
The battle was about to break out. Li Yuanba's fighting style was very open and closed, without any skills. He just broke through all means with one force. His natural divine power gave him powerful strength. Coupled with the two giant hammers, he brought Ye Shu with him as soon as he made a move. Come to great pressure.

The hammer and sword struck each other, creating sparks. The powerful force made Ye Shuhu's mouth go numb. The hand holding the sword couldn't stop trembling, and he even couldn't hold it. A flash of horror flashed in his eyes, and he was shocked by Li Yuanba's The power was shaking, but he had no time to think about it because Li Yuanba's second hammer was already roaring towards him.


Ye Shu forcibly twisted his body, the mighty force wrapped around his fist, and collided with the giant hammer. The terrifying force directly knocked him back dozens of steps. Every step he took made the ring beneath his feet shake.

This scene shocked the many talented people in the box. They didn't expect that even someone as powerful as Ye Shu would be at a disadvantage from the beginning. What kind of monster did they find in this arena of gods and demons?

While everyone was in shock, the battle between Li Yuanba and Ye Shu was in full swing. The violent power filled the entire arena, and bursts of loud explosions made people unable to take their eyes away.

At the same time, in a valley on the edge of the Taiqing Mountains, stone houses stood tall, with silhouettes of people flickering in and out, as if they were mining something.

This is a third-level resource controlled by the Tianyuan God Clan, which is a third-level divine crystal vein.

Tuoba Linyou, the protector of the Tianyuan Divine Clan who is guarding here, is sitting in the stone house with his legs crossed and playing with two round mid-grade divine crystals in his hands. There are two pretty maids behind him, squeezing his shoulders and beating his back.

The humiliation suffered by the Tianyuan Divine Clan did not seem to affect him. Tuoba Linyou enjoyed the service of the two maids, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

Guarding third-level resources is a lucrative job for anyone in the force. The premise is that no one comes to attack, otherwise you will be the first to die.

Even though the Tianyuan God Clan has been suffering heavy losses recently, Tuoba Linyou still believes that the Tianyuan God Clan can stand firm, which is why he can still enjoy it so much.

As long as the ancestors of the Tianyuan God Clan are still there, the entire Tianyuan God Clan will not fall.


Just when Tuoba Lingyou chuckled and put his hand into the maid's clothes, intending to do something indescribable, a loud roar suppressed all his interest. The whole earth was shaking, and he suddenly stood up He got up, furious, and flew out without thinking.

Outside, the entire valley had been crushed by a terrifying giant palm, and countless slaves who were digging for the divine crystals died tragically on the spot. The originally bustling valley instantly turned into hell.

In the void, a figure in black robes stood. The blood from many slaves surged from all directions and was absorbed by this man. A flash of enjoyment flashed on his dark face, which was very frightening.

Tuoba Linyou, who appeared in the outside world, saw such a miserable situation, and the anger in his chest erupted like a volcano. He looked at the black-robed man standing in the void, and roared coldly: "How dare you touch me? Tianyuan Divine Clan’s mineral vein?”


As soon as he finished speaking, the powerful aura of the world god burst out from him, shaking the already collapsed valley and becoming even more damaged.


The man in black robe glanced at Tuoba Linyou, sneered disdainfully, then stretched out his big hand, and the terrifying power instantly condensed into a huge palm print, like a giant mountain, crushing towards Tuoba Linyou.

What frightened Tuoba Linyou was that under the suppression of this big hand, the power in his body seemed to be frightened, and he shrank directly. No matter how he mobilized it, he did not react at all. He watched helplessly as the The big hand reached towards him.


The next moment, Tuoba Linyou howled in fear, his face turned red, and he almost felt like suffocating. His whole body was grabbed by the big hand and pulled back. His own cultivation had no effect at all in front of this big hand.

After getting closer, Tuoba Linyou could clearly see the face of the man in black robe. It was a very ordinary face, but the font engraved between his eyebrows made Tuoba Linyou feel cold all over his body.

That font is exactly the word "prison"!

"Prisoner of Hades?!"

A sound of exclamation full of fear came from Tuoba Linyou's mouth. He never thought that he would be unlucky enough to meet a prisoner who escaped from the Demon Suppressing Underworld Prison.

I've been miserable for eight lifetimes.

At this moment, Tuoba Linyou didn't even want to resist. He was extremely desperate, but secretly, he passed the message back to the Tianyuan Divine Clan through the sound transmission token.

He is bound to die, but he doesn't want the Tianyuan Divine Clan to perish as well. All his descendants are within the Divine Clan.

"You do have some insight!"

The black-robed man smiled jokingly, then stretched out his palm and grabbed Tuoba Linyou's head directly. Visible blood flowed out of Tuoba Linyou's body and was absorbed by his palm.


The screams echoed throughout the valley, but unfortunately, no one could detect them.

After a moment, the man in black robe casually threw away the mummy in his hand and smashed it in the distance. Feeling the power in his body, he murmured softly: "We are still a little short of returning to our peak. We must hurry up before the guys from the Law Enforcement Department find out." Before, otherwise...!"

This is already the fifth level three resource that the man in black robe has devoured. Not only the third-rate powerful men stationed there, but also the mined divine crystals have been devoured completely by him, but even so, he still has not been able to recover. to the peak.

However, it was much better than when he was in the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison. He had not felt this kind of fullness of power in countless years.

The next moment, his body swayed, and he disappeared without a trace in an instant, leaving behind the broken valley that looked like hell. It was not until a long time ago that a monster tentatively stepped into this valley, grabbing the shit in its mouth. He ran back to his lair with a few scattered pieces of divine crystal.


In the main hall of the Tianyuan God Clan, Tuoba Hongyuan sat dejectedly on the main seat. After returning from the Xuanyuan God Clan, he locked himself in the main hall. He looked much older than before.

His dream of annexing the Xuanyuan Divine Clan and the Yangsheng Divine Clan was shattered, which was even more painful for him than the loss of powerful men from the Tianyuan Divine Clan.

Xuanyuan Qingxuan broke into the Ancestral God, completely making him lose hope and knocking back his ambition. Not only that, he was even afraid every day, fearing that the Xuanyuan God Clan would suddenly come and destroy his Tianyuan God Clan.

"Clan leader, something happened!"

At this moment, a voice came from outside the palace, which made Tuoba Hongyuan even more painful. He suddenly stood up and shouted: "What happened again?"

Tuoba Hongyuan didn't understand why his Tianyuan God Clan was in such trouble during this period. First he was blackmailed by the ghost-faced bandits, then he was robbed of level three resources by the Xuanyuan Divine Clan, and then half of his strength was wiped out by Xuanyuan Qingxuan. Now something happened?


Tuoba Hongyuan couldn't bear it any longer and spurted out a mouthful of blood. His face suddenly turned pale. God knows how depressed and angry he was during this period. The most uncomfortable thing was that he had no place to vent his anger and depression. !

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