In the lobby of the inn, Wang Feng and others sat around a table, sipping divine tea and listening with their ears pricked up.

In the inn, you can best inquire about news.

If the Tianzi prisoner who suppressed the Demon Hell wanted to quickly regain his strength, he would definitely devour flesh and blood. Once he devours it, news would always come out.

However, I didn’t hear any news about the Tianzi prisoners, but I did hear a lot of gossip.

"Have you heard? Xuanhuang Sect and Luofeng Pavilion are getting married."

"It is said that the goddess from Luofeng Pavilion is getting married to the young master of Xuanhuang Sect!"


"The young master of Xuanhuang Sect actually likes her? Although the goddess from Luofeng Pavilion is unparalleled in beauty, everyone knows her reputation for debauchery!"

"Isn't that right? It is said that there are several young prodigies in the city who are her servants, and even some of the most powerful men of the older generation have something to do with her."

At the table next to Wang Feng and others, several big men lowered their voices and talked enthusiastically.


"What a pity, this woman is so slutty, why can't she look down on me?"

"You have a beautiful idea, but if you don't have any talent, you are not worthy of being her slave!"

Immediately afterwards, one of the big men showed a lewd smile and spoke out, but was ruthlessly interrupted by another big man.

Wang Feng's mouth twitched and he shook his head. The forest was so big that there were all kinds of birds.

However, these people are afraid that something will happen.

Wang Feng raised his eyes and glanced at the beautiful woman walking down the stairs with a sinister expression on her face, and thought to herself.

At this moment, a voluptuous and beautiful woman in a fiery red dress slowly walked down the stairs. Beside her, there were two stooped old men following. However, with just one glance, Wang Feng could feel this. The stronger of two old men.

The existence of the pinnacle of Taoism!

That woman is only in the realm of Star God, but she can be protected by two peak Tao Gods. Her identity is self-evident!

"Song Lao, pull out their tongues, break their limbs and throw them out."

Before the beautiful woman reached the hall, she glanced coldly at the big men and said coldly.

This voice woke up the big men who were laughing and talking. They suddenly looked back and their whole bodies froze. They felt a cold air from the soles of their feet to the sky.

They never expected that the goddess from Luofeng Pavilion would be in this inn? No wonder no one around him spoke to such exciting news.

My life is at an end!

Looking at Old Song who had fallen in front of them, several big men were trembling with fear, and their eyes were full of fear. They wanted to escape, but if they were not a world god, how could they withstand the pressure of Old Song, the peak Taoist god? ?

In just an instant, Old Song directly suppressed them, making them unable to move.

"Red...Red Leaf Goddess, Lin Hongye?!"

"Spare... spare my life, I will never dare... again!"

Before a big man could finish speaking, his tongue was pulled out by Song Lao. A shrill scream resounded throughout the inn, and blood spurted out. The people around him trembled, but no one dared to interrupt.

Even the owner of this inn was hiding aside, not daring to say anything to stop him.

As the Red Leaf Goddess, if he dared to interfere, he wouldn't have to open this inn. He might be dead on the streets tomorrow... no... tonight.

Seeing the miserable state of those people, Wang Feng shook his head and did not intervene.

Trouble comes from the mouth. Since they dare to discuss other people's rights and wrongs, they must be prepared to be retaliated by others.

In this world of cultivation, sometimes even if you see it with your own eyes, you can't believe it, let alone hearsay?

The next moment, after Song Lao tortured these people, he did not throw them away, but directly brought these people into his divine kingdom.

"Song Lao?"

This scene made the Red Leaf Goddess frown slightly.

"Miss, that person wants too much blood food. These people dare to criticize the lady, so why should the lady let them go? Just let them serve as blood food!"

Song Lao did not say these words directly, but sent a message to Hongye Goddess.

What Song Lao didn't know was that just after his message came out, Ah Qing, who was sitting next to Wang Feng, moved his ears and informed Wang Feng of Song Lao's message.

Although Song Lao has reached the peak of the Tao God, Ah Qing is at the peak of the Ancestral God. He is several realms short of it. How could Ah Qing not hear it? What's more, beside Wang Feng, there are two extremely powerful men, Zhan Tian and Zhan Ling, who can easily intercept even Sun Wukong.

"Blood food?"

After receiving Ah Qing's message, Wang Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured in his heart. He was just watching a good show, but he didn't expect to get such important news. Ordinary people, unless the evil spirits are evil, would never dare to devour the flesh and blood of a strong man. To strengthen oneself, what's more, ordinary people cannot force powerful forces like the first-class forces to do things for them.

If he were a Tianzi prisoner in the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison, that would be possible.

After all, the strongest first-class forces are those at the peak of the Life God. Maybe some first-class forces with strong foundations may have one or two ancestors of the Emperor God, but they are only early-stage Emperor Gods and cannot stop those who are at least the Peak Emperor God. Prisoner of Heaven.

What's more, Luofeng Pavilion and Xuanhuang Sect don't have that deep background.

On the other side, Hongye Goddess, who heard Song Lao's message, was stunned for a moment, and then a gloomy look flashed across her pretty face, but she never spoke to stop her.

Immediately afterwards, the Hongye Goddess wanted to leave with Old Song and another old man without even looking at the people in the hall. Seeing this scene, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief. They were afraid that Chi Yu would be harmed.

But the next moment, a voice came, making everyone present feel excited again, and the three Hongye Goddess also stopped in their tracks.


Everyone looked back and found that the person who made the sound was Wang Feng sitting in the corner.

The Red Leaf Goddess glanced at Wang Feng, her face expressionless, and turned to leave again.

Everyone in the hall also shook their heads. Could it be that after hearing the words of those dead people, this guy wanted to show off in front of the Red Leaf Goddess so that he could become her slave?

Simply looking for death!

No matter what the situation is now.


When Hongye Goddess and others were about to step out of the inn, War Spirit appeared silently in front of Hongye Goddess and others, stopped them with one hand, and said indifferently: "My young master would like to invite some of you to talk."

The pupils of Hongye Goddess and the three goddesses shrank, and they looked at the war spirits who appeared in front of them with trembling fear, especially Old Song and another old man. Their whole bodies tensed up subconsciously.

It was obvious that the war spirit did not exude any breath, but just standing in front of them was like a huge mountain, giving them a heavy and unstoppable feeling of terror. In their hearts, they could not even have any angry thoughts, only Endless chill.


These two words were just plain words in the ears of everyone in the hall, but in the ears of Hongye Goddess and the three of them, they were like thunder, shaking their souls as if they were about to collapse.

Red Leaf Goddess suppressed the fear in her heart, turned to look at Wang Feng, squeezed out a smile, and said: "Can we talk to you in the Accenture upstairs?"

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