Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1407 The powerful defender

The great elder hurried in, with even a hint of panic in his eyes. He also knew that the patriarch was under great pressure during this period, and if the matter was urgent, he would not get into trouble at this time.

"Clan leader, the third-level resources guarded by Tuoba Linyou were destroyed. All the slaves did not survive. Even Tuoba Linyou died in the battle!"

When the great elder said these words, Tuoba Hongyuan staggered and almost fell to the ground. He had just vomited blood, and blood spilled out of the corner of his mouth again, and his eyes turned black. What happened to his Tianyuan Divine Clan?

At this moment, Tuoba Hongyuan actually had the urge to resign. It was so difficult!

"Who did it?"

After a long time, Tuoba Hongyuan finally calmed down and asked aloud, his voice was very hoarse.

"Prisoners who escaped from the Demon-Suppressing Hades Prison!"

"What did you say?"

When the Great Elder said these words, Tuoba Hongyuan's pupils shrank and he exclaimed. He stared at the Great Elder, as if to see if the Great Elder was joking.

Even Tuoba Hongyuan, who was prepared, was shocked by the news.

Where is the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison?

That is a prison where the most vicious criminals in the entire world are imprisoned. The number of powerful people in it is enough to make any force tremble. Even the current Law Enforcement Department of the God Realm cannot guard the Demon-Suppressing Hades Prison. , we can only catch some weak prisoners who escaped by chance, and some powerful ones, not even the Law Enforcement Department of the God Realm can do anything about them.

"Quickly, get someone to notify the Luotian branch of the Divine Realm Law Enforcement Department!"

The next moment, Tuoba Hongyuan suppressed the fear in his heart and spoke quickly.

"I've already sent someone to notify you."

Hearing this, Tuoba Hongyuan breathed a sigh of relief, but there was still uncontrollable panic on his face, even more panicked than when he faced the ghost-faced bandits and Xuanyuan Qingxuan.

The Divine Realm Law Enforcement Department has its branches throughout the nine realms of the Divine Realm. The strength of each branch is not weaker than the Juebian forces. Even if the Divine Realm Law Enforcement Department is already considered weak, in today's Divine Realm , is still a behemoth.

Now, Tuoba Hongyuan can only hope that this prisoner who escaped from the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison is not targeting his Tianyuan God Clan, but is just passing by. Otherwise, he really doesn’t know what the Tianyuan God Clan is going to take now. To fight?

Of course, if the prisoner was weak, he wouldn't mind catching him and climbing up the big tree of the Divine Realm Law Enforcement Department. But judging from the current situation, the prisoner's strength was definitely not weak!


At the same time, the Xuanyuan Divine Clan, who was always paying attention to the Tianyuan Divine Clan, also received this shocking news.

In the main hall of the Xuanyuan God Clan, the clan leader Xuanyuan Hongfeng sat on the main seat with a solemn expression. Sitting underneath were many elders of the Xuanyuan God Clan. During this period, the Xuanyuan God Clan was very proud of themselves. When Xuanyuan Qingxuan showed his ancestral god cultivation, there were many people around him. The few third-rate forces sent strong men over one after another, hoping to form an alliance with the Xuanyuan Divine Clan.

The previous embattled situation has completely disappeared, but Xuanyuan Hongfeng has not wavered, and even kept a low profile, because he knows very well that there are too many powerful people in the Luotian Divine Realm, and the Ancestral God Realm is nothing!

Originally, he was eyeing the Tianyuan Divine Clan just to please Wang Feng, but he didn't expect that he would get such shocking news.

"Let's talk about it, what should I, the Xuanyuan Divine Clan, do?"

Xuanyuan Hongfeng glanced at the many elders and asked in a deep voice, no one dares to look down upon a prisoner of the Demon-Suppressing Hades Prison. The Demon-Suppressing Hades Prison has existed for who knows how many years. Since that dark war, except for the beginning, Basically no prisoners were captured into the Demon Suppressing Hell Prison anymore, because at that time, the Demon Suppressing Hell Prison was no longer under control!

Therefore, the prisoners in the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison today are at least the characters left over from that dark war. Even if they are in the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison, their cultivation has declined after a long period of time, and they may have survived to this day, how can they be weak? Where to go?

Such a strong person, let alone the third-rate forces like them, not even the second-rate forces or even the first-rate forces dare to look down upon him!

"Clan Leader, the current prisoner shows no signs of deliberately provoking us. It is obvious that he strangled the Tianyuan God Clan's third-level resource garrison powerhouse just passing by, or in other words, to devour the blood and restore his strength!"

"In my opinion, he will not take the initiative to provoke forces like us before his strength is restored. Therefore, what needs to be paid attention to is to deliver the message immediately so that the strong men stationed in the resources should pay attention at all times. If necessary, they can give up directly. Save your life!"

The great elder's eyes flashed with light, he cupped his hands and replied.

Xuanyuan Hongfeng nodded and said: "Continue!"

"I think the Tianyuan Divine Clan has already informed the God Realm Law Enforcement Department. As long as the God Realm Law Enforcement Department is dispatched, we don't have to worry."

"I think it is still necessary to inform Sect Master Wang. If this prisoner really attacks our Xuanyuan Clan, we may not be able to stop him."

When the great elder finished speaking, Xuanyuan Hongfeng and many elders of the Xuanyuan God Clan suddenly brightened their eyes, yes, now their Xuanyuan God Clan has a backer!

With the mysterious and terrifying display of the Shenxian Sect, no matter how strong the prisoner is, the Shenxian Sect should be able to stop him.

"Go to Tianjiao City in person and inform Sect Master Wang about the suppression of the prisoners in Demon Hell Prison!"

"In addition, bring 50 million low-grade divine crystals and say congratulations on the opening of the Gods and Demons Arena!"

Xuanyuan Hongfeng looked towards the great elder and said.

Xuanyuan Hongfeng had just learned about the Gods and Demons Arena. If this incident hadn't happened, he would have personally prepared generous gifts and gone to Tianjiao City to congratulate him. But now that the prisoner from Hell is always threatening him, he has to sit in front of the Gods and coordinate everything. .


After saying this, the Great Elder did not dare to neglect. He bowed and disappeared into the hall in an instant.

After the First Elder left, Xuanyuan Hongfeng looked at the Second Elder and ordered: "Second Elder, I will leave it to you to notify the major resources to garrison."

"I will obey the order of the clan leader!"

After saying that, the second elder also left directly.

"Prepare for war with all our strength. Once we encounter one, we, the Xuanyuan God Clan, will fight to the death without retreating!"

After glancing at the many elders of the Xuanyuan Divine Clan, Xuanyuan Hongfeng shouted loudly, his voice reverberating like thunder in the entire hall.



In the Arena of Gods and Demons, there was a roar. On the ring, two figures kept colliding, and the tyrannical power swept the entire ring. This was already the fifth challenge. The one currently fighting was a person who had reached the sixth level of the Divine Forbidden City. A disciple of the Shenxian Sect and a second-rate genius.

At this moment, the Tianjiao City Tianjiao in the numerous boxes were deeply shocked. In the first four battles, none of them could defeat the defenders of the Arena of Gods and Demons. This made them, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, feel a little... I can't sit still!

As strong as Ye Shu, he was defeated by the defender named Li Yuanba.

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