Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1389 Arena of Gods and Demons

"Sect Master Wang!"

Xuanyuan Xuanfeng bowed respectfully and looked at Wang Feng with some confusion.


Wang Feng pointed to the seat next to him and smiled.

"Do you know how many big cities there are in Luotian Divine Realm? Which of these big cities have more geniuses below the divine realm?"

After hearing Wang Feng's inquiry, Xuanyuan Xuanfeng thought for a long time.

To be honest, this was his first time entering the God Realm, but after all, he had a background in the God Realm and knew far more than Wang Feng.

After pondering for a long time, Xuanyuan Xuanfeng seemed to remember something and said: "Tianjiao City."

"Tell me more about this Tianjiao City."

Wang Feng's eyes lit up and he spoke quickly.

"Tianjiao City is a relatively unique city in the Luotian Divine Domain. This city has a great background. It is said that it was jointly built by the top ten forces."

"What they did was the talented disciples among their forces who had not yet reached the divine realm."

Hearing this, Wang Feng nodded. Although most of the people in the God Realm are powerful people in the God Realm, they have a long life span after entering the God Realm. Even if it is extremely difficult for a strong person in the God Realm to give birth to an heir, in the long years, , many newborns can still be born.

Even if they have the bloodline of a powerful person in the divine realm, these newborns have a very high starting point, but it is impossible to directly reach the divine realm. Unless they are cubs of divine beasts, otherwise, it would be good for an average bloodline of a strong person in the divine realm to reach the imperial realm.

Among these newborns, those with high talents will naturally be valued by their respective forces. After all, newborn blood has always been a major matter that all major forces attach great importance to. This is the foundation of their future. Anyone who does not pay attention to it will undoubtedly ruin their own forces. future.

"In this Tianjiao City, there are gathered the Tianjiao disciples who are below the divine realm of the top ten forces. They are all very talented and have great backgrounds. This has also caused the entire Tianjiao City to be in chaos."

"Perhaps this chaos is also tacitly approved by the ten major forces, in order to screen out stronger geniuses."

"In the beginning, the Tianjiao in this Tianjiao City only gathered the disciples of the ten major forces below the divine realm. But as time goes by, almost all the forces with a certain strength will spend a price to remove the disciples below the divine realm in their own forces. Send to Tianjiao City!"

"One is to join the ranks of the top ten disciples, and the other is to train the disciples of his own force."

"Therefore, this Tianjiao City can be regarded as a gathering of the entire Luotian Divine Realm's Tianjiao below the divine realm."

"The entire Tianjiao City has been extremely perfect after so many years of development. If you want to step into it, you need to pay a huge price. Without a certain amount of power, it is basically impossible."

Xuanyuan Xuanfeng seemed to see Wang Feng's thoughts, and after finishing speaking, he added another sentence.

After learning about Tianjiao City, Wang Feng's eyes flashed with light. This Tianjiao City was simply prepared for the idea in his heart. The Tianjiao City in the entire Luotian Divine Realm and below the divine realm would serve as the fighting targets of many Shenxian Sect disciples. Once they experience it, As a result, many disciples of the Shenxian Sect can not only reach the divine realm, but their own strength can also be greatly improved.

If this idea were known to anyone, they would definitely think Wang Feng was crazy.

How many geniuses are there in the entire Luotian Divine Realm below the divine realm? The best among them is so powerful that it makes people tremble. Only Wang Feng thinks that his sect disciples can crush anyone. Any force in the Luotian Divine Domain, even the Wenren Dao Clan, can't defeat anyone. There is no such certainty.

Secondly, if you want others to fight with you, then they will fight with you?


Who can enter Tianjiao City without having a great background? Such geniuses, even if they have not reached the divine realm, still have their arrogance. Without certain strength, background and bargaining chips, they are not qualified to fight with them.

Even if you meet the above conditions, it is impossible for all the geniuses in Tianjiao City to fight with you.

Unless there is a direct provocation, the combined background of the entire Tianjiao City would suffocate even Wang Feng. Therefore, this choice is almost impossible, and Wang Feng will not do it.

His idea was to build an arena in Tianjiao City.

Yes, the Arena! Wang Feng had already thought of a name, so he decided to call it the Arena of Gods and Demons.

The initial members of this God and Demon Arena are the many disciples of his Immortal Sect, and the challengers are the many geniuses in Tianjiao City. The only way to make them willingly enter the arena to fight is to offer them exciting rewards. .

And this reward is nothing to Wang Feng who owns the system mall.

The most important thing is that this arena can not only train the disciples of the Immortal Sect, but also earn a lot of wealth, and the rewards he gives out will not be used once the disciples of the Immortal Sect win.

It can be said that this is a project with high risks and high returns, but for Wang Feng, it is almost risk-free.

Secondly, if you want to build an arena in Tianjiao City, you need to have enough strength, enough to make the forces behind Tianjiao City not dare to act rashly.

It just so happened that Wang Feng still had an opportunity to awaken to the ultimate limit of Heaven's Law. Wang Feng planned to select an elder with high enough potential to undergo the Ultimate Awakening of Heaven's Law, and then let him sit in the Arena of Gods and Demons.

In this way, this God and Demon Arena will become the source of wealth for his Immortal Sect and a place for training his disciples.

Wang Feng still has great confidence in the disciples of the Shenxian Sect. Although most of the disciples of the Shenxian Sect have only reached the Holy Immortal Emperor realm and have not even experienced the hardships of life and death, they can be found in the many holy places of cultivation and in the Shenxian Sect. Under the guidance of the elders of the Shenxian Sect, their strength is much stronger than their peers.

Even if he fails a few times occasionally, it is nothing to Wang Feng.

Thinking like this, Wang Feng couldn't wait to go to Tianjiao City to take a look, but he still endured his temper and asked Xuanyuan Xuanfeng: "What are the conditions for owning a shop in Tianjiao City?"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, Xuanyuan Xuanfeng showed a look that was indeed the case. He did not guess that Wang Feng wanted to use Tianjiao in Tianjiao City. What he guessed was that Wang Feng wanted to make wealth in Tianjiao City.

"It's not difficult to own a shop in Tianjiao City, as long as you have enough divine crystals to pay the rent. Of course, as long as there are enough divine crystals, you can also buy them. If you just want to buy them, the required divine crystals are as big as one Even third-rate forces may not be able to withstand it.”

After thinking for a while, Xuanyuan Xuanfeng replied.

Wang Feng nodded and began to think deeply.

He doesn't have enough divine crystals at all. The only way to get a lot of divine crystals in a short time is to steal them.

By chance, isn't there a ready-made target for robbery?

Although the Tianyuan Divine Clan and the Yangsheng Divine Clan have not provoked him yet, they are potential enemies after all.

If they knew that the clans in the Imperial Realm were destroyed by him, wouldn't they be hostile to the Immortal Sect? I'm afraid I wish I could cut his Immortal Sect into pieces with a thousand knives.

Why not keep such an enemy alive?

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