
When Chang Dao finished speaking, many of the powerful members of the Greedy Wolf Sect shouted excitedly. If the isolation formation had not been set up in this room, their loud voices would have made everyone in Tianjiao City aware of it before they even took action.

Chang Dao glared at the many excited Tanlang Sect strongmen and put on the isolation mask.

These masks are breath-shielding artifacts that the Greedy Wolf Sect spent a lot of effort to find. They look similar to the Grimace Mask. Chang Dao even thinks that the Greedy Wolf Sect can use the Grimace Bandits to act in the future, and gradually turn the Greedy Wolf Sect into a positive one and change the situation. The reputation of the Greedy Wolf Cult.

After putting on many masks, the auras of these strong men from the Greedy Wolf Sect changed one after another, becoming fierce and terrifying. They were originally somewhat gangsters, but they turned into real gangsters.


With a wave of Chang Dao's big hand, many strong men from the Greedy Wolf Sect flashed and disappeared in the inn.


The Arena of Gods and Demons was as lively as ever. On the ring, a disciple from Tianjiao City and the Shenxian Sect were fighting madly. The fist-to-bone fight made the blood of many Tianjiao City Tianjiao in the box boil with excitement.

In the huge box in the center, Song Que, who was guarding the Arena of Gods and Demons, was chatting with several burly men beside him, and these people were Zhan Yuan who had followed Gu Chengxiao and others to Tianjiao City. The five chiefs of a clan.

At first, seeing several leaders from outside cities for the first time was very strange and even a little uncomfortable. However, under Song Que's warm hospitality, they gradually adapted to the prosperity of the Arena of Gods and Demons.

God knows how shocked Song Que was after seeing the five leaders of the Zhanyuan clan. He never expected that the sect leader had conquered so many terrifying beings in less than a month after leaving.

Although he could not feel the cultivation aura of these five leaders of the Zhanyuan clan, he could vaguely sense their terrifying flesh bodies, which were terrifying flesh bodies that could be fatal.

Originally, as the reputation of the Arena of Gods and Demons grew, Song Que had noticed more than once that there were powerful people spying on the Arena of Gods and Demons, and he was still a little worried. But since the arrival of these five, all his worries have disappeared. Nothing, replaced by strong self-confidence.


At this moment, a huge roar exploded, and the entire Arena of Gods and Demons shook violently. The expressions of Song Que and others changed, and they instantly took off and appeared in the outside world.

At the same time, many Tianjiao City Tianjiao who were watching the battle in the ring were also a little panicked by the terrifying movement.

"what happened?"

"With such a tyrannical momentum, is it possible that someone is attacking the Arena of Gods and Demons?"

The expressions of many geniuses changed slightly and they started talking a lot. Many of them even rushed out directly.

"Don't panic, it's just a small crumb!"

At this moment, Song Que's majestic voice resounded throughout the entire Arena of Gods and Demons. This voice seemed to have an inexplicable power, causing many panicked geniuses to slowly calm down.

At this moment, above the Arena of Gods and Demons, Song Que and several leaders of the Zhanyuan clan were standing in the air, with cold expressions on their faces, their eyes fixed on the group of mysterious people wearing masks opposite, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Who are you? How dare you come to my Arena of Gods and Demons to act wild?"

At the same time, the entire Tianjiao City was aware of the changes that had occurred in the Arena of Gods and Demons, and many of the top Tianjiao were looking at this place!

In the quaint and luxurious courtyard, Wenren Cangyu stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the group of figures confronting each other above the Arena of Gods and Demons, his eyes shining brightly.

"Sir, the group of people wearing masks are all very strong. They are basically above the Supreme God level. The strongest ones have even reached the Life God level."

“If there’s only that venerable god in the Arena of Gods and Demons, I’m afraid I won’t be able to stop him!”

An old man behind Wenren Cangyu also had a shining light in his eyes and whispered to Wenren Cangyu.

"I have an intuition that this group of people can't do anything to the Arena of Gods and Demons!"

"These days, the Arena of Gods and Demons has earned too much wealth, and it is normal for some people to spy on it!"

"It's just that the existence of this arena of gods and demons is a good thing for Tianjiao City."

"If the Arena of Gods and Demons is really unstoppable, let the protector take action to protect the Arena of Gods and Demons. It would be great if we could turn this Arena of Gods and Demons into the property of our Wenren Dao Clan!"

Wenren Cangyu had an inexplicable light on his face and said in a deep voice.

"What if it's blocked?"

The old man behind him nodded and couldn't help but ask again.

"If you block it, it means that this Arena of Gods and Demons is qualified for me to make friends with the Wenren Dao clan!"

Wenren Cangyu chuckled. He hoped that the Arena of Gods and Demons could block it. After staying in Tianjiao City for so long, this was the first time he was so interested in a force.

The Shenxian Sect, the force behind the Arena of Gods and Demons, has so far not been able to detect the slightest bit of information from the Wenren Dao Clan.

He Wenrendao Clan is the dominant force in the Luotian Divine Domain. Even if it is only on the surface, there is no doubt about the power of the Wenrendao Clan. Moreover, as far as he knows, there are those who are hidden in the Luotian Divine Domain who are powerful enough to compete with him. The terrifying forces that the Humanity Clan contends with do not include the Immortal Sect.

But it happened that it was this Immortal Sect that he could not find out at all by all means. It was enough to imagine how mysterious this Immortal Sect was!

"Ghost-faced bandit!"

While Wenren Cangyu and others were communicating, Chang Dao, who was in the sky above the Arena of Gods and Demons, did not hide anything and shouted loudly. The sound was like thunder, exploding throughout Tianjiao City.

He wants everyone in Tianjiao City to know that it was the ghost-faced bandit who robbed the Gods and Demons Arena, not his Greedy Wolf Cult!

"Ghost-faced bandit?"

When Chang Dao finished speaking, the many Tianjiao City Tianjiao who stood in the distance and watched, all narrowed their eyes and murmured softly.

They had heard about this ghost-faced gangster. He had robbed the third-rate force Tianyuan God Clan several times before. The third-rate force Tianyuan God Clan was almost reduced to the money bag of this ghost-faced gangster. However, these geniuses did not expect that this ghost-faced gangster would actually Pay attention to the Arena of Gods and Demons?

Although the Gods and Demons Arena has great prestige in Tianjiao City these days, these Tianjiao have no intention of helping. Instead, they gather around and watch. To be honest, these days, the forces behind them have no intention of helping the Gods and Demons Arena. The wealth earned from the place was also very exciting, but due to various reasons, I did not take action directly.

The reason is that the forces behind them are unable to find out the true details of the Arena of Gods and Demons.

Now, we can use these people to test out the details of the Arena of Gods and Demons. If there is no powerful existence behind the Arena of Gods and Demons, they will definitely get a share of the pie.

In the face of huge interests, we have to stand back in everything.

While everyone was discussing, Song Que, who was standing in the air, was a little confused.

Ghost-faced gangster?

Others don’t know the origin of the ghost-faced bandit, so doesn’t he? He even acted as himself several times!

Steal yourself?

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