Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1445 Unintentional insertion of willows and willows into the shadow


As a roar echoed in the Shenxian Sect's station, the mighty power of faith poured into Li Tianding, and Li Tian's momentum was fixed at the peak of the god.

Wang Feng, who felt this momentum, was very surprised.

This Wutian Emperor Demon is really a good person!

Not only did he give him a large amount of wealth and the heart of the Star Emperor Liu, but he also gave him such a massive power of faith, which directly allowed Li Tian to climb from the lower god realm to the peak of the high god realm. Except for the Zhanyuan clan, Li Tian jumped Become the top of the Immortal Sect!

Although Li Tian had just made a breakthrough at this time, in terms of combat power, he was second only to Song Que who had exploded with the divine power of heaven, and was more powerful than Sun Wukong and Ah Qing.

If a few more demon-suppressing underworld prisoners like Wutian Emperor Demon were killed, the massive power of faith would probably be able to pile up Li Tian's cultivation level to the level of Emperor God or even the Dao.

In addition, one-fifth of the conditions for triggering the system and martial arts level improvement have been completed, which can be said to be a double blessing.

"Thank you, Master!"

Li Tian, ​​who had restrained all his aura, bowed to the incarnation of Wang Feng's will in the sky, his eyes full of reverence. As his cultivation level increased, his spiritual intelligence also greatly increased, and now it is no different from that of a normal person.

"No need to be polite!"

Wang Feng smiled and waved his hand, and his will exited the Kingdom of God and returned to itself.


"Sect Master Wang, Gu Chengxiao wants to see you!"

When Wang Feng's will had just returned, Gu Chengxiao's voice came from outside the door. With a wave of his hand, the door opened wide, and Gu Chengxiao and the two elders of the ancient family rushed in.

"Sect Master Wang, it's time for us to say goodbye."

"We still need to go back and inform the clan leader about forming an alliance with the Shenxian Sect."

As soon as they entered the room, Gu Chengxiao and others bowed respectfully to Wang Feng and spoke.

Seeing this, Wang Feng did not hold back, nodded, and said with a chuckle: "Send hello to the ancient patriarch for me. When I have free time, I will definitely visit the Gu family!"

Hearing this, Gu Chengxiao said politely: "If Sect Leader Wang comes, my Gu family will sweep the couch to welcome you."

Then, Gu Chengxiao and others saluted Wang Feng again and wanted to exit the room.


Gu Chengxiao and others paused and asked in surprise: "Is there anything else, Sect Leader Wang?"

"I wonder if any of you have passed by Tianjiao City?"

Wang Feng asked Gu Chengxiao, he had no conditions before, but now that he has conquered the Zhanyuan clan and has more than twenty powerful emperors and gods under his command, Wang Feng naturally wants to increase the power of the Gods and Demons Arena.

After all, the Arena of Gods and Demons is a top priority in Wang Feng's plan. It is the place where the future talent of his Immortal Sect will be incubated. What's more, it goes without saying that Wang Feng knows the ability of the Arena of Gods and Demons to gain wealth. How terrifying would it be? With such a huge amount of wealth, it is inevitable that there will be forces coveting it, and Song Que alone is not enough.

"That's natural. Does Sect Leader Wang have something to give?"

Gu Chengxiao nodded, cupped his hands towards Wang Feng and asked.


Wang Feng waved his hand, and five tribal leaders from the Zhanyuan clan suddenly appeared in the room. Two of these five people had reached the peak of the Emperor God, and the remaining three had also reached the realm of the Emperor God. They were protected by these five people. , without leaving the Hedao realm, the Arena of Gods and Demons can be said to be impregnable.

Moreover, with the existence of these five people, even the ultimate force or the overlord force will have to weigh it.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Feng looked at Gu Chengxiao and said, "I would like to invite a few people to take them to the Tianjiao City Gods and Demons Arena."

