Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1402 I won’t lend it to you


While Wang Feng was busy working on the Arena of Gods and Demons, a muffled thunder exploded above the Xuanyuan God Clan's station, alarming the entire Xuanyuan God Clan's powerful men. Many of the Xuanyuan God Clan's disciples stepped out of the room and looked up at the sky, with expressions of astonishment on their faces.

I saw two huge dragon boats floating above the Xuanyuan Divine Clan's headquarters. Their tyrannical power swept across all directions, making the entire world change their colors. All the Xuanyuan Divine Clan disciples were talking in shock, not knowing what was going on.

Xuanyuan Hongfeng and other senior officials of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan immediately took to the sky and stared at the two dragon boats, with a cold light flashing in their eyes.

As expected by the ancestor, these two tribes are really looking for death!

Xuanyuan Hongfeng sneered. As the leader of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan, how could he not see the owner of these two dragon boats? If it were before, he would still be flustered, but now, he only has endless confidence and ridicule.

Today is destined to be the time for the Xuanyuan God Clan to avenge its previous humiliation, and also the time for the Xuanyuan God Clan to take off. They want to treat the Xuanyuan God Clan as a soft persimmon, but these two tribes have the wrong target!

"Brother Tuoba, why are you so aggressive?"

Xuanyuan Hongfeng stood with his hands behind his hands, stared at the two dragon boats, and shouted loudly.

"Brother Hong Feng, why do you need to ask questions knowingly?"

"I wonder how the noble Ancestor Qingxuan is doing? Although I am in the Tianyuan Divine Clan, I am still very worried, so I came here to visit."

Tuoba Hongyuan, standing on the dragon boat, sneered and replied loudly, his words full of sarcasm.

In his opinion, Xuanyuan Hongfeng was just pretending to be calm. Xuanyuan Qingxuan was severely injured in the turbulent star sea. Even if he was not dead at this moment, he was absolutely unable to move. If not, they would not have dared to charge in with such a big fanfare.

"My ancestor is safe and sound. I'm sorry for you, Brother Tuoba."

"The visitor is a guest. If Brother Tuoba is interested, he can come alone."

Xuanyuan Hongfeng smiled politely.

After saying these words, not only Tuoba Hongyuan, but also many powerful men from the Tianyuan Divine Clan and the Yangsheng Divine Clan sneered, safe and sound? ridiculous!

Where is the Riotous Star Sea? One of the four great Jedi in the God Realm, ordinary people cannot stop the chaotic starburst in it. Even if Xuanyuan Qingxuan is at the peak of the Yang God, he may be lucky enough to escape with his life. How can he recover so quickly?

Tuoba Hongyuan and others did not believe a word of what Xuanyuan Hongfeng said.

"I am here to borrow some divine crystal flowers from Brother Hong Feng. I wonder if Brother Hong Feng is willing?"

Tuoba Hongyuan laughed evilly and joked to Xuanyuan Hongfeng that he wanted Xuanyuan Hongfeng to experience the anger and helplessness he felt when he faced the ghost-faced bandits.

Now that his two major protoss came together, he wanted to see if Xuanyuan Hongfeng had the guts to refuse them?

"No borrowing!"

However, the next moment Xuanyuan Hongfeng's resounding words made Tuoba Hongyuan and others' expressions froze, and they even felt like they were hearing hallucinations.

You shouldn't roar angrily at first, and then be horrified and helpless at the end, gritting your teeth and asking how much you want? I was like this in the beginning, why don't you follow the routine?

Tuoba Hongyuan was stunned for a moment, stared at Xuanyuan Hongfeng, and asked, "What did you say?"

He suspected that he heard it wrong. How could Xuanyuan Hongfeng have the courage to say these two words?

"Deaf? I won't lend it to you. You can go back and forth wherever you want!"

"We, the Xuanyuan Divine Clan, as one of the third-rate forces in the Luotian Divine Domain, never give alms to beggars!"

