Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1372 Immortal Sect, an excellent ally

In this day and age, it is almost difficult to see the Supreme Being. Even if there are Supreme Beings in his ancient family, they are in deep sleep all year round and rarely appear in the world. This is almost the same environment in the entire God Realm.

Five supreme beings appeared all at once, and they had never appeared for tens of millions of years.

Everyone here, with their lofty status and immense power, was also shocked by this news.

"The five supreme beings are fighting against the four ancestors of the Immortal Sect on the Lost Battle Realm Star Territory!"

"In the end, two supreme beings were killed and three supreme beings were suppressed!"

Immediately afterwards, Gu Chengxiao spoke out again.

Even now, Gu Chengxiao still has not recovered from the shock. God knows how shocked he was when he saw this scene. He was stunned on the spot and did not recover for a long time.

It is precisely because of this that he is extremely determined to make the Gu family and the Shenxian Sect become allies.


When Gu Chengxiao finished speaking, everyone present was stunned. Even Gu Baxuan suddenly stood up with a look of horror on his face.

Of the five supreme beings, two died and three were suppressed?

If they hadn't known that Gu Chengxiao wouldn't have been joking about this kind of thing, why wouldn't they have believed it?

How could an unknown sect have such terrifying strength? What's going on?

Even his Gu family had to pay a huge price if he wanted to achieve such a record.

In other words, this Immortal Sect seems to be just a small sect now, but its top combat power is not weaker than any major force in the God Realm?

The entire hall fell into deathly silence, and all the ancient elders held their breaths with shocked expressions on their faces.

"How can this be?"

It took a long time before an elder from the ancient family exclaimed.

"It's absolutely true, I saw it with my own eyes!"

As if he was afraid that many elders would not believe it, Gu Chengxiao said solemnly.

Then, he continued: "I suspect that the Immortal Sect is an ancient force that has awakened from the long river of time and space. Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such terrifying strength!"

"The depth of the water in the entire universe is so deep that even my ancient family can't say that we can see even tenth of it, right? It's not impossible that there are ancient forces that we don't know about!"

When Gu Chengxiao finished speaking, all the senior officials of the Gu family present were silent.

Indeed, his Gu family seemed to be standing at the top of the entire God Realm, but the world was so big that it was beyond their imagination, and there was a sea of ​​things they didn't know.

After being silent for a long time, Gu Baxuan raised his head, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, glanced at everyone, and said in a deep voice: "I think what Cheng Xiao said is feasible!"

"Such a force may seem weak, but its trump cards are unfathomable and worthy of all our Gu family's bets!"

"In today's era, changes are unpredictable and waves are coming. Even my Gu family cannot guarantee that we can escape unscathed. It is inevitable to make allies!"

"This Immortal Sect is an excellent ally."

When Gu Baxuan finished speaking, many Gu elders were silent for a moment and nodded in unison.

Before, they looked down on the Shenxian Sect, but now, they are no longer qualified to look down on the Shenxian Sect. They can kill the Supreme. The Shenxian Sect's heritage is beyond imagination.

"Xiao'er, you will be responsible for this matter. Gu Feng and Gu Lin will assist Xiao'er!"

Seeing this, Gu Baxuan glanced at Gu Chengxiao and the two elders Gu Feng and Gu Lin, and said in a deep voice.


Gu Chengxiao and three others bowed in response.

What happened to the Gu family is not an isolated case. Anyone who wakes up and sees the battle between the ancestor of the Shenxian Sect and the five supreme beings will all recommend the Shenxian Sect to the forces behind it.

Although the name of the Immortal Sect has not really reverberated in the God Realm, it has already made many powerful forces tremble with fear, and they attach great importance to the Immortal Sect.


In the Qingyun world, the situation has been strange recently, and the undercurrent is surging.

The reason is the arrival of many geniuses from all over the world. Each of these existences are peerless geniuses, and their backgrounds are not small. They have caused a lot of waves in the Qingyun Realm.

In the dense mountain forest, a man and a woman fled in panic, their bodies covered in blood, and their faces were as white as paper.

This man and woman are Lei Yi and Shuang'er.

At this moment, Lei Yi's face was pale, his clothes were torn, and hideous scars were vaguely visible.

"Shuang'er, please leave quickly. It won't take long for them to catch up."

Lei Yi looked at the woman beside him and pleaded.

He didn't want the woman to die with him. At this point, there was no hope for him to escape.

"You don't have to say anything anymore, I won't leave!"

The woman named Shuang'er shook her head and spoke firmly. There was no fear on her delicate and beautiful face, but only determination!

"Leave? None of you can leave!"

Lei Yi wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by a sneer. It was also this sneer that made the faces of Lei Yi and the two people change drastically. After hearing the sound, several figures stood in the void, looking down at Lei Yi. Yi two people.

The leader was none other than the elder of Tianming Sect.

Lei Yi protected Shuang'er behind him and stared at the few people. The power in his body surged crazily. Although he was seriously injured, he still burst out with powerful power at this time.

"The two mice have been escaping for so long, but I finally caught them!"

"Don't worry, if you dare to kill my son, I won't let you die so easily."

The old man's eyes were cold, he glanced at Lei Yi and the two of them, and snorted coldly. His words were full of frightening murderous intent, and the temperature of the entire forest dropped by several levels because of this.


As soon as he finished speaking, a terrifying power swept out of the old man, like a mountain billions of feet high, suppressing Lei Yi and the two of them, causing the two people who were seriously injured to tremble and grit their teeth to resist.

The cultivation level of Lei Yi and the other two people was only at the peak of Nirvana. They were able to escape until now because of the support of a speed-type treasure. Now that they were caught on the spot by the old man, a powerful person at the peak of the Star God, no matter how you looked at it, they would definitely die.


Lei Yi roared to the sky, and the power in his body exploded wildly. He broke free from the suppression of this power, and his whole body ejected like a cannonball. His fists shone brightly, and he punched the old man.

If you know you will die, why should you fear anymore?

"The worm shakes the tree!"

The old man sneered disdainfully, without even looking at it, and just slapped it with his palm.


But after the fists and palms hit each other, there was a sound of broken bones. Lei Yi's entire face suddenly became twisted and ferocious, and the whole person flew out, going as fast as he came.


There was a loud roar, and Lei Yi hit the ground hard, making a huge crater in the ground. Shuang'er's face changed drastically, and she quickly appeared next to Lei Yi and helped Lei Yi up.

"You ant, dare to kill my son? Don't worry, I will let you taste the most painful torture in the world!"

The old man's eyes were cold, and he roared, with overwhelming anger rising all over his body. He was blessed with a son at this old age, and the treasure was so great. Who would have thought that he would be killed without noticing for a moment.

If he didn't take revenge and torture him severely, how could he be worthy of his dead son?

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