Fantasy: My Sect is 100 Million Points Stronger

Chapter 1577: Unparalleled Power, Terrifying Taoist Master


Under Liu Wuming's horrified gaze, Li Bai and Zhan Yuan's offensive came quietly. The terrifying impact swept across all directions, tearing the entire void, making the entire battlefield look extremely terrifying!


Even though he was seriously injured, even if he was caught off guard, Liu Wuming still used the power in his body in time to lay down a thick defensive cover with lightning speed!

At Liu Wuming's level of cultivation, if you want to activate your power, you don't even need time. You just move according to your heart. If Liu Wuming hadn't fought with the sword-like monster and suffered heavy losses, Li Bai and Li Bai would have wanted to sneak attack him. , is nothing more than a fool’s dream!


Just when Liu Wuming set up the defensive cover, the offensive of Li Bai and the others suddenly came down. A deafening roar resounded throughout the battlefield in an instant, and the powerful impact was like a stormy wave, sweeping in all directions.

Even Wang Feng was a little frightened by that horrifying scene. If it weren't for the protection of the system's power, just the impact of the aftermath would be enough to annihilate him.


The sound of broken roads sounded in the battlefield. Although Liu Wuming tried his best to defend, he was seriously injured after all. Although Li and Bai were only on the fifth step of Hedao, their strength was enough to rival the sixth step of Hedao. How could Liu Wuming be able to stop a peak powerhouse from attacking with all his strength?

In just an instant, the defensive shields he had set up were shattered, and the terrifying power of fists and sword edges swarmed into his body, making Liu Wuming's already pale face even paler.


A mouthful of blood could no longer be held back, and it suddenly spurted out. Liu Wuming's eyes were red, staring at Li Bai and Zhan Yuan, the anger surging all over his body, erupting like a volcano.

He never expected that Li and Bai would dare to attack him while he was relaxed? How dare you take action against a supreme being who is only on the fifth step of Hedao?

Simply looking for death!

To Liu Wuming, Li Bai's sneak attack was like an ant attacking the emperor. It was absolutely intolerable!

Even if he is seriously injured at this moment, he must let these two guys know that the extremely powerful person in the seventh step of Hedao is not something they can easily touch!

"You are seeking death!"


As this thunderous roar fell, terrifying power spurted out from Liu Wuming's body, and powerful power fluctuations swept in all directions, like waves, majestic.

The next moment, Liu Wuming rushed out, carrying an astonishing force, and attacked Li Bai and the two of them. Before the people arrived, the terrifying power impact had torn the void where Li Bai and the two were.

If it weren't for the fact that both Li Bai and Li Bai had extraordinary fighting prowess, the impact of this force alone would be enough to scare them.

However, at this time, Li Bai and Zhan Yuan did not have any fear. Instead, they had great fighting spirit. They advanced instead of retreating, bursting out with overwhelming strength and rushing towards Liu Wuming.

After breaking into the fifth step of Hedao, with their strong physique and swordsmanship, their combat power is enough to compete with the strong men at the peak of the sixth step of Hedao, but when facing the seventh step of Hedao, there is still a big gap.

Now, Liu Wuming was seriously injured, but after all, he was an extremely strong person in the seventh step of Hedao. Even the peak of the sixth step of Hedao might not be his opponent. This level of strength was just right for Li Bai and Li Bai. A person's experienced opponent after he has achieved a breakthrough in cultivation.


In an instant, the three of them were fighting together, with deafening roars and explosions one after another. The three of them were like three beasts in the starry sky, each move contained extremely terrifying power.

Even though he was seriously injured, Liu Wuming still performed extremely strong, and the power he unleashed was even stronger than that of Li Bai, which amazed Wang Feng in the distance.

The strong man of the Seventh Step of Hedao, as the most powerful person in the world today, his power is far beyond what the ordinary Hedao realm can match. The Seventh Step of Hedao seems to be in the same place. In the realm, the gap between each step is like a world of difference, especially the last few steps, which are incredibly strong.

If Liu Wuming hadn't been seriously injured, no matter how powerful Li and Bai were, they would have only been able to jointly use Taoist-level formations to barely have a chance to touch Liu Wuming.

This is the first time Wang Feng has seen the terrifying power of the seventh step of Hedao. Liu Wuming, who was severely injured, can show such terrifying power. The dark beast in the depths of Hell has once again What kind of terrifying power can it unleash?

For a moment, Wang Feng felt solemn in his heart. He still had to make more preparations. Previously, he had underestimated the power of the seventh step of Hedao. If he didn't make more preparations, he wanted to be the last fisherman. Not that easy.

Wang Feng always knew that any conspiracy and trick would be of no use in the face of absolute strength.

Only by controlling absolute strength can we destroy everything and look down on all living beings.


On the battlefield, Liu Wuming tried his best to explode his power, but he didn't expect that the strength displayed by Li Bai and Zhan Yuan, who were only on the fifth step of the combination, was so powerful that he was not able to gain the slightest advantage. , but was suppressed to death.

Who are these people?

The combat power is so terrifying? It cannot be cultivated by ordinary forces.

Liu Wuming's face was very gloomy. At this time, he was both angry and aggrieved. If he hadn't fought with Jianlin's monster and suffered heavy losses, how could he have fallen to this level?

He who was so dignified on the seventh step of Hedao couldn't even take two mere fifth steps of Hedao?

What a shame!

"The sword of the river comes from the sky!"

"Desolate Heaven Fist!"

When Liu Wuming was angry, two roars sounded one after another.

The next moment, a vast star map appeared in the sky above the battlefield, and then, a terrifying sword light like a heavenly sword emerged from the star map and bombarded Liu Wuming.

On the other side, Zhan Yuan's body was filled with domineering fists, like a wild boxing god. On his fists, there was a bright light, and he struck out violently. Like a bright sun, the fists suddenly blasted out, domineering and unstoppable. It seems to destroy the whole world.

This sword power and fist power made even Liu Wuming tremble, with an incredible look on his face.

At this time, the power displayed by Li Bai and Zhan Yuan was already infinitely close to the power of the seventh step of Hedao. If Li Bai and the two reached the peak of the fifth step of Hedao at this moment, they would probably be on par with the seventh step of Hedao.

What if they reach the sixth or even seventh step? By then, who can fight them?


Thinking of the terrifying potential of Li Bai and Li Bai in the future, Liu Wuming's eyes flashed with a ruthless look, he gritted his teeth and burned his Dao Foundation again in exchange for powerful power.

After seeing the strength of Li Bai and Li Bai, he knew that he was no match for Li Bai and Li Bai just because of his heavy injuries!

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