Yes, Tuoba Yale peed directly.

When the hot blood sprayed on his body, he couldn't control the overwhelming power at that moment.

One second, he was arrogant and domineering, and the next second, he was filled with fear, as if he had fallen into an abyss. His whole body was as cold as ice.

He didn't even see clearly how the few strong men he had brought with him died. He only heard explosions, like muffled thunder, which made him tremble all over.


Without exception, Tuoba Yale knelt down on the spot and did not dare to say another word.

Wang Feng didn't even look at him. He just frowned, walked past him, and looked at Xuanyuan Liuyun and others.

Sensing Wang Feng's gaze, Xuanyuan Liuyun and the others just recovered from the shock. At first glance, a look of confusion appeared on their faces, because they did not know Wang Feng and the others at all.

Only Xuanyuan Xuanfeng seemed to have remembered something, and his whole body trembled. He did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly bowed to Wang Feng and said respectfully: "Xuanyuan Xuanfeng of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan has met Sect Master Wang!"

As the top genius of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan in the Imperial Realm, how could Xuanyuan Xuanfeng have never seen Wang Feng? He had even seen Wang Feng's power in the Lost Battle Realm, but he didn't expect to meet Wang Feng in Qingfeng City, let alone that he would come to rescue him.

Although he knew that his young master was a disciple of the Immortal Sect, Wang Feng was already a heavenly figure. Even if he met him, he would not dare to expect Wang Feng to take action.

"Xuanfeng, who is this...?"

Seeing Xuanyuan Xuanfeng's respectful posture, Xuanyuan Liuyun and others looked at him and asked in surprise.

"This is the leader of the Immortal Sect."

"Xuanyuan Yi, the young master of the Emperor Realm Divine Clan, is also a disciple of the Immortal Sect."

Xuanyuan Xuanfeng gave a brief introduction, and then winked at Xuanyuan Liuyun and others, indicating that they should not ask too many questions.

Seeing this, Xuanyuan Liuyun and others did not ask any more questions, but bowed to Wang Feng and thanked him: "Xuanyuan Liuyun, thank you Sect Leader Wang for your help."

Wang Feng chuckled lightly, waved his hand and said: "You're welcome, it's just a matter of a finger."

After saying this, Xuanyuan Liuyun and others bowed again, then waved their hands and asked a few people to capture Tuoba Yale, and then led Wang Feng and others towards the back hall of Xuanyuan Pavilion.

In the back hall, everyone was sitting in rows. Xuanyuan Liuyun's eyes flashed and he asked, "I wonder if Sect Master Wang wants to enter the God Realm through the cross-border teleportation array?"


Wang Feng nodded and said directly without hiding anything.

"I don't know much about the God Realm. Could you please tell me something?"

Then, before Xuanyuan Liuyun could say anything, Wang Feng asked again.

"The divine world is divided into ten domains, which are...!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Liuyun did not hide anything and introduced directly.

"If Sect Master Wang enters the God Realm through the cross-border teleportation array of Qingfeng City, he will appear in Xuanhuang City of Luotian Divine Domain. Our Xuanyuan Divine Clan is also in Luotian Divine Domain. If Sect Master Wang does not mind it, I can let Xuan Feng take Sect Master Wang there. .”

Hearing Xuanyuan Liuyun's words, Wang Feng smiled and accepted Xuanyuan Liuyun's invitation.

Although he has never been to the Hongmeng God Realm, there are many enemies in the God Realm, such as the Tianyuan God Clan and the even more terrifying Celestial Master Clan.

The Clan of Heaven Masters is very mysterious and terrifying. No one knows where they are stationed, but many people still know where Tiannu is stationed, but these people don't dare to mess with them at all.

The most important thing is that these Heavenly Slaves have been managed for countless years. They are so dangerous that no one dares to try them easily. Coupled with the family of Heavenly Masters behind them, these Heavenly Slaves are also the most dangerous in the God Realm. A mysterious force.

It would be good to use the Xuanyuan Divine Clan as a temporary stop. If given the chance, Wang Feng would also like to destroy potential enemies like the Tianyuan Divine Clan.

"What powerful forces are there in Luotian Divine Domain?"

Then, Wang Feng looked at Xuanyuan Liuyun and asked.

"The absolute overlord of the Luotian Divine Domain is the Wenren Dao Clan."


Wang Feng's eyes flashed and he uttered a sound of surprise. It was rare to hear someone with this surname.

Being able to rule an entire divine domain, the Wenren Dao Clan’s terrifying strength does not need to be imagined to know.

"The Wenren Dao Clan is one of the nine great clans in the divine world, and the nine great clans in the divine world are the nine overlord-level forces in the divine world. Except for the central other side of the divine domain, the rest of the divine realms are basically controlled by these nine great clans! "

"Of course, in addition to the Nine Dao Clan, there are still many forces that can rival the Dao Clan, but these forces don't pay much attention to the region. They are not as high-profile as the Nine Dao Clan, so very few people know their information."

"In the Luotian Divine Domain, the Wenren Dao clan is the largest, followed by the three sects and six sects."

"The three sects are Daoxuan Sect, Wuying Sect, and Yuanmo Sect; the six sects are Tianshan, Guigu, Wuji, Haotian, Shenwu, and Yintuo!"

"Other than that, there are some second-rate forces and third-rate forces. We, the Xuanyuan Divine Clan, are considered one of the top third-rate forces!"

Hearing this, Wang Feng nodded. He knew very well that these forces were only forces on the surface. Who knows how many hidden forces there are in Luotian Divine Domain?

The God Realm is too big. Even just one God Realm is larger than the entire Imperial Realm. In such a vast area, countless powerful people will naturally be born. Some forces are insignificant, but regardless of their background or strength, they are all powerful. Extremely terrifying, even more terrifying than these forces on the surface!

Just like his Immortal Sect, on the surface, his Immortal Sect only has A Qing, the peak ancestor god, but in reality, as long as Wang Feng is willing to pay some price, he can summon the ancestors of the Immortal Sect who can reach the level of Emperor God at any time. , it is not impossible to even bite the bullet and summon the ancestor of Hedao level.

Therefore, even though the Shenxian Sect is now very powerful, Wang Feng still dare not underestimate the heroes of the world, just like the young man who suddenly appeared in the Lost Battle Realm.

The whole person looks ordinary, and no one would take him seriously when walking on the street, but who would have thought that his strength would be so terrifying? If Xiao Yao from Yuan Village hadn't appeared, Wang Feng would have died that time.

Facing a strong man of that level, even if he tried his best, consumed all his luck points, and summoned the ancestor of the Hedao Realm, he still couldn't fight against that person.

The water in the entire God Realm was too deep, so deep that Wang Feng didn't dare to float, let alone be careless. The only way to survive was to keep growing.

"Without further ado, let's go."

After thinking for a while, Wang Feng glanced at Xuanyuan Liuyun and others and said in a deep voice.

Xuanyuan Liuyun still wanted to stay, but when he saw the doubt on Wang Feng's face, he did not dare to speak after all. This Immortal Sect was too powerful and too mysterious.

He summoned Xuanyuan Xuanfeng, gave him a few instructions, and then personally led Wang Feng and others to the teleportation array in the center of the city.

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