Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1405 Victory in the first battle


A huge roar resounded in the ring, and Zong Ji and Liu Yu each flew back. Their eyes looked at each other with strong fighting intent, and the overbearing sword power rose from Zong Ji's body.

He has not experienced such a hearty battle for a long time. In the Shenxian Sect, although there is no shortage of opponents to learn from, because they are all disciples of the Shenxian Sect, they are always tied up. But here, he can finally open up his hands and feet to fight. .

The long knife in his hand seemed to feel the owner's fighting intention, and it made crisp sounds of sword chanting.


The next moment, the long sword in Zong Ji's hand fell with a slash, and the bright sword light shot out like a crescent moon. Zong Ji followed closely behind, the long sword in his hand burst out with sword energy, and the offensive was domineering and fierce.

Liu Yu's face was slightly condensed, and he did not dare to neglect. He also raised the long knife in his hand and struck towards Zong Ji.


There were continuous roars, and the two men's moves were extremely fast. During the fight, sword energy burst out, making the entire arena filled with sharp sword energy, as if the arena had turned into a sword realm.

This violent and fierce battle dazzled the many Tianjiao City Tianjiao in the box, and many people communicated through the sound transmission array in the box.

"I don't know where this talent from the Arena of Gods and Demons came from. He is really strong. How can he fight with Liu Yu to such an extent?"

"Otherwise, do you think Arena of Gods and Demons is stupid? Bring out so many rare treasures and let us get them for nothing?"

"Yes, with such a big effort, it seems that the origin behind this God and Demon Arena is not simple!"

"No matter what his origin is, I just want to get points as soon as possible, and then redeem these rare treasures, stand-in puppets, this is a life-saving treasure!"

Continuous discussions resounded in the private room. Many people were curious about finding such a powerful talent in the Arena of Gods and Demons, but most of them were still coveting those rare treasures.

Of course, no one dared to act rashly.

After seeing the peak Ancestral God standing at the edge of the arena, everyone knew that the forces behind the Arena of Gods and Demons were absolutely terrifying. Such a mysterious and powerful force, even if they had extraordinary backgrounds, did not want to be easily provoked!

At their level, it would almost never happen to them to take a fancy to a treasure and then snatch it, because with their background, as long as they want it, they can get it with just a word, and if they can't get it with a word, Basically they can't afford to offend them.

News of the Gods and Demons Arena has also spread, but none of the geniuses from the top ten forces have come to snatch the treasures. This is enough to prove how terrifying the Gods and Demons Arena is.

While everyone was discussing, Wang Feng, who was in the Supreme Box, nodded with satisfaction. Compared to Zong Ji who had just joined the Immortal Sect, Zong Ji at this time was undoubtedly more terrifying. What he was referring to was not Zong Ji's cultivation. Because, it's his combat experience, reaction speed and control of power.


A deafening roar resounded, and Liu Yu's whole body was thrown away by the powerful force, hitting the barrier of the arena hard. A mouthful of scarlet blood could no longer hold back and spurted out, and his face turned pale. .

Looking at Zong Ji standing with a knife, Liu Yu's eyes flashed with reluctance, but also filled with respect. Although he lost, he knew that he had tried his best. He calmed down and held his hand towards Zong Ji: "I lose. Now, wait until I take another step forward and fight with you again!"

"Always waiting!"

Zong Ji returned the salute, smiled and nodded.

Liu Yu glanced deeply at Zong Ji, turned around and left without saying anything more.

"Sure enough, it is impossible to lose in the first game of the Arena of Gods and Demons!"

"Although Liu Yu lost, he still gained fifty points. He is also the first among us to gain points in the Arena of Gods and Demons!"

Many people were talking about it, and they were not surprised at all by this result.

After formulating the points rules for the Arena of Gods and Demons, Wang Feng added a new rule that allows you to gain normal points even if you lose a battle. You can't let a mid-grade divine crystal go to waste, right?

Of course, there are no restrictions. If you lose more than five games in a row, you will no longer be rewarded with defeat points. This is also to prevent someone from deliberately letting people use divine crystals to gain points. Although Wang Feng wants to make wealth, his fundamental purpose is to Train the disciples of the Immortal Sect.

Soon, the challenger for the second round entered the ring. As soon as this person appeared, many people in the box exclaimed in low voices, with strong interest on their faces, and even sat up straight. many.

This person was wearing a crimson robe, with a face like a crown of jade, a tall and straight body, and an air of nobility exuding from his whole body. Wang Feng in the Supreme Box couldn't help but cast his gaze, and searched for the ranking of the geniuses. List, he just remembered this person.

Ye Shu, the son of the elder of the first-rate Tianjian Sect, has reached the peak of the eighth level of the divine forbidden realm. He is only one step away from reaching the ninth level of the divine forbidden realm. Among the many geniuses in the entire Tianjiao City, he is enough to rank among the top three hundred.

No one present expected that the second challenge would be such a heavyweight.

Ye Shu stood with his hands behind his hands, looked at Zong Ji opposite, and asked curiously: "Who am I challenging you?"

"No! We will not fight for the second time in one day."

Although Zong Ji wanted to fight Ye Shu, he still shook his head and said.

When he was about to leave the ring, he glanced back at Ye Shu and chuckled: "I hope I will have a chance to fight with you in the future!"

Hearing this, a strange color flashed in Ye Shu's eyes, and he became more and more interested in the Gods and Demons Arena. Not fighting for the second time in one day means that there are many talented people in this Gods and Demons Arena, and Everyone is not weak in strength, otherwise, the Gods and Demons Arena would never dare to make this rule.

After all, now that the Gods and Demons Arena is newly opened, many geniuses in Tianjiao City are extremely curious about this Gods and Demons Arena. In a short time, the business of the Gods and Demons Arena will definitely not decrease.

The next moment, a slender figure stepped onto the ring carrying two giant hammers. Ye Shu's eyes narrowed and his whole body tensed up. At the first glance, he could tell that this person was extraordinary. It even vaguely brought him a great crisis, and some of the contempt in his heart disappeared without a trace at this moment.

"Ye Shu!"

"Li Yuanba!"

Yes, it was Li Yuanba, the elder of the Shenxian Sect, who stepped onto the stage.

The Arena of Gods and Demons trains not only many children of the Immortal Sect, but also many elders of the Immortal Sect, especially the elders of the Immortal Sect who have not reached the ninth level of the Forbidden Gods. Wang Feng hopes that the elders of the Immortal Sect can reach the peak of the ninth level of the Forbidden Gods on their own, and then Break through the divine calamity and ascend to the divine realm.

At that time, he will use the blessing of cultivation, which will not only reduce the consumption of a large amount of sect points, but also allow them to gain the benefit of overcoming the divine calamity.

Otherwise, Wang Feng would not even dare to imagine the amount of sect points that would be consumed if he wanted to use cultivation blessings to raise the many elders of the Immortal Sect who had not yet reached the divine realm to the system-restricted extreme cultivation level!

After all, it is not just as simple as ascending to the divine realm, but also a breakthrough in the divine forbidden realm.

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