Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1448 The Difficulty of Luofeng Pavilion

After Wang Feng and others went upstairs with the Red Leaf Goddess, everyone in the inn hall talked a lot, and their words were full of surprise.

"Who is this young man? How could he be favored by the Red Leaf Goddess?"

"you do not say?"

Only some people with clear minds could feel the nervousness of the Hongye Goddess just now. It was obvious that it was not the Hongye Goddess who had a crush on the young man, but that the Hongye Goddess was coerced by the young man.

You know, Hongye Goddess is the Goddess of Luofeng Pavilion. How dare someone, the future master of Luofeng Pavilion, dare to coerce her on the territory of Luofeng Pavilion?

This is the time for big things to happen!

In the Yage, Wang Feng and others were sitting in rows.

Hongye Goddess looked at Wang Feng's young and handsome face, and her heart was filled with turmoil.

Which terrorist force is this young master?

After Elder Song and Elder Lin didn't put up any resistance, she knew that the young man in front of her was definitely not someone she could afford, so she agreed to Wang Feng so readily.

If that person wasn't so scary, with the characters of Mr. Song and Mr. Lin, they would have beaten each other away long ago!

"I wonder what the young master wants to do if he invites the little girl here?"

After noticing Wang Feng's terror, Hongye Goddess also suppressed her pride and asked with a light smile towards Wang Feng.

In the face of such a mysterious and terrifying existence, it is useless to be frightened. If the other party wants to kill you, with the terrifying strength shown by his men, you will not be able to escape. Your only chance of survival is to agree to the other party's request.

"What did you mean by blood food just now?"

Wang Feng did not hesitate, narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced at the Red Leaf Goddess and others, and asked aloud.

After saying these words, Hongye Goddess and others were shocked, and became more and more afraid of the strength of Wang Feng and others. Just now, Song Lao only transmitted the message for a while, but it was actually intercepted by the other party?

"To be honest, there is a mysterious and terrifying strong man who came to Luofeng Pavilion and asked me, Luofeng Pavilion, to provide him with blood food, otherwise I, Luofeng Pavilion, will be destroyed!"

"The other party gave me Luofeng Pavilion two choices. First, he would treat me, Luo Feng Pavilion, as blood food. Second, I, Luo Feng Pavilion, would help him find blood food."

"His strength is terrifying. Even my strongest ancestor in Luofeng Pavilion is no match for him. He should be above the Emperor God!"

"It is precisely because of this that the marriage between the young girl and the young master of the Xuanhuang Sect has been reported recently!"

The Hongye Goddess just pondered for a moment, and then explained directly, looking at Wang Feng with an inexplicable light in her eyes. If they could get this mysterious strong man to take action, maybe they, Luofeng Pavilion, could do it without marrying the Xuanhuang Sect. Block that mysterious strong man.

"Do you know who the other person is?"

Wang Feng nodded and asked again.

"I don't know, there is no way to know the origin of the other party."

"My formation in Luofeng Pavilion is useless in front of him. He comes and goes without a trace. Not even the ancestor can detect him!"

Hongye Goddess did not dare to neglect and explained quickly.

"In that case, if you collect enough blood food, how will you find him?"

"He once left a voice transmission token for my father. As long as he collects enough blood food, he will call him to come!"

Hearing this, Wang Feng nodded, then his face became solemn, and he asked in a deep voice: "Have you ever captured innocent people and used them as blood food?"

Hongye Goddess's face was full of bitterness, she shook her head and said: "Never, if you are willing, why would my father use me as a bargaining chip to marry with the Xuanhuang Sect to jointly resist that mysterious strong man?"

"Although I, Luofeng Pavilion, are not a powerful force and have killed countless people, I still have the last conscience and will not help evildoers, let alone harm innocent people!"

After hearing this, Wang Feng nodded with satisfaction. If Luofeng Pavilion really captures some innocent people to serve as blood food, the existence of the suspected prisoner of the Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison, even if Luofeng Pavilion does not take action to destroy Luofeng Pavilion, he Will also take action.

His strength is limited and he cannot control the injustices in the world, but if he encounters him, he will take action, especially killing the innocent and weak.

"Take me to see the master of Luofeng Pavilion!"

Then, Wang Feng pondered for a moment and spoke to the Red Leaf Goddess.

He planned to ask the Luofeng Pavilion Pavilion Master to seduce the person who was suspected of being a Tianzi prisoner. Even if this person was not a Tianzi prisoner in the end, he was not a good person who relied on devouring strong men to improve his cultivation. Killing him would not be a good thing. It’s a great merit!

Hearing Wang Feng's words, the three Hongye Goddess looked at each other, and they were all happy. If they could return to Luofeng Pavilion, their safety would be guaranteed. Moreover, based on Wang Feng's move, they might be killed. Involved in this matter, with the intervention of these mysterious strong men, they can increase their chances of winning against that person.

"Master, please!"

Immediately afterwards, the Red Leaf Goddess did not hesitate, bowed directly and said softly.

Under the leadership of the Red Leaf Goddess, Wang Feng and his party left the inn and headed towards the Luofeng Pavilion.


At the same time, in the main hall of Luofeng Pavilion.

Lin Xuan, the contemporary master of Luofeng Pavilion, is sitting on the main seat. On the left side of the bottom, many elders of Luofeng Pavilion are sitting, and on the right side, three figures are sitting.

The person in the first place is an old man wearing a plain robe, and behind him are a handsome young man and a middle-aged man!

These three are none other than Xuanhuang Sect's first elder Huang Wen, young sect leader Chen Xuanwu and ninth elder Chen Ke.

"Come here, show tea to Master Chen and the two elders!"

Lin Xuan glanced at the old man and others and chuckled.

As soon as he finished speaking, several pretty maids came up with steaming hot divine tea and placed it on the table next to the three old men.

"Pavilion Master Lin is welcome!"

"I came here this time to discuss with Pavilion Master Lin the marriage between the goddess of your pavilion and the young master of my sect!"

The great elder Huang Wen cupped his hands and chuckled.

Only they knew that the reputation of the Luofeng Pavilion Goddess as licentious was rumored to be false. It might even have been spread by the Goddess herself because she did not want to marry Chen Xuanwu.

After finally getting Luofeng Pavilion to relent, Xuanhuang Sect naturally did not want to miss this opportunity and pressed forward step by step in order to finalize the marriage.

Not to mention that Lin Hongye himself is a peerless genius, her status as the future master of Luofeng Pavilion alone is enough for his Xuanhuang Sect to try his best to marry her. Even if she is really wanton, his Xuanhuang Sect will marry her.

In the face of interests, reputation is not important at all!

Hearing the words of the great elder Huang Wen, Lin Xuan's eyes flashed, he smiled, and asked aloud: "I wonder if the head of your sect can agree to what I said?"

If it weren't for the huge pressure brought by that mysterious powerful man, Lin Xuan would not have allowed his precious daughter to marry this notorious guy from the Xuanhuang Sect.

As the young sect leader of Xuanhuang Sect, although Chen Xuanwu has extraordinary talents and qualifications, his character is not worth mentioning. I don’t know how many good girls in Luoxuan City have been harmed by him!

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