Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1575 Both lose and the fisherman gains.

Hearing this, Li Bai and others looked at each other, smiled knowingly, and followed Wang Feng as they galloped towards the battlefield.


In the battlefield, Liu Wuming, who had ascended to the extreme level, showed extremely terrifying power. He had been retreating from the beginning of the battle until now, and for the first time he confronted Jianlin's monster.

As he swung the Taoist-level divine sword in his hand, fierce and terrifying sword energy burst out. These sword energies were like rainbows, cutting through the sky and heading straight towards Jianlin's monster.

Jianlin's monster, which had been strong for a long time, finally showed its embarrassment. Under such a terrifying sword energy bombardment, Jianlin's monster was forced to retreat continuously, and its huge body was even more torn with scars, and blood flowed like a fountain. gushing.

If it weren't for the defensive power of its scale armor, which was comparable to that of a Taoist-level armor, its injuries would definitely not stop there.

This scene made Liu Wuming feel as if he had been given a shot of blood. He was full of energy, and he was waving the divine sword crazily in his hand. At first glance, he looked like the unparalleled sword god coming to the dust, with the power of the sword overwhelming the heavens!


Liu Wuming, who finally rose up, showed an extremely strong performance. The sword energy lingered around his body, and the fierce offensive made Jianlin's monster unable to resist, and was suppressed and beaten by Liu Wuming.

This scene made Liu Wuming very excited. He seemed to see the hope of killing this Jianlin monster. If he could kill this Jianlin monster and obtain its pure power and the treasure in his body, then he This outbreak is not a loss.

The pure power and mysterious Tao Yun contained in the body of this Jianlin Demonic Beast are enough to make up for his burning Tao Foundation. Coupled with the treasure left behind by the mysterious Heavenly Dao Divine Realm powerhouse, it can be said that it is a bloody profit.

Of course, the premise is that he can kill this Jianlin monster.

The excited Liu Wuming did not notice that several figures appeared quietly in the void in the distance, it was Wang Feng and others.

They were hiding in the void, watching the battle in the distance, with solemn expressions on their faces.

The power displayed by both Liu Wuming and Jianlin's magical beast shocked Wang Feng and others. Even Li Bai and Zhan Yuan, who had reached the fifth step of Hedao, were not sure that they could resist this. Head Jianlin to Warcraft or Liu Wuming.

Unless the two sisters Leng Yue use strong souls and cooperate with the formation given by Wang Feng, and Li Bai and Zhan Yuan also use Taoist-level formations, and everyone joins forces, they can withstand the pressure of one person and one beast.

However, now that the enemy is exposed and we are hidden, the space for maneuver is much larger. When the man and the beast are both injured, wouldn't it be beautiful for them to take action again?


Under Liu Wuming's strong attack, the Jianlin Demonic Beast was beaten to a terrible state. Its huge body was covered with blood. The Jianlin Demonic Beast, which had not been injured like this for a long time, completely activated its ferocity and roared upwards. .

Those originally scarlet eyes became even redder. Just looking at each other, it seemed as if they felt a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​​​blood rushing towards their faces, which made people shudder.


At this moment, the Jianlin demon beast seemed to be stronger, and the power it erupted was even more powerful than before. Its huge claws were like a sky curtain, slapping down at Liu Wuming, and it was possible to beat Liu Wuming into flesh in one fell swoop. Mud posture.

The powerful impact awakened Liu Wuming from his excitement. His face instantly became solemn. He did not dare to neglect at all. He gathered all his strength and concentrated on the divine sword in his hand. The bright sword light was like the bright sun, shining on the entire place. battlefield.

"The sword falls and the road is destroyed!"

In an instant, Liu Wuming slashed out with a sword, from bottom to top, as if he was going to slash the sky. The terrifying sword light, like a terrifying pillar of heaven, soared up into the sky and charged towards the giant claw.


Under the shocked gazes of Wang Feng and others, the swords and claws collided violently. The terrifying sound waves mixed with power impact were like a storm, raging across the entire battlefield. Even Wang Feng, who was far enough away, was Feeling heart palpitations.

If it weren't for the shielding power of the system, even a trace of the aftermath would be enough to annihilate him.

The bright light was extremely dazzling, and the impact of power was like ripples, sweeping in all directions.


After a long time, two figures flew out from the center of the battlefield at the same time, blood gushing out like a fountain, spraying the entire void.


Liu Wuming used the last bit of strength in his body to forcibly stabilize his figure. His pale face flashed with joy, and he stared at the Jianlin Demonic Beast that also flew out upside down.

In that collision, he and Jianlin's monster continued to exchange thousands of moves at the center of the explosion. He could feel that in the collision of the last move, Jianlin's monster had been severely injured by him.

Although I am very miserable now, the fate of Jianlin's monster is definitely worse than myself.

Sure enough, at this moment, the entire body of the Jianlin Demonic Beast was covered with dense scars, and it looked extremely ferocious and terrifying. The most important thing is that even Wang Feng and others in the distance could feel that the vitality of this Jianlin Demonic Beast was extremely high. Weak, like a candle in the wind, it may be extinguished at any time.


After feeling the weak vitality of Jianlin's monster, Liu Wuming laughed heartily, and his whole body laughed like crazy.

It's not easy, I finally defeated this evil beast!

Who could have imagined that a true Taoist master would need to go through the Burning Tao Foundation and the ultimate sublimation before he could defeat a ferocious beast that could not reach the sixth step of the Tao?

Only Liu Wuming himself knew how difficult this battle was. If he had not decisively burned the Dao Foundation and reached the ultimate level, he would have died under the claws of this sword-lin monster.


The next moment, Liu Wuming took out a bunch of magic medicine with his palm, swallowed it into his belly, refined it a little, and after recovering some strength, a fierce murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he stared coldly at Jianlin's magical beast. .

"You evil beast, you must die!"

At this moment, Liu Wuming seemed to have regained his dignity as a Taoist-level strongman, showing contempt and condescension. He rose into the air, appeared in the sky above the Jianlin Demonic Beast, and slashed it down with one sword.


The Jianlin monster, which was already extremely weak, let out a cry, and its blood-red eyes like stars stared at the sword light. The next moment, what Liu Wuming didn't expect was that Jianlin was about to die. The earth monster once again burst out with an extremely powerful force.

This force, like a turbulent wave, directly wiped out his sword light, and then bombarded him directly.


Caught off guard, Liu Wuming was thrown away directly. His already serious injuries became more and more severe, and he could hardly stand. What made Liu Wuming relieved was that after sending this blow, Jianlin fell to the ground. The vitality of the Warcraft completely dissipated, turning into a huge corpse lying across the broken battlefield.

"You damn bastard, I will give you a blow even before you die!"

Feeling that his body seemed to be falling apart, Liu Wuming cursed fiercely, but he couldn't hide the joy in his eyes!

This arduous battle was finally over. Now, it was his turn to harvest this treasure!


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