Xuanhuang City is not a big city in the Luotian Divine Domain, nor can it even be considered a mid-tier city, but its liveliness is far greater than that of an average mid-tier city.

This is simply because Xuanhuang City has cross-border teleportation arrays for several affiliated realms of the God Realm. Whether a powerful person from the God Realm goes to other affiliated realms to trade, or an affiliated realm visits the God Realm, they all need to pass through Xuanhuang City.

Today, the cross-border teleportation array in the center of Xuanhuang City, which represents the auxiliary realm of Qingyun Realm, suddenly burst into bursts of light, and then, several figures stepped out from the cross-border teleportation array.

The strong men of Xuanhuang City who were guarding the cross-border teleportation array were not surprised by this.

"Stop, ten low-grade divine crystals per person!"

When Wang Feng and others wanted to leave, they were directly stopped by the guards. The leader glanced at Wang Feng and others indifferently and said in a deep voice.

His cultivation level is not high, only the peak of Yuan Shen, but most people dare not go against him, because behind him, not only stands the entire Xuanhuang City, but also several top forces.

Xuanyuan Xuanfeng seemed to have been prepared for it. He took out the divine crystal and handed it to the man.

With the divine crystal, Wang Feng and his party passed the level of the teleportation array and entered Xuanhuang City.

This was Wang Feng's first time coming to the God Realm, and he couldn't help but be curious and looked around.

The place where they were located was the teleportation square in the center of Xuanhuang City. Connecting the teleportation square were the four main streets of Xuanhuang City. Looking around, rows of splendid palaces stood on both sides of the streets, like giant beasts.

In addition, there are also people coming and going on the streets. Everyone is filled with strong aura. There is almost no one below the god level. Even if there are occasionally people below the god level, they are surrounded by god level people. 's elders.

Of course, the cultivation level of these people is generally not high, they are all below the God of Nirvana, and only a few are above the God of Nirvana.

The huge perception centered on Wang Feng and spread in all directions. The strength of the entire Xuanhuang City also fell into Wang Feng's perception. Except for a few places with formations, he could not perceive it very clearly. , the top existences are basically at the Star God level.

This also gave Wang Feng a clear understanding of the horror of the God Realm.

Although this Xuanhuang City is very lively, it is only bustling because of the cross-border teleportation array. The city itself cannot even reach the mid-level level. If the cross-border teleportation array is not included, cities like Xuanhuang City are not as popular in the entire Luo River. There are countless in the realm of gods.

There are more than a dozen powerful Star Gods in such a city. What about a higher city? What about those top powers?

Wang Feng finally understood why in the Imperial Realm, the four major gods and even some powerful men basically had the strength to break into the divine realm, and even be able to ascend to the divine realm, but they were willing to stay in the imperial realm.

The Spiritual God Realm is enough to be king and hegemon in the Imperial Realm, but in this God Realm, it is at the lowest level and cannot even be called cannon fodder. Such a huge gap is really unacceptable to ordinary people.

While Wang Feng was sighing, the group also checked into an inn in Xuanhuang City. There was no doubt that the divine crystals came from Xuanyuan Xuanfeng.

Although Wang Feng obtained a lot of treasures and even smelted the entire Lost War Realm into his own Divine Kingdom, the divine crystals were not the product of the Lost War Realm. Even if he had some, they were all for killing the Divine Realm. People like Ran Yi and others also got some of the Tianjiao's income, but since Xuanyuan Xuanfeng rushed to pay, Wang Feng was not polite.

At least they saved their branch. What happened to the magic crystal?

In the inn room, Wang Feng sat cross-legged with his brows furrowed. Before entering the divine realm, he was extremely eager to enter the divine realm. However, after entering the divine realm, he didn't know what to do for a while.

He felt that he had a lot to do, but for a while, he didn't know what to do.

Such as the news about Ye Muqing and others, such as the threat from the Heaven Controller clan, such as his own identity, such as the secret of Source Village, such as the system level improvement, etc... After counting in detail, Wang Feng felt that he had a hard life.

But if he breaks it down, he finds that he can't do any of these things at the moment, or he doesn't know how to do them.

Each one of them is basically beyond his current strength range. The entire God Realm is so big, where can he find Ye Muqing and others? Even disciples like Ran Yi couldn't explain why.

So from the beginning to the end, they stayed in a mysterious place. Ran Yi was the only one who came out of that mysterious place to wander in the God Realm. At that time, he was brought out by someone, and he arrived all at once. How could he remember?

As for the Heaven Masters and others, if he faced him now, he would definitely die, even if he could summon the Hedao Realm ancestor. Therefore, Wang Feng did not dare to actively provoke the Heaven Masters at this time. If there is a lone Heaven Master or one who has just recovered, that is naturally a different matter.

After thinking about it, Wang Feng decided to start by improving the strength of the Shenxian Sect disciples.

Nowadays, in the entire Shenxian Sect, except for many elite disciples, the rest of the Shenxian Sect disciples have basically not reached the divine forbidden realm. Even if he can use the sect value to draw a lottery and bless their cultivation, allowing them to improve quickly, he can reach his current sect's level. It is impossible to raise all the disciples of Shenxian Sect to the level of gods.

Not to mention that he still has many elders of the Immortal Sect to be promoted.

Currently, except for Ah Qing who has awakened to the extreme limit of Heavenly Dao and reached the pinnacle of the Ancestral God, the other elders are still in the forbidden realm.

Although Wang Feng could easily upgrade their cultivation to the divine realm at this time, Wang Feng did not do so. He planned to wait for these elders of the Immortal Sect to survive the divine tribulation before helping them improve.

The divine tribulation is very dangerous, but the benefits of surviving it are beyond the reach of ordinary opportunities.

Wang Feng had asked the system before. If he directly blessed their cultivation and helped them ascend to the divine realm, there would be no Hongmeng Divine Tribulation. In other words, they would be able to enter the divine realm without going through the tribulation. It seems that the benefits are huge, but In fact, the benefits of surviving the divine calamity are missing.

The benefits of this kind of heavenly reward are far beyond comparison with the blessing of cultivation. It can help cultivators consolidate their divine kingdom and even slightly improve their qualifications. Even just a little bit is difficult for cultivators. The benefits of imagination.

Under normal circumstances, it would be an extremely long time to wait for the many disciples of the Shenxian Sect and the elders of the Shenxian Sect to advance enough to break into the divine realm, and the only way to shorten this time is to fight.

But looking at it, the entire God Realm is basically above the God Realm. Even those below the God Realm are protected by their own forces. How can they be allowed to fight?

After pondering for a long time, Wang Feng had an idea in his mind. This idea was a bit crazy, but once it was done, many disciples and even elders of Shenxian Sect would have no shortage of fighting opportunities.

After thinking about it, Wang Feng called Xuanyuan Xuanfeng and planned to ask him something.

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