The appearance of the five tribal leaders shocked Gu Chengxiao and others. Even if they could not sense the aura of these five tribal leaders, they did not dare to underestimate them. After hearing Wang Feng's words, Gu Chengxiao did not hesitate. , bowed and said: "Sect Master Wang, please rest assured, I will definitely bring several adults to the Arena of Gods and Demons!"

"Excuse me!"

"Sect Master Wang is very polite. If nothing happens, I'll take my leave!"

Wang Feng nodded, and then motioned the five tribal leaders to follow Gu Chengxiao and others to leave. Seeing this, the five tribal leaders bowed to Wang Feng and then followed Gu Chengxiao and others to leave!

Looking at the backs of everyone leaving, Wang Feng no longer worried about the Gods and Demons Arena. There are five powerful emperors and gods, who dares to touch the Gods and Demons Arena?

He glanced at Sun Wukong and others, waved his hand, and said: "Let's go too!"

This time, Wang Feng is going to search for the two Tianzi prisoners in the Luotian Divine Domain who suppress the demons and hell. If possible, he will also contact the Law Enforcement Department of the Divine Realm to inform the conspiracy of the Heaven Master. .


In a dense forest somewhere in the Taiqing Mountains, several figures were crouching, carefully hiding behind the ancient trees, their eyes staring brightly at the huge thing lying in front of the valley not far away.

"Brother, this big guy is the Thunder Mysterious God Jiao. His cultivation has reached the realm of Star God. If his blood wasn't impure, he would have turned into a dragon long ago. His cave must contain huge treasures."

Gu Chou's eyes were fiery, staring at the Lei Xuan God Jiao lying in front of the valley, and whispered.

This group of people was the two Gu Chou brothers who left the Arena of Gods and Demons, as well as Lei Yi and Yu Shuang.

Ever since he saw Lei Yi's physique in Qingyun Realm, Gu Chou has taken a liking to him. After Lei Yi joined the Shenxian Sect, he was extremely enthusiastic about him. In view of the fact that Gu Chou had helped him before, the kind-hearted Lei Yi also I am very grateful to Gu Chou.

Then, under Gu Chou's deception, Lei Yi successfully joined the small group of the two Gu Chou brothers. This time when he came out for training, he went with the two Gu Chou brothers.

As soon as Shi left the Arena of Gods and Demons, the two Guchou brothers couldn't help it anymore. Considering their low level of cultivation, they set their sights on the monsters in the Taiqing Mountains.

In the eyes of the two brothers Guchou, how can they find the treasures of heaven and earth in the Taiqing Mountains as fast as robbing the monsters in the Taiqing Mountains? Are these monsters able to enter the realm of gods only because of their own blood? What a joke, without the support of cultivation resources, how could they have reached this point?

These cultivation resources are the treasures of heaven and earth in the Taiqing Mountains. As the saying goes, in front of the treasures, there must be strange beasts guarding them.

Ever since, this scene has happened.

Among the small group of four, Gu Chou, who had survived the thunder tribulation, and Lei Yi, who had activated the Supreme Divine Body, had the highest cultivation level, followed by Yu Shuang, and after that, Gu Gengchou.

Now that Gu Gengchou has reached the peak of the ninth level of divine ban, he only needs to survive the thunder tribulation before he can enter the divine realm. Therefore, several people also want to grab more heavenly materials and earthly treasures so that Gu Gengchou can safely survive the thunder tribulation. .

Gu Chou, who had experienced thunder tribulations before, knew the horror of thunder tribulations. Although Gu Gengchou's qualifications were slightly inferior to his, the thunder tribulations must also be terrifying. Although Gu Chou would sometimes quarrel with his elder brother. , but he also didn’t want his eldest brother to die in a thunderstorm.

"Lei Yi, you go up first later and attract the attention of the Thunder God Jiao. I will go around behind and knock on the sap to take it down in one fell swoop!"

"Brother, you and Yu Shuang stay here, this big guy, we are enough!"

Gu Chou rolled his eyes and immediately decided on an offensive strategy.

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