Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1446 Unlucky Thunder Dragon


"Junior Brother Gu, as Lei Yi's senior brother, why aren't you the main attacker?"

When Gu Chou and Lei Yi were about to rush out, Yu Shuang stopped them, stared at Gu Chou with a pair of moving eyes, and asked in a low voice.

Yushuang, who had already established a relationship with Lei Yi, naturally didn't want to see Lei Yi being tricked by the Gu Chou brothers.

"Senior Sister Yu, Junior Brother Lei has a supreme divine body and can control the domineering thunder path. He can restrain the Thunder Mysterious Dragon Dragon. It is most suitable for him to take the main attack!"

"After my eldest brother survives the thunder tribulation, Junior Brother Lei will pick out all the treasures he gets in the future. After he picks out the rest, we will divide them up!"

Gu Chou rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Yu Shuang nodded slightly, agreeing with Gu Chou's words.

Seeing this, Gu Chou and Lei Yi rushed out without hesitation!


Tyrannical momentum spurted out from Lei Yi's body, and the overbearing thunder magic power rushed towards the Thunder God Jiao. Gu Chou, on the other hand, gathered his aura and detoured to the side of the valley, waiting for the opportunity.


The sudden attack made the Thunder God Dragon angry. He roared upwards and spiraled away. His nearly kilometer long body covered the entire sky, making the mountain forest dim.

This is still because it has converged. If it completely exploded, it would be tens of thousands of meters long.


Seeing that Lei Yi, a human ant, dared to sneak attack on him, the Lei Xuan God Jiao took action angrily. His huge tail swept out, bursting out with bursts of air explosions, and the entire void was wiped out by this tail.

Facing this tyrannical offensive, Lei Yi was not afraid at all. He was covered in thunder and lightning, like a god of thunder, fighting with the Thunder God Jiao.


Deafening roars exploded one after another. Lei Yi was obviously very insignificant in front of the Thunder God Jiao, but the power of the battle was not weak at all. He directly suppressed the Thunder God Jiao, and the domineering and terrifying thunder struck there. The huge body of the dragon caused the Thunder Mysterious Dragon to suffer endless pain.

At this time, the huge body of Lei Xuan Shen Jiao did not bring him any advantage. Instead, he became a target and was constantly attacked by Lei Yi.

In a short period of time, the Thunder Mysterious God Jiao was covered with scars, and azure blood emerged from the huge dragon body. Although Lei Yi also suffered some injuries, compared to this Thunder Mysterious God Jiao, such injuries, Nothing at all!


The aggravation of the injury also aroused the fierce look of the Lei Xuan God Jiao. It raised its head high and stared at Lei Yi fiercely. At this time, in its eyes, there was no one else except Lei Yi. It wanted to kill this person who dared to hurt itself. Guy, swallow it hard.

Just when it was about to explode its innate magical power, a body appeared silently above its head, its fist flashed brightly, like a giant hammer, and it hit its head hard!


There was a loud roar, and the huge body of the Thunder Mysterious Dragon was directly smashed into the ground by this punch, smashing the entire ground into pieces, filling the air with smoke and dust, and flying gravel.

This punch directly knocked Lei Xuan Shen Jiaogan unconscious.

"Hehe, even if you are a big guy, you can't stop my Guchou's fist!"

Guchou, who landed on the huge dragon's body, stepped on the dragon's body and smiled sadly.

This time, not only can you get the treasures contained in this Thunder Mysterious Dragon, but you can also taste the taste of this Thunder Mysterious Dragon, killing two birds with one stone!

Dragon meat, this was Guchou’s first time to eat it. The flesh and blood of a dragon that had reached the Star God realm was also of great benefit to them!

Seeing Gu Chou neatly lay down the Thunder God Jiao, Yu Shuang and Gu Gengchou, who were hiding in the dark, flashed with joy and walked out one after another.

"Kill it while it is unconscious, so as not to wake up later and have to guard against it!"

Gu Chou's eyes were fierce, and a long knife appeared in his hand. Just as he was about to cut it down, he was stopped by Yu Shuang.


"Junior Brother Gu, I have a magical power called Beast Control. Maybe I can conquer it!"

"In this way, we can have one more helper. If we can't subdue it, it won't be too late to kill it!"

Hearing Yu Shuang's words, Gu Chou and others' eyes lit up and they nodded.

Seeing this, Yushuang no longer hesitated. She moved the seals with both hands and chanted mysterious spells in her mouth. The majestic power condensed from her body and gradually gathered into mysterious lines. As she pulled them, these talismans The pattern immediately condensed into a star map and slowly moved toward the head of the Thunder Mysterious Dragon to seal it!


This picture was printed directly into the dragon soul in the head of Lei Xuan God Jiao. The huge sting caused Lei Xuan God Jiao to wake up and begin to struggle violently.


"You still dare to resist?"

Gu Chou, who had been prepared for a long time, punched the Lei Xuan Shen Jiao's head again. The terrifying force of the punch made the Lei Xuan Shen Jiao's head buzz, and his consciousness gradually became blurred. Without paying attention, he suddenly It was branded by Yu Shuang's beast control technique.

The dragon soul struggled violently, making Yu Shuang's face look a little pale. Seeing this, Gu Chou was not polite and punched him one after another. The Thunder Xuan God Jiao, who was already a little confused, was knocked unconscious again.

In order to prevent it from struggling again, Gu Chou did not stop, but punched it one after another, hitting its head until it exploded, and the dragon's blood surged wildly. The poor Lei Xuan Shen Jiao met Gu Chou and others, and it was also a bloody misfortune for eight lifetimes. .

With the help of Gu Chou, Yu Shuang successfully imprinted the Beast Control Technique on the Thunder Mysterious Dragon, completely subduing the dragon.

"Okay, I've conquered it!"

Seeing that Gu Chou was still smashing, Yu Shuang quickly spoke out.

"Although I can't taste the dragon meat, it's a good thing to have such a big guy to help!"

Hearing this, Gu Chou stopped his hand and smiled.

Then, he glanced at a few people and continued: "Let's go in and see what treasure this big guy has hidden?"

Led by Gu Chou's excitement, the group of people walked towards the valley, while Lei Yi dragged the Thunder Mysterious Dragon into the valley to prevent it from being swallowed by other monsters when it was unconscious!


Luoxuan City is one of the major cities in the Luotian Divine Domain.

This city is home to two first-rate forces, Luofeng Pavilion and Xuanhuang Sect, hence the name Luoxuan.

In the entire Luotian Divine Domain, Luoxuan City is also the only city where two first-class forces gather together. Therefore, Luoxuan City is more prosperous than other big cities.

At this moment, at the gate of Luoxuan City, Wang Feng and his party slowly walked into Luoxuan City.

After leaving Riot City, Wang Feng and his party headed straight towards Luoxuan City. He learned from Wutian Emperor Mo that the second prisoner of the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison with Tianzi was very likely to appear in Luoxuan City. In the area, but the specific location needs to be found by Wang Feng and others themselves.

As soon as they entered Luoxuan City, Wang Feng and others went straight to an inn, intending to slowly search for the second Tianzi prisoner who suppressed the Demon Underworld Prison. Here, they did not want to riot in the city, and they could let the night demons explore at will.

With two first-class forces, if Night Demon dares to explore at will, he will provoke these two first-class forces if he is not careful!

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