Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1431 Alternative Shortcut


If the thunderous roar continued, shaking everyone's souls, the two elders of the Gu family looked at each other and saw regret in each other's eyes.

If they had known that the Immortal Sect was really so powerful, how could they have hesitated just now? He had already gone up to fight this star beast to win Wang Feng's favor.

Although this star beast is terrifying, they are not afraid if they go together.

However, is there any regret medicine in this world? Although Wang Feng was not angry, how could he not have a grudge in his heart? We have already formed an alliance, but if we encounter some danger, we want to withdraw. How can there be any trust between the two parties in the future?

Seeing the expressions of the two elders, Gu Chengxiao sighed, but he had no choice but to find ways to make up for it in the future.

Wang Feng, who was watching the battle, did not notice the expressions of the two elders of the Gu family. Seeing the mighty Zhan Tian, ​​Wang Feng nodded with satisfaction, feeling extremely happy in his heart.

This time, he really found a treasure. The Zhanyuan clan was not only terrifying in terms of strength as a whole, but also astonishingly powerful in terms of individual combat capabilities.

They have demonstrated the Tao in the flesh, and their combat power is far beyond what ordinary cultivators in the outside world can match. Unless they are extremely talented people with special physiques, it is basically impossible to defeat Zhan Tian and others in the same realm.

Wang Feng was even considering whether to let some Shenxian Sect disciples follow the Zhan Yuan clan to learn this ancient method of physical enlightenment?

In today's era, physical enlightenment is almost a legend. Even if there are still some physical training, the method of body training is simply not comparable to that of the Zhan Yuan clan, which is a body cultivator with strong roots.

Their inheritance, and even the physical tempering methods, have been perfected to an extremely perfect level. Looking across the entire universe, almost no one can surpass the Zhanyuan clan in terms of physical cultivation.

Wouldn't it be a pity to waste such a huge resource? The most important thing is that this kind of physical training does not pursue qualifications and talents. As long as you have perseverance, are not afraid of hardship, and are not afraid of tiredness, plus a little understanding, it does not say how high you can achieve, but it is better than some talented people in the same field with extraordinary qualifications. , it can still be done.

Although he controls the system, he can also exchange physical constitution and bloodline from the system mall to bless many Shenxian Sect disciples to transform their qualifications. However, as the Shenxian Sect becomes stronger and the number of disciples increases, he cannot take care of it. All the disciples of the Immortal Sect.

After all, ordinary physical constitution and bloodline have no effect on the disciples of Shenxian Sect. The effects of this kind of physical constitution and bloodline can be achieved by disciples who have been trained in many training holy places of Shenxian Sect, but powerful physical constitution and bloodline have no effect. With a massive amount of sect values, this is simply not possible.

In order for every disciple of the Immortal Sect to have a special physique at the level of a god, the required sect value is enough to make Wang Feng flinch. What's more, once many elders of the Immortal Sect break into the divine realm, he will also need to draw a lottery to improve their cultivation. , then it will cost a lot of sect value!

From the beginning to the end, Wang Feng's original intention has not changed. He has been working hard for the goal of everyone in the Shenxian Sect being like a dragon. Even if some of the Shenxian Sect's disciples can no longer keep up with the improvement of the Shenxian Sect's strength, he still Never give up and always keep them with you.

They even specially set up the Arena of Gods and Demons in the Tianjiao City to train the Tianjiao below the divine realm in the entire Luotian Divine Realm. But even so, it would take a long time to make everyone in the entire Shenxian Sect become like a dragon.

After all, there are some disciples of the Immortal Sect with mediocre qualifications. The reason why they have reached this point is because Wang Feng spent huge resources and many holy places of cultivation of the Immortal Sect. If they were to practice on their own, let alone the current divine forbidden realm. , even the cultivation level of Taixuan Immortal Realm, they can't even reach it!

But now, there is another shortcut, which is the path of physical enlightenment for the Zhanyuan clan.

Perhaps the reason why the Zhanyuan clan is so powerful is inseparable from its long and rich heritage and bloodline of gods and demons, but the inheritance of the perfect and mature method of physical enlightenment is also a key factor.

Of course, if you want to follow this path, you also need to make efforts that are unimaginable by ordinary people, but compared to Taoism, there are more possibilities.

Taoism pays more attention to innate qualifications, understanding, one's own luck, etc. Sometimes, it is not something you can achieve through hard work. However, physical enlightenment does not have so many requirements. The only requirement is to be able to endure hardship, dare to work hard, and be willing to work hard. This is a path of cultivation where hard work will pay off.

Of course, understanding is also indispensable, but compared to Taoism, the path of physical enlightenment does not require much strength in understanding.

If it were not for this era, the method of physical realization of Taoism would have been cut off long ago, and even in previous eras, it would have been cut off. Today, the world of Taoism is by no means ruled by Taoism.

Wang Feng's greatest reward for conquering the Zhan Yuan clan is not the terrifying strength of the Zhan Yuan clan, but this perfect and mature method of physical enlightenment.

And this path is also the best way to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger. Unless there is someone who also practices the method of realizing the Tao in the physical body, or has a very strong sixth sense and too much cultivation, it is impossible to detect its power level at all.

You think he is just an ant, but in fact, with one punch from him, your whole body will explode.


While Wang Feng was deep in thought, a loud sound like a bell came. When he heard the sound, he saw that the terrifying star beast that looked like a continent was blasted by Zhan Tian's hammer.

Those iron fists seemed to be able to destroy the world, and the power displayed made everyone present tremble.

The two ancient elders looked calm and calm on the surface, but if you look closely, you can see that their entire bodies were trembling. With just a pair of fists, they blasted a star beast that had reached the level of an emperor. Such a terrifying thing The strength was beyond their imagination.

Even the head of their Gu family may not have such domineering power.

"Sect Master, Zhan Tian is lucky to live up to his command!"

When everyone was shocked, Zhan Tian had already arrived in front of Wang Feng and saluted Wang Feng respectfully.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

"You two just stay next to me."

Wang Feng nodded, glanced at Zhan Tian and Zhan Ling, and said.

The chaotic star path is so dangerous, and with Zhan Tian and Zhan Ling, two strong men at the peak of the Emperor God, following him, Wang Feng can rest assured.


Zhan Tian and the others bowed respectfully, and couldn't help but feel a hint of joy on their faces. Although the divine kingdom in Wang Feng's body was much better than the Yuanshang Barrier they were in before, it was not as vast as the outside world.

What's more, being able to follow Wang Feng means that they can get more opportunities to perform in front of Wang Feng. If they perform more, doesn't it mean that they are remembered by Wang Feng?

After dealing with this terrifying star beast, Wang Feng and his party set out again, galloping on the chaotic star path. With Zhan Tian and his two men by their side, all the dangers they encountered along the way were easily overcome by them.

It is worth mentioning that after experiencing the previous battle, the two elders of the Gu family, Gu Feng and Gu Lin, became more enthusiastic. When it came to dangerous situations, they would often take action directly without waiting for Zhan Tian to take action, which made Zhan Tian The two of them were very depressed. How dare these two outsiders compete with them for a chance to perform?

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