Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1576 Waiting for opportunity

At this moment, Liu Wuming really felt like he was surviving a disaster.

Only he himself knows how great the pressure is when facing this Jianlin monster. Although it only has the cultivation level of the sixth step of Hedao, after it can transform, it is comparable to that of Hedao. A strong man in the middle of the seventh step of the Tao.

If his own cultivation had not reached the peak of the early stage of the seventh step of Hedao, and he decisively burned the Dao foundation in exchange for huge power, he would probably have fallen into the hands of this evil beast.

Fortunately, he was the winner in the end.

Now, it's time for him to enjoy the fruits of victory.

Thinking of this, Liu Wuming couldn't help but have a glint of expectation in his eyes. He wanted to see how big of a surprise the treasure left by the strong man in the heavenly realm recorded in the ancient books could bring him.


However, just as Liu Wuming happily walked towards the corpse of Jianlin's monster, bursts of applause suddenly sounded in the silent and broken battlefield, causing the smile on Liu Wuming's face to stop suddenly, and his whole person instantly became gloomy. down.

He never thought that someone was spying on him secretly?

At this moment, the anger in Liu Wuming's body erupted like a volcano. He suddenly turned around and looked in the direction of the sound, and the figures of Wang Feng and others came into view.

Seeing that the visitor's highest level of cultivation was only the fifth step of Hedao, Liu Wuming secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, although he has run out of gas, he is still an extremely strong person in the seventh step of Hedao. Even in this situation, it is not something that a mere fifth step of Hedao can deal with.


"Your Excellency is indeed a strong man in the seventh step of Hedao. Your strength is truly extraordinary."

Wang Feng clapped his hands, looked at Liu Wuming with a half-smile, and praised him, but the mockery contained in his words could not be concealed.

But in fact, Wang Feng's heart suddenly tightened. He had been dealing with the Heaven Master since he was young, and he was extremely sensitive to the breath of the Heaven Master and even the Heavenly Slave. With just one glance, Wang Feng recognized Liu Wu. Fate is the slave of heaven under the command of the one who controls heaven.

As the Heaven Controllers who carry out orders on behalf of Heaven, they naturally have an aura of being close to the path and a will that despises all living beings like the way of heaven. Although the Heavenly Slaves are not Heaven Controllers, they have been in contact with the Heaven Controllers all the year round. It will be tainted with some of this atmosphere.

This Liu Wuming has the aura of the one who controls the sky.

However, Wang Feng did not expect that a mere Heavenly Slave could actually reach the seventh step of Hedao. He was almost as good as the real Heaven Masters in their heyday. It seemed that the background of the Heaven Masters clan was far greater than that of Wang Feng. It was even scarier than imagined.

What makes Wang Feng even more surprised is that there are still heavenly slaves in this demon-suppressing hell prison? Has he been planning something in this Demon-Suppressing Hades Prison from the beginning, or has he just entered recently?

It would be better if it was just Liu Wuming. After all, he would die today. If there were other Heavenly Slaves or real Heavenly Masters existing in this Demon-Suppressing Underworld Prison, then Wang Feng would have to be cautious.

He wants to be the last fisherman. The emergence of any force is likely to cause him to fail, let alone such a powerful force?

Originally, Wang Feng planned to let Li Bai and others take action directly, kill Liu Wuming on the spot, and seize Jianlin's magical beast, but now it seems that he has to resort to clichés.

"Who are you?"

Liu Wuming's eyes were cold, staring at Wang Feng and others, and asked coldly.

Wang Feng is worried, so why not Liu Wuming?

However, what Wang Feng was afraid of was the powerful force that might exist behind Liu Wuming, while what Liu Wuming was afraid of was the strength of Wang Feng and others.

In his heyday, he would not have even looked at the fifth step of the alliance, but at this time, he has run out of gas and energy, and he can fight, but the price he pays is extremely heavy.

When dealing with the Jianlin Demonic Beast, he had already burned nearly 70% of his Dao Foundation. If it burned again, there would be almost no hope of recovery. Unless the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm Treasure in the Jianlin Demonic Beast was powerful enough, he would basically have no hope of recovery in the future. Just ruined.

Therefore, he did not want to burn Daoji unless it was absolutely necessary, but hoped that Wang Feng and others could retreat despite the difficulties.

Wang Feng wanted to find out the details behind Liu Wuming. Liu Wuming also thought that if he was just a prisoner in the Demon Suppressing Underworld Prison, as long as he moved out of the Divine Gate, the other party should not dare to move. But if he was like them, he had just stepped into the town. Those in Demon Hell, that’s different!

What Liu Wuming is most afraid of is that there is a terrorist force behind Wang Feng and others, and this force also covets this supreme prison beast just like him. By then, it will be impossible for him to monopolize this supreme prison beast. .

Both sides are wary, but both Wang Feng and Liu Wuming know that this battle is inevitable, and they cannot miss this Jianlin monster, but before the battle, they still want to find out more about each other. Details.

"Who are you, Your Excellency?"

After hearing Liu Wuming's inquiry, Wang Feng's eyes flashed and he asked.

"I am the Supreme Elder of Shenmen!"

Liu Wuming smiled and spoke proudly, staring at Wang Feng closely. When he saw the disdain flashing in Wang Feng's eyes, his heart sank. He was not even afraid of the powerful Shenmen in Hell. The origin of the other party is probably very terrifying.

Today's Shenmen is not only a group of prisoners from the Underworld, but also has several strong men of the seventh step of Hedao. Even if it is placed in the outside world, Shenmen is a powerful force that can stand on the top of the entire heaven.

But the other party didn't have the slightest fear. From this, it was enough to see that the other party was definitely from an outside force just like them.

If Wang Feng hadn't sensed Liu Wuming's aura, he would have truly believed Liu Wuming's words.

Although Liu Wuming only said one sentence, Wang Feng could still deduce that perhaps the Sky Controller clan had colluded with the Shenmen, either to plot the Supreme Hell Beast like him, or to plot many Hells. prisoner.

Judging from the ambition shown by the Heaven Master clan, they are most likely to plot against many prisoners of Hell. After all, all the prisoners in the entire Hell together are definitely a terrifying force.

If Liu Wuming knew that Wang Feng had deduced everything based on his words, he would probably be horrified and immediately kill Wang Feng on the spot!


Just as Wang Feng and Liu Wuming were pondering, Li Bai and Zhan Yuan all moved. Powerful momentum spurted out from them, sweeping across the entire broken battlefield like a stormy wave. The already broken battlefield, at this moment, Trembling violently.


In an instant, the bright sword light and the domineering fist light spurted out, like two dragons out of the sea, carrying a shocking power, and bombarded Liu Wuming. Before the sword light and fist light arrived, the terrifying power impact came. The shock made Liu Wuming's long hair dance wildly.

Li Bai and Zhan Yuan chose the right time, just when Liu Wuming was half relaxed and half vigilant. They suddenly took action, even stronger than Liu Wuming, and they couldn't react for a while.

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