Tuoba Hongyuan glanced at the great elder Tuoba Xuanxun and asked.

As the patriarch of the Tianyuan God Clan, Tuoba Hongyuan never wants to make the Tianyuan God Clan stronger. In order to promote the Tianyuan God Clan to a second-rate force, the Tianyuan God Clan has been working hard since the first generation of clan leaders. Until now, it has only reached the top of the third-rate force and is still far away from the second-rate force. Not even close.

But this opportunity came.

An ancestor of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan was seriously injured and dying. Once the Xuanyuan Divine Clan is annexed, the strength of the Tianyuan Divine Clan will inevitably become even stronger.

Of course, even if one of their ancestors was seriously injured, the strength of the Xuanyuan God Clan should not be underestimated. However, the Tianyuan God Clan did not have no trump cards. If they could destroy the Tianyuan God Clan, everything would be worth it.

Whether in the Imperial Realm or in this God Realm, the Tianyuan Divine Clan cannot deal with the Xuanyuan Divine Clan. The conflicts between the two clans have been accumulated for countless years. How can it be so easy to reconcile?

Now that there is an opportunity to severely damage the Xuanyuan Divine Clan, the Tianyuan Divine Clan will naturally not let it go.

Ancestor-level figures are crucial to the four major divine clans. Once there is any loss, they will all face a huge disaster. And the ancestor of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan is seriously injured. It is not only the Tianyuan Divine Clan who is ready to make a move, but also some third-rate forces around them.

The vast territory of the entire God Realm has also created countless third-rate forces. It can almost be said that third-rate forces are destroyed every year, and new third-rate forces rise. Even second-rate forces are not guaranteed to be able to stand forever. Even first-rate forces, for a little while If you are not careful, you may be destroyed.

Only those with extreme power and above can survive forever.

Of course, this refers to the absence of major events, such as the last Dark War.

"Clan Chief, during this period, the Xuanyuan Divine Clan has tightened its defenses and even given up a third-level resource. Several elders of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan have also secretly sent out, seemingly wanting to contact the third-rate forces they have good relations with."

"The specific third-rate forces we contacted have not yet been ascertained!"

Upon hearing Tuoba Hongyuan's inquiry, Great Elder Tuoba Xuanxun stood up and responded respectfully.

In the God Realm, resources are also graded, corresponding to the levels of major forces. Third-rate forces control third-level resources, second-rate forces control second-level resources, and so on.

For third-rate forces, every third-level resource is a top priority, almost the foundation of the force. Now the Xuanyuan God Clan has voluntarily given up a third-level resource. It is enough to imagine how serious the situation of the Xuanyuan God Clan is at this moment.

When Tuoba Xuanxun's words fell, a strange look flashed on the faces of many Tianyuan God Clan elders present. They even gave up their third-level resources. Even if an ancestor was seriously injured, Tianyuan God Clan would not reach this level?

Which third-rate force is willing to give up third-level resources unless it is absolutely necessary? Is it possible that other third-rate forces took the lead in attacking the Xuanyuan God Clan?

This question flashed through the minds of every elder of the Tianyuan Divine Clan.

"Which level three resource did the Xuanyuan God Clan give up?"

Tuoba Hongyuan narrowed his eyes slightly and asked. Even he was a little shocked when he heard that the Tianyuan God Clan gave up the third-level resources.

"The divine crystal vein near the Xuanyou Valley."

Hearing Tuoba Xuanxun's words, Tuoba Hongyuan and everyone present nodded. They thought that the Xuanyuan God Clan was crazy and actually gave up the third-level resources. If it were this place, in order to cope with the possible disaster, If it were them, they would give up.

Because this divine crystal vein has been controlled by the Xuanyuan God Clan for many years, the reserves have been basically exhausted, and there is not much left. According to the estimation of the Tianyuan God Clan, this divine crystal vein will be useless after a few more years of mining at most. , in this case, giving up this resource and tightening our strength is undoubtedly the most correct choice.

"This time the third ancestor of the Xuanyuan God Clan was injured, which caused the strength of the entire Xuanyuan God Clan to drop drastically. This is an excellent opportunity for us, the Tianyuan God Clan!"

"Xuan Xun, starting from today, you are responsible for searching for those Xuanyuan God Clan elders who go out to contact the forces. You don't need to know the forces they want to contact, but you must know the routes they may take."

Tuoba Hongyuan's face was slightly condensed, he glanced at everyone and said in a deep voice.


Hearing this, Tuoba Xuanxun did not dare to neglect and responded quickly.

"Xuanxiang, you are responsible for connecting with Xuan Xun. Once Xuan Xun detects the route of the elders of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan, you will do it yourself. The other elders will cooperate and intercept and kill each one!"

"If possible, try to hide your identity. I will make the Xuanyuan Divine Clan panic and be besieged on all sides."

Immediately afterwards, Tuoba Hongyuan spoke to Tuoba Xuanxiang, the second elder of the Tianyuan Divine Clan.

Tuoba Hongyuan is not optimistic about the Xuanyuan Divine Clan's contact with other forces. Who among the third-rate forces around them doesn't know the situation of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan? Unless there are huge benefits, no matter how good the relationship is, they will not easily help the Xuanyuan Divine Clan.

In Tuoba Hongyuan's view, the Xuanyuan God Clan did this just to become a living doctor, but this gave him the Tianyuan God Clan a chance. If he could intercept and kill several Xuanyuan God Clan elders, it would not only reduce the strength of the Xuanyuan God Clan. , which makes them even more panic-stricken.

Years of hostility have made the Tianyuan God Clan and the Xuanyuan God Clan know each other very well. Therefore, Tuoba Hongyuan knew that the Xuanyuan God Clan seemed weak at the moment, but once they fought back desperately, the strength they displayed was absolutely astonishing.

Therefore, he planned to slowly erode the Xuanyuan Divine Clan, eating them away bit by bit, and then annex them in one fell swoop when he was confident enough.


The second elder, Tuoba Xuanxiang, responded.

Many elders of the Tianyuan God Clan have sinister looks on their faces. There is no one in the entire Tianyuan God Clan who does not want to annex the Xuanyuan God Clan. This is not only about the Tianyuan God Clan, but also about themselves.

If they can annex the Tianyuan God Clan and obtain the resources of the Tianyuan God Clan, their strength will be even higher.


Just when Tuoba Hongyuan was still about to say something, a huge roar exploded, causing all the senior officials of the Tianyuan God Clan in the main hall to change their expressions. Tuoba Hongyuan suddenly stood up, almost roaring When the sound was heard, they had already dodged out, and the other senior officials of the Tianyuan God Clan followed closely behind, with a surge of overwhelming anger rising in everyone's heart.

How dare someone come to his Tianyuan Divine Clan residence to cause trouble?

court death!

"He Fangchen is so small?"

A thunderous roar came from Tuoba Hongyuan's mouth and reverberated throughout the valley. Sound waves visible to the naked eye swept across all directions, causing ripples to appear in the void throughout the valley.

If it were in the Imperial Realm, this roar would be enough to shatter most of the Imperial Realm, but in this Divine Realm, it only caused ripples in the void, which is enough to show how terrifying the space intensity of the Divine Realm is.

Seeing that a large area of ​​Tianyuan God Clan's buildings were destroyed and tens of thousands of Tianyuan God Clan disciples wailing, Tuoba Hongyuan and many Tianyuan God Clan senior officials were instantly furious. They looked at several figures standing in the void not far away, their gazes were as sharp as knives.

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