For a moment, Gu Chou was so excited that he couldn't help himself. He had never thought that one day, the sect leader would actually commit robbery?

With the status of a person like the sect leader, how big of a calamity could he suffer?

Thinking of this, Gu Chou quickly said: "Sect Master, your friend, do you plan to go halfway or go directly?"

Even though he was so excited that he couldn't help himself, Gu Chou still wanted to save face for Wang Feng, which was difficult for him.

"Come right up!"

Wang Feng smiled and said.

With the strength of the Tianyuan God Clan, they would not be able to ambush him halfway, and they would rush forward without any force.

Wang Feng didn't even plan to directly destroy the Tianyuan Divine Clan and the Yangsheng Divine Clan. Such a good money bag would have to be snatched several times.

"In this case, if you have enough strength and attack directly, the strategy will not be enough in the face of strength."

"However, it's best to change your identity so that they don't know who is coming to rob you."

Gu Chou's eyes flashed and he spoke.

Hearing this, Wang Feng nodded without saying anything. Seeing Wang Feng's expression, Gu Chou suddenly became anxious. How could such a big move be without him, the Jie Emperor?

"Sect Master, I wonder when your friend plans to take action? This disciple hopes to follow him!"

Gu Chou didn't care anymore and spoke directly.

Didn't he come out just to rob? Why don't you come out to rob? How good is it to stay in the sovereign kingdom?

Wang Feng glanced at Gu Chou with a half-smile, shook his head, and teased: "Your strength is not enough!"

"Sect Master, sometimes robbery is not just about strength, but also about means."

Gu Chou became anxious and said anxiously.

Wang Feng smiled, no longer teasing Gu Chou, and nodded.

In fact, even if Gu Chou didn't say anything, he would have asked Gu Chou to follow him, and even planned to let Gu Chou be the boss publicly. But he knew that Gu Chou practiced an extremely mysterious way of calamity.

Robbery is also a robbery. If you can participate in this robbery, it should be helpful to the ancient robbery, even if it is just a little bit, it will be enough.

With Wang Feng's agreement, Gu Chou was so excited that his whole body was shaking, his fists were clenched tightly, and his face turned red.

Seeing Gu Chou's attitude, Wang Feng shook his head and said nothing more, instead sinking his mind into the system mall.

Gu Chou had a saying that hit him.

It would undoubtedly be stupid to rob someone with his true identity. It would be more interesting to change his identity so that the Tianyuan God Clan doesn't even know who their enemy is. This way, it will also be convenient for the next robbery, and it will not damage the reputation of his Immortal Sect.

After searching in the system mall, Wang Feng's eyes lit up and his eyes fell on a special artifact.

"Ghostface mask, a special artifact, functions: it can block all detection, can change one's own breath, and is difficult to see through below the level of Hedao!"

Such an artifact is undoubtedly a weapon for robbery. After looking at the price, it was worth five hundred billion sects. Although it was a bit outrageous, Wang Feng gritted his teeth and bought it.

And I bought a total of six pieces, spending a full 30 billion sect points. Even with the sect points reserves that Wang Feng had at the moment, he couldn't help but feel heartache. After the battle of Lost Battle Realm, even though he recovered a little later, But there are still not as many as before, and now they are only fifty trillion sect values.

Thinking of the wealth he was about to obtain, Wang Feng felt better. This time, he did not plan to use too many powerful men from the Immortal Sect.

He, Fei Peng, Shen You Tingting, A Qing, Sun Wukong and Gu Chou, a total of six people, the number may seem small, but it is enough to crush the Tianyuan Divine Clan and the Yangsheng Divine Clan.

After all, among them, Feipeng and Shenyou Diting have reached the peak of the main god, and he himself can easily compete with the peak of the main god. Sun Wukong has reached the peak of the Yang God, and the peak of the Aqingzu God. Such strength is simply not something that the Tianyuan God Clan can compete with. Even if they are destroyed, All are more than enough.

Ah Qing alone is enough to sweep everything!

Even if the Tianyuan God Clan still has a strong trump card in the end, Wang Feng can still summon the guardians and ancestors at any time.

With this in mind, Wang Feng did not hesitate to release Sun Wukong and Ah Qing from the Kingdom of God, and then called Feipeng and Shenyou Ting to distribute the ghost face masks to them.

Wang Feng tried to put on the Ghost Face Mask, and found that not only his whole breath had changed, but also his voice. The entire Ghost Face Mask was extremely ferocious, like an evil ghost.

The next day.

Wang Feng and others followed the route on the map and galloped towards the Tianyuan God Clan.

The Taiqing Mountain Range is the largest mountain range in the Luotian Divine Domain, stretching from east to west. Countless monsters have been born in it. It is dangerous and extremely dangerous, but it also contains great treasures, whether it is the monsters in it or the treasures of heaven and earth. , are all treasures for the cultivators of the Luotian Divine Realm.

Therefore, even though the Taiqing Mountains are very dangerous, the entire Luotian Divine Domain, both casual cultivators and powerful people, are extremely eager for it. Some powerful forces even directly set up their base in the Taiqing Mountains.

After all, there are many cave heaven paradises in the Taiqing Mountains. Some are occupied by powerful monsters and even monster clans, while others are occupied by human forces.

Looking around, the green mountains overlap one another, just like the waves on the sea. They look turbulent and majestic.

The first glance made Wang Feng and others sigh at the wonder of heaven and earth. The size and majesty of the Taiqing Mountains far exceeded the mountains Wang Feng had seen before. Even the Imperial Realm and the Lost Battle Realm could not compare with it. .

Thinking about the location of the Tianyuan God Clan in his mind, Wang Feng did not hesitate. With a wave of his hand, he led Sun Wukong and others towards the Tianyuan God Clan.

Yes, the Tianyuan Divine Clan is based in the Taiqing Mountains.

However, the Tianyuan Divine Clan, which is only a third-rate force, does not have the strength to occupy the Cave Heaven Paradise in the Taiqing Mountains, but only occupies the edge of the Taiqing Mountains.

Not only the Tianyuan Divine Clan, but the other three major Divine Clan are also here, but they are far apart from each other.

On the edge of the Taiqing Mountains, in a majestic valley, countless magnificent palaces stand. In the deepest part of the valley, a palace that is taller than the cliffs on all sides of the valley stands. The majestic and sacred atmosphere permeates the entire valley.

This is where the Tianyuan Divine Clan resides.

Even though the Tianyuan Divine Clan is only a third-rate force, its location is still far more glorious than the forces in the Imperial Realm, and the aura that pervades it is enough to make ordinary low-level god-level experts tremble.

At this moment, in the main hall of the Tianyuan God Clan, the contemporary leader of the Tianyuan God Clan, Tuoba Hongyuan, is sitting on the main seat, with many elders of the Tianyuan God Clan sitting underneath. Even if they do not deliberately release their momentum, the auras gathered by many powerful people still make people feel... The entire hall was extremely depressing.

Under normal circumstances, the Tianyuan Protoss rarely gathers many high-level officials, but once many high-level officials gather, it means something big is happening.

"What actions has the Xuanyuan Divine Clan made recently?"

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