Xuanyuan Hongfeng stood with his hands behind his hands and said calmly, his tone seemed calm, but it was full of ridicule.

When Xuanyuan Hongfeng finished speaking, Tuoba Hongyuan and others were stunned on the spot.

How dare he...?

Faced with the joint attack of his two major gods, Xuanyuan Hongfeng dared to mock like this? Could it be that he was so angry that he planned to fight with them and bite off a few pieces of their flesh to the death? Or do you think they dare not take action?

What angered Tuoba Hongyuan and others the most was that Xuanyuan Hongfeng actually regarded them as beggars?

court death!

"very good!"

"I hope Brother Hong Feng can still be so tough later!"

Tuoba Hongyuan took a deep look at Xuanyuan Hongfeng and said in a cold voice, the matter is now over, there is nothing more to say.

They came with great fanfare and could not retreat directly.


As soon as he finished speaking, many powerful men from the Tianyuan God Clan, headed by Tuoba Hongyuan, exploded with their own aura. The terrifying momentum was like a stormy wave, sweeping across the entire sky. The situation changed in an instant, and the terrifying pressure was like a Tianhe pouring down, causing many Xuanyuan God Clan to The disciple was trembling, fear flashing in his eyes.

On the other dragon boat, the patriarch of the Yangsheng Divine Clan and many strong men of the Yangsheng God Clan also exploded their momentum. Under the crushing momentum of the many strong men of the two tribes, cracks were torn open in the void.

But what surprised Tuoba Hongyuan and others was that in the face of the explosive momentum of so many of them, Xuanyuan Hongfeng didn't feel nervous at all, and there wasn't even the slightest bit of panic on his face. Instead, he was just calm and calm.

Pretending to be calm?

Even Tuoba Hongyuan was a little impressed by the fact that he could pretend to be so calm. It was him, even if he was pretending to be calm, he couldn't pretend to be like this.

"Brother Hong Feng, I will give you one last chance. Each of our two clans will borrow one billion low-grade divine crystals. As long as you borrow it, we will leave immediately!"

Tuoba Hongyuan shouted loudly. These threatening words made many Xuanyuan God Clan disciples furious.

If he could get the divine crystal without taking action, Tuoba Hongyuan would be extremely happy. After all, if he takes action, there will always be casualties.

"Brother Hongyuan, I will give you a chance. It's not too late to leave now!"

Xuanyuan Hongfeng smiled and said.

"You ungrateful animal!"

Tuoba Hongyuan lost his patience, growled coldly, and waved his hand. Many strong men from the Tianyuan God Clan mobilized their power and rushed out. The powerful fluctuations of power made many buildings of the Xuanyuan God Clan tremble. If they had not already started to protect the clan, In the great formation, this fluctuation alone is enough to cause many Xuanyuan Divine Clan disciples with low cultivation levels to die miserably!

"I didn't expect that my injury would cause so many people to worry."

At this moment, a sound of vicissitudes suddenly resounded over the entire Xuanyuan God Clan, and then, a terrifying wave spewed out from the depths of the Xuanyuan God Clan. Many strong men from the Tianyuan God Clan who rushed out were instantly Blood spurted from the mouth, and the whole person flew out directly, slamming into the dragon boat.

At this moment, the world was silent, except for that old figure walking in the air, looking down on the world like a supreme god.

"Ancestor...Ancestral God?"

" is it possible?"

Tuoba Hongyuan's pupils widened and he trembled. His face was full of fear, and his whole body was shaking uncontrollably. The vast and terrifying aura of the ancestral god was like a god of death to him, which brought him great of fear.

Not only him, but many strong men from the two races were also horrified and trembling. They looked at Xuanyuan Qingxuan as if they had seen a ghost. They never expected that Xuanyuan Qingxuan not only recovered from his injuries, but also broke through to the realm of the Ancestral God?

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