When Wang Feng and others were searching for the traces of the Wutian Emperor Demon in the turbulent star sea, in a mountain range in the Liuli Divine Realm of the God Realm, a burly figure wearing a black robe stood on the top of the mountain, overlooking the layers of clouds, and his body was surging with energy. Misty breath.

If Wang Feng were here, he would find that this person is the Great Demon Xuan Cha, the general manager of his outer sect of the Immortal Sect, and he is also the current Master Demon.

Ever since the great demon Xuan Cha defied heaven and became a Taoist, and realized his own way, his cultivation has skyrocketed at an extremely fast rate. In a short period of time, he has reached the peak of Taoism. This speed is even more terrifying than that of Wang Feng and others. .

After Wang Feng and others entered the Lost Battle Realm, the Great Demon of Xuan Cha also entered the God Realm, even earlier than Wang Feng and others. Before that, he had been avoiding the real master of heaven, but now , but he was taking the initiative to contact the Heaven Master.


While the Great Demon Xuan Cha was quietly admiring the surging sea of ​​clouds in the distance, the void not far away suddenly trembled, and then, a beautiful figure stepped out of the void.

The Great Demon Xuancha calmly turned around, and at first glance, he was stunned.

I saw that the woman was covered in purple clothes. Under her slender jade neck, her snow-white skin was half-covered. She had a plain waist that was not even full. A pair of slender and well-proportioned jade legs were looming under the purple skirt, and her naked jade feet were visible. , it seems that even the pair of crystal clear lotus feet are silently enchanting, with a moving charm between every frown and smile.

This is a woman who exudes charm from the bottom of her bones. She seems to be tempting and pulling on people's nerves all the time. Her pair of purple eyes seem to be able to enchant people's souls, making people dare not look at her.

Witch, don’t even think about messing with my old devil’s heart!

The Great Demon Xuansha roared in his heart, suppressing the throbbing in his heart. The figure of Queen Medusa kept appearing in his mind. He, the Great Demon Xuansha, was only loyal to Queen Medusa.

"Brother Mo, long time no see. Do you miss me?"

A beautiful and seductive word came from the woman's mouth, and her eyes were full of spring water, which made the Xuan Cha Demon's heart tremble again.

"Mei, after all these years, your charm skills have become quite good."

The Great Demon of Xuan Cha chuckled lightly and said to the woman.

Mei, the heaven-master who controls the way of charm, is naturally charming and extremely enchanting. Once upon a time, countless men died under her skirt, and even her enemies surrendered before her charm skills were even used.

This woman's strength is considered to be at the upper-middle level among the Heaven Master clan. She is a bit stronger than Gu, Gui and others, but weaker than the devil. However, the great demon of Xuansha who has obtained the memory of the devil knows that the former The devil is also very afraid of this woman.

If you are not careful, you may die without knowing how. If you do not have enough concentration, even if you are stronger than this woman, you will die in the hands of this woman. That terrifying charm is not something that ordinary people can stop.

"Brother Mo is joking, isn't the slave family still unable to influence Brother Mo?"

Mei smiled coquettishly, as if she was dissatisfied with her own charm skills.

Hey, although you are beautiful, how can you compare to my old devil’s Queen Medusa? It’s impossible to mess with my old devil’s heart!

"I originally wanted to wait for my cultivation to recover before returning, but recently I discovered that there seems to be a force secretly targeting my clan of Heaven Masters. As far as I know, many brothers have died tragically due to this secret force. Among the forces, I wonder if Brother Wu has any plans?"

The Great Demon Xuan Cha rolled his eyes and asked aloud.

When it came to business, Mei stopped playing around, her face became serious, and she said in a serious voice: "Brother Wu is also aware of it, but even with Brother Wu's ability, he has not been able to detect the origin of the force in the dark!"

"So far, Gu, Gui and even Han have all died tragically. Although these guys are not very powerful, they have made my clan of Heaven Masters lose face!"

"Brother Wu has already made a plan. He intends to give Wanjie a severe blow to remind them of the fear of being dominated by my clan of Heaven Masters, and also to give the secret forces a warning!"

"Oh? What's the plan?"

The Great Demon Xuan Cha's eyes gleamed and he couldn't help but ask.

"Destroy a branch of the Divine Realm Law Enforcement Department!"

Hearing Mei's words, the great demon Xuan Cha was shocked. He knew that the God Realm Law Enforcement Department was a giant in the entire God Realm. Every God Realm had its branches. Even if it is now in decline, the overall strength is still greater than Ordinary overlord-level forces are even stronger.

Once the branch of the Divine Realm Law Enforcement Department is destroyed, it will indeed arouse the fear of some people.

"Brother Wu plans to take action personally?"

"As far as I know, although the Law Enforcement Department of the God Realm has declined, each of its branches has a lot of power. Now that the strength of my Heaven Master clan has not been fully restored, can it be destroyed?"

The next moment, the Great Demon Xuan Cha couldn't help but question.

In fact, the Great Demon of Xuan Cha knew very well that even if the strength of the Heaven Master Clan had not been restored, it would be easy to destroy a God Realm Law Enforcement Department. He just wanted to get more information.

"Brother Wu can't move. That woman Ye Muqing has been secretly watching. If Brother Wu moves, if we are not careful, we will fall into their trap!"

"This time, it's the prison brother who takes action."

Hearing this, the Great Demon Xuancha's pupils shrank and he couldn't help but said: "Did that guy from prison show up?"

Among the entire clan of Heaven Masters, the one that the devil is most afraid of is this Heaven Master named Yu.

Prison, in charge of the way of purgatory, likes torture, is cruel by nature, and is extremely powerful. In terms of combat power alone, he is even more terrifying than Wu and Mo, and is second only to the top of the Heaven Controller family.

"Brother Prison is amazing. After he was seriously injured, he was not sealed, but escaped to the Demon Suppressing Underworld Prison."

"In the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison, Brother Yu was not only fine, but he used those prison beasts and prisoners to restore his strength to close to its peak. Among all the people who have recovered now, Brother Yu is undoubtedly the one with the highest cultivation level and has reached the Hedao Step Six!”

"Not only that, in the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison, Brother Yu also gathered many prisoners as heavenly slaves. After using the strongest prison beast to cause riots, he successfully escaped from the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison!"

"And this time, the plan to destroy the Divine Realm Law Enforcement Department branch was also proposed by Brother Jail."

There was a hint of reverence on Mei's face full of charm. After the battle that year, Brother Wu was severely injured and even sealed for countless years. Among them, only the prisoner lived the coolest life.

If it weren't for the demon-suppressing underworld prison, without any power and principles, the prison would have been restored to its peak long ago, or even further!

The Great Demon of Xuan Cha looked a little ugly. He never expected that the prison would recover to such an extent. The sixth step of Hedao. This strength is definitely at the ceiling level in today's world.

The Great Demon of Xuan Cha didn't even dare to inform Wang Feng. Can the sect master handle such a powerful existence? Even though he was the great demon of Xuan Cha who believed deeply in Wang Feng, he was unsure at this moment.

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