Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1459: Greed once arises, how can it be taken back?

Watching Wang Feng and others leave, Lin Xuan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but it was too late. However, in an instant, Wang Feng and others had disappeared without a trace.

This made Lin Xuan and others' faces full of regret. If he had known that Wang Feng and others were so terrifying, he would have been more respectful to Wang Feng and others, instead of using Wang Feng and others like tools.

Although they had seen Zhan Tian's strength before, at that time, Zhan Tian did not show the aura of cultivation at the peak of the Emperor God, so Lin Xuan and others misjudged Wang Feng and others as tools to deal with the mysterious powerhouse.

It's too late to regret!

Many years later, Lin Xuan found out that the heroic young man who helped him was actually the powerful leader of the Immortal Sect. He beat his chest and cursed that he had no vision and missed an incredible opportunity!


Tianjiao City.

With the popularity of many geniuses, the reputation of the Arena of Gods and Demons has become more and more popular, and it has become popular throughout Tianjiao City. Even in the surrounding cities, many people have heard about it and want to see this so-called Arena of Gods and Demons. .

Since the establishment of Tianjiao City, there has never been a shop that has been as successful as the Arena of Gods and Demons. Originally, what many Tianjiao in Tianjiao City were talking about was that a certain Tianjiao had made a breakthrough, so-and-so had become more powerful, or someone in the God Realm was talking about it. big event.

But now, it’s all: Did you go to the Arena of Gods and Demons today? I won two more games yesterday, hehe! Damn it, that guy has already won twenty games in a row? Then so and so exchanged another treasure, I’m envious!

Nine out of ten topics in Tianjiao City are about the Arena of Gods and Demons. All Tianjiao City's Tianjiao City regard the Arena of Gods and Demons as their own place of trial.

There is no way, although every battle requires a lot of divine crystals, but it can really improve your strength. In this short period of time, several Tianjiao City Tianjiao have broken through the realm in the battle of the Gods and Demons Arena.

Some people who have never entered the forbidden realm have even entered the forbidden realm because of this. The most important thing is that every seven days, the Gods and Demons Arena will send defenders who have entered the forbidden realm to preach, and some of them will even There are beings of eight or nine levels of divine prohibition preaching.

On that day, the entire Tianjiao City was packed with people, all gathered in the Arena of Gods and Demons to listen to this sermon, even those who had reached the ninth level of the Divine Forbidden City were no exception.

Because, when discussing Taoism with such beings, it is also of great benefit to their own cultivation and understanding of the forbidden realm of gods. With the introduction of the Taoism discussion mode, the entire Gods and Demons Arena has been unanimously recognized by everyone in Tianjiao City. Good reviews.

The disciples of the Immortal Sect in the Arena of Gods and Demons are either counting money or on the way to counting money every day!

During this period of time, all the disciples of the Shenxian Sect and even the elders of the Shenxian Sect who stayed in the Arena of Gods and Demons, who entered the battle, made huge breakthroughs. Those who had not broken into the forbidden realm of the gods, all broke into the forbidden realm and stepped into the forbidden realm. All fields have been improved by at least one level!

With the popularity of the Gods and Demons Arena, the shops around the Gods and Demons Arena have also become popular, especially the inns, which are overcrowded every day. This has also caused the prices of the shops around the Gods and Demons Arena to rise again and again. In the end, they basically fell into the hands of a few top forces.

Thanks to the Gods and Demons Arena, these top forces have also made a lot of money these days.

Tianjiao Inn is the closest inn to the Arena of Gods and Demons, and it is also the largest and most popular inn, because the person in charge behind it is controlled by Tianjiao from the Wenren Dao Clan, the overlord of the Luotian Divine Domain!

Therefore, no one dares to cause trouble in the Tianjiao Inn, and no one dares to steal the Tianjiao Inn's business.

In a room at the Tianjiao Inn, dozens of figures were sitting around. The leader of the group was none other than Chang Dao, the leader of the Tanlang Sect, and the other dozen or so strong men were basically senior officials from the Tanlang Sect, and there were even members of the Tanlang Sect among them. An ancestor.

"Did you find out everything?"

Chang Dao looked solemn, glanced at the deputy leader in charge of intelligence beside him, and asked in a deep voice.

"Leader, I've found out everything!"

"There is currently no force in Tianjiao City that has anything to do with the Gods and Demons Arena. Although the Tianjiao from the top forces often visit the Gods and Demons Arena, they have never had anything to do with the Gods and Demons Arena!"

Hearing this, the deputy leader quickly spoke out.

Chang Dao and others had quietly arrived in Tianjiao City a few days ago, but they did not take action immediately. Instead, they had been exploring the background of the Arena of Gods and Demons.

If this arena of gods and demons encounters the Wenren Dao clan or several major extreme forces, they will have to think carefully about it. Although they also have a great extreme force as their backer, they do not dare to easily become enemies with other extreme forces.

What's more, over the years, the appetite of the extreme forces has grown bigger and bigger. They want to get rid of it and find another supporter. The other extreme forces are their targets. Naturally, they don't want to offend the other extreme forces. , cutting off his own future path.

"Leader, the background of this God and Demon Arena is the so-called Immortal Sect and that third-rate force. It is not worthy of such caution."

"What are you waiting for? Take action now!"

Seeing that Chang Dao was still hesitating, many senior officials of the Greedy Wolf Cult present spoke up one after another, their eyes flashing with heat. Even though they were in high positions, the gangster spirit in their bones could not be eliminated.

Staying in Tianjiao City these past few days, they have seen with their own eyes the speed at which the Gods and Demons Arena collects wealth. How terrifying is it? If it hadn't been for the majesty of Chang Dao, they would have been unable to bear the urge to rush into the Arena of Gods and Demons and rob them!

They have counted that in a single day, there are tens of thousands of geniuses who enter the Arena of Gods and Demons. Each genius who enters needs to pay one mid-grade divine crystal or one hundred low-grade divine crystals. In other words, this alone The entry fee and the daily income of the Arena of Gods and Demons are at least tens of thousands of mid-grade divine crystals.

This does not include the consumption of these geniuses in the Arena of Gods and Demons. Preliminary calculations indicate that the daily income of the Arena of Gods and Demons is at least more than 100,000. God knows how much wealth is accumulated in the Arena of Gods and Demons at this moment?

If it comes to the Discussing Day, the single-day revenue of the Gods and Demons Arena may even exceed one million mid-grade divine crystals. After all, not only the geniuses from Tianjiao City will come to the Gods and Demons Arena to discuss the Tao on that day, but also Tianjiao City. Disciples from some forces in the surrounding cities will also come to listen.

Chang Dao glared at the few people who made the noise, saw their eager eyes, and sighed.

For some reason, he always felt uneasy when he stepped into Tianjiao City. He even thought about forgetting it and not robbing him, but he was afraid that if he spoke out, these already jealous senior officials of Greedy Wolf Sect would do it. First, he put a sacrificial flag on him.

Together with greed, who can easily take it back?

Even he couldn't help the greed in his heart. If he hadn't been cautious, he would have taken action long ago.

"That's all, put on the mask that hides your aura and let's take action!"

In the end, Chang Dao gritted his teeth, but still couldn't hold back the greed in his heart, waved his hand, and said!

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