Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1403: Born for the Prodigy

God knows how frightened Tuoba Hongyuan and the others were at this moment. They were watching helplessly as a dying man suddenly stood in front of them safe and sound, and even broke through to the Ancestral God. This kind of impact made even them feel hopeless.

No wonder Xuanyuan Hongfeng is confident. With such a strong man protecting him, who can give him a fright?

"I didn't expect that Ancestor Qingxuan actually broke into the Ancestral God. If this junior said that I and others are here to congratulate Ancestor Qingxuan for breaking into the Ancestral God, would Old Ancestor Qingxuan believe it?"

Tuoba Hongyuan had cold sweat on his forehead, bowed and asked tremblingly.

Everything he had was reduced to nothing in front of the realm of the Ancestral God, and he immediately gave up. Let alone him, even if the first ancestor of the Tianyuan God Clan came, he would still give up.

There seems to be only one step between the peak of the Yang God and the Ancestral God, but only the person involved knows the difference!

When Tuoba Hongyuan finished speaking, not only Xuanyuan Qingxuan, but also Xuanyuan Hongfeng and many senior members of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan laughed.

This guy is really shameless.

"Hong Yuan, you have been the leader of the Tianyuan Divine Clan for so many years. You should understand that there is a price to pay for anything you do."

Xuanyuan Qingxuan smiled and said lightly to Tuoba Hongyuan. His tone was very calm, but it made Tuoba Hongyuan and others feel endless chill.

"What price does Patriarch Qingxuan want?"

Tuoba Hongyuan asked bravely.

"Leave half of the people, plus two third-level resources from each clan!"

When Xuanyuan Qingxuan's indifferent words fell, Tuoba Hongyuan and others took a breath of cold air. In one sentence, the two of them lost half of their strength?

Even though they were frightened in their hearts, Tuoba Hongyuan and others could not help but feel a surge of rage.

Those dispatched this time are all the elites of his two major divine races. Once half of them are left, the strength of these two major divine races will definitely suffer heavy losses, and they may even fall to the third level.


However, just when Tuoba Hongyuan was about to fight for it, Xuanyuan Qingxuan took action directly. His old and withered palm moved repeatedly, and bursts of roaring sounds were heard. Tuoba Hongyuan only felt the strong smell of blood hitting his nostrils. Come, hear the sound and go out, the blood mist explodes like fireworks, making Tuoba Hongyuan feel as if he has fallen into an ice cave.

No matter what level of cultivation he had, he could not stop Xuanyuan Qingxuan's casual attack. Several elders even died tragically on the spot. In just such a move, each of the people brought by his two clans lost one-third.

Tuoba Hongyuan was shivering all over and could not even speak. He was angry and frightened, and did not dare to stop him. He was afraid that Xuanyuan Qingxuan would also attack him. He did not have the confidence to withstand a blow from a powerful ancestor god.

"You can go!"

After a moment, Xuanyuan Qingxuan retracted his hand and said indifferently.

If Wang Feng hadn't wanted the wealth of the two clans, he would never have let them go so easily. Having reached the realm of the Ancestral Gods, he, together with many powerful men from the Xuanyuan Divine Clan, would be enough to destroy Tuoba Hongyuan and others. Once destroyed, , the two major divine clans will be abolished, and will disappear completely in this divine world in a short time.

But since Wang Feng wants to steal their wool, then let them live. Anyway, it will only be a matter of time before these two major gods will be destroyed.

Tuoba Hongyuan didn't even know how he left the Xuanyuan Divine Clan's station. From the beginning to the end, his entire head was blank and his whole body was cold. Even after leaving the Xuanyuan Divine Clan's station, he still could not come back to his senses.

Glancing at only half of the Tianyuan God Clan's powerful men left on the dragon boat, Tuoba Hongyuan felt despair. He didn't know how to go back and explain to the many ancestors.

But he was also glad that he was still alive. Normally, in this situation, the clan leader would be sacrificed to heaven.

He no longer had the mind to think about why Xuanyuan Qingxuan let him go. He just wanted to return to the Tianyuan Divine Clan's headquarters as soon as possible. Only by returning to the Tianyuan Divine Clan's headquarters could he feel safe enough.


Tianjiao City, which had been quiet for a long time, suddenly became lively. Many Tianjiao City Tianjiao gathered together in twos and threes, and there was a lot of discussion. The center of all topics could not avoid one name, and that was the Arena of Gods and Demons.

"This Arena of Gods and Demons is quite interesting. Does any of you know its origins?"

"I heard that someone spent 870 million low-grade divine crystals to buy a shop. I think he must be the person behind this arena of gods and demons. With such a large sum of money, the person behind it must not be simple!"

"Tianjiao City hasn't been this lively for a long time. Let's go see the Gods and Demons Arena together?"


Similar discussions occurred in every corner of Tianjiao City. Many Tianjiao met, and each Tianjiao team headed towards the Gods and Demons Arena on Tianling Street.

In front of the Arena of Gods and Demons, there were already many talented people, blocking the vast Tianling Street. Everyone was deeply shocked when they saw the eye-catching notice in front of the Arena of Gods and Demons.

The geniuses who can be in Tianjiao City all have strong backgrounds. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for anything to cause them such fluctuations, but the announcement from the Arena of Gods and Demons almost made their jaws drop.

"The Arena of Gods and Demons is specially created for the talented ones!"

"Are you suffering from lack of combat experience? Are you suffering from lack of strength and unable to attract the attention of your sweetheart? Come to the Arena of Gods and Demons, and your combat power will be guaranteed to soar!"

These are the words at the top of the announcement. If you don't read the words below, it is just this sentence. Many Tianjiao City Tianjiao will disdain it, but if you add the following words, it will be amazing!

"The Arena of Gods and Demons adopts a points system. A victory will reward one hundred points. If the weak defeats the strong, the points will be doubled. The points will be used to exchange for treasures in the Arena of Gods and Demons."

"Every time you challenge, you need to pay...!"

Seeing this, everyone became interested, but the dark heart of the Gods and Demons Arena also opened their eyes. A mid-grade divine crystal is required to challenge a game? Why don't you go and grab it!

But when they saw the treasures that their points could be exchanged for, they were all dumbfounded.

"The puppet who died on behalf of the master (suffered a fatal blow from a powerful person below the upper god realm and three realms higher than the master on behalf of the master), can be exchanged for 150,000 points!"

"Tianxin Jade Pendant (permanently improves the understanding of those below the True God by 5%, can only be used once by one person), can be exchanged for 80,000 points!"

"Azure Soul Lotus (can increase the soul strength of those below the True God level by 10%, can be used three times by one person), can be exchanged for 100,000 points!"


Even the well-informed Tianjiao City Tianjiao almost bit off his tongue after seeing the listed treasures. The grade of these treasures is not very high, but their effects are enough to make anyone... Jealous of it.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for such a rare treasure to be leaked out. As long as someone gets it, he will keep it for himself. Anyone who takes it out for exchange is a fool.

But who would have thought that the Arena of Gods and Demons would offer so many rare treasures for exchange?

Although the price is ridiculously high, these treasures are worth the price. Many people are even willing to exchange a lot of divine crystals, but there is no place to exchange them.

When a treasure is rare enough, no matter how expensive it is, everyone will take it for granted.

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