larger than the entire imperial realm. And the space strength is even more solid.

In addition to these nine major divine realms, there is another divine realm called the Tiandao Nether God Realm, which is controlled by the Tiandao Nether Clan. Except for the Tiandao Nether Clan, there are almost no strong men from other clans.

The Heavenly Underworld God Realm does not seem to be as prosperous as the nine major divine realms in the God Realm, but its area is as large as several divine realms put together.

There is a huge mountain range in Wuling God Territory called Wumu Mountains, which can be called the natural treasure house of Wuling God Territory. Such a treasure house naturally attracts many powerful forces in Wuling God Territory to gather here. Although it is a mountain range, it is a proper treasure house of Wuling God Territory. center.

The Gu Family, the top family in the God Realm, is located here.

At this moment, in the main hall of the Gu family, the contemporary head of the Gu family, Gu Baxuan, is sitting on the main throne, with many elders of the ancient family sitting underneath. The aura on each person's body is as deep as the sea, which is very scary.

Even if there is no deliberate explosion, the space in this hall is still extremely depressing. If ordinary people step into this place, they will be suffocated instantly.

Gu Chengxiao, who had returned from Qingyun Realm, was standing in the center of the hall, telling what happened in the Lost Battle Realm.

"Are you saying that your ability to break through to the ninth level of the Divine Forbidden Realm is all because of the Immortal Sect?"

When Gu Chengxiao finished speaking, Gu Baxuan and many Gu family elders narrowed their pupils, stared at Gu Chengxiao, and asked in a solemn voice.


"There is a pagoda in the Immortal Sect, which has supreme mystery. Entering it can make people easily understand the forbidden realm of the gods!"

Gu Chengxiao nodded and said in a deep voice.

After finishing his words, before anyone could speak, he continued: "Father, elders, the potential of the Immortal Sect is extremely terrifying, and it is possible that it will not be able to grow into a giant in the God Realm in the future."

"As the saying goes, adding icing on the cake is worse than providing help in the snow. At this moment, the Immortal Sect is weak. If our Gu family tries our best to win over them, we will definitely win the friendship of the Immortal Sect!"

"Young Master, didn't I tell you that a little-known force is worthy of my Gu family's win over?"

"How difficult is it to become the top force in the God Realm?"

When Gu Chengxiao finished speaking, there was an elder from the Gu clan who disdained to speak out and did not take the Shenxian Sect in his eyes at all.

Seeing this scene, Gu Baxuan did not make a sound, but just looked at his son quietly. What Gu Chengxiao said alone was not enough to make him determined to win over the Immortal Sect.

As this ancient elder said, how difficult is it to become the top force in the God Realm? No matter how high the potential of the Shenxian Sect is, the future is full of uncertainty. Who can be sure that the Shenxian Sect will not die midway?

No one dares to draw conclusions easily until the end.

"Father, please shield the secret!"

"What the child is going to say next is very important."

Faced with the elder's doubts, Gu Chengxiao was not angry. Instead, he cupped his hands towards Gu Baxuan and said in a solemn voice.

As soon as he said these words, Gu Baxuan and the elders of the Gu family present suddenly turned pale. They knew Gu Chengxiao's temperament, and he would never act like this if it was not an extremely important matter.

Gu Baxuan nodded, and with a wave of his hand, terrifying power instantly enveloped the entire main hall, cutting off everything.

"The child witnessed with his own eyes a great battle in the Lost Battle Realm!"

"In that battle, five supreme beings came!"

Under everyone's gaze, Gu Chengxiao spoke slowly.

At that time, most people were stunned by the aura of the World-Suppressing Monument, but after a while, a few people woke up, including Gu Chengxiao. Therefore, he also witnessed the Immortal Sect with his own eyes. The battle between the ancestor and the five supreme beings.


When Gu Chengxiao finished speaking, all the elders of the Gu family took a deep breath and looked shocked.


This is absolutely invincible in the current God Realm. Even his Gu family does not dare to easily provoke a strong man of this level.